Drifting you really think wallstreet doesn't know? They must keep there eye on the ball, surely.
Best i can make, Forbes is the ONLY financial news source reporting it.
The people who know must have REALLY good news sources, because it isn't popping up on your usual news services.
How do you know if no one is telling you?
I'm sure the super elite institutions have a clue,
but as far as your average wall street trader, or MOST people moving money out there?
Yeah, i honestly think it is way below the radar.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Anyone could have seen this coming a mile away. Saddam attempted to do the same back in 2002 and look at what it got him, a fucking noose around his neck. One of the main reasons for our invasion of Iraq was to secure the US dollar as the world's petro currency. Unfortunetly we have an administration headed by a complete cluster fuck of a president and he overplayed his hand and now we are suffering the consequences of his stupidity. Iran will not be the last country to do this. You can bet your ass that Venezuela will soon follow. The Arab sheikdoms will hold out for sometime but as the dollar keeps plummetting they will soon be forced with the decision of switching to the Euro.
Honestly we have no one to blame but ourselves. We believed ourselves infalable and that we where the greatest country in the world. Well in order to stay on top you have to work hard at it and we became complacent and just expected the stay ontop without have to put in the effort. We lag behind in education, standard of living and healthcare compared to other industrialized nations. I mean for god's sake Brazil was able to come up with a sugar based ethenol while we still jonze for petroluem. Not to insult Brazil but I would think that the US is a bit more technologically advanced. We have grown fat and lazy as a country and the rest of the world has caught up and is on the verge of passing us. Leaving us dreaming of the days when we where the top dog and wondering what went wrong.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Anyone could have seen this coming a mile away. Saddam attempted to do the same back in 2002 and look at what it got him, a fucking noose around his neck. One of the main reasons for our invasion of Iraq was to secure the US dollar as the world's petro currency. Unfortunetly we have an administration headed by a complete cluster fuck of a president and he overplayed his hand and now we are suffering the consequences of his stupidity. Iran will not be the last country to do this. You can bet your ass that Venezuela will soon follow. The Arab sheikdoms will hold out for sometime but as the dollar keeps plummetting they will soon be forced with the decision of switching to the Euro.
Honestly we have no one to blame but ourselves. We believed ourselves infalable and that we where the greatest country in the world. Well in order to stay on top you have to work hard at it and we became complacent and just expected the stay ontop without have to put in the effort. We lag behind in education, standard of living and healthcare compared to other industrialized nations. I mean for god's sake Brazil was able to come up with a sugar based ethenol while we still jonze for petroluem. Not to insult Brazil but I would think that the US is a bit more technologically advanced. We have grown fat and lazy as a country and the rest of the world has caught up and is on the verge of passing us. Leaving us dreaming of the days when we where the top dog and wondering what went wrong.
I just read that Bush has nominated some new guy to improve America's image abroad. Current person is charge is stepping down.
Glassman is known for his market analyses and commentary on economics and equities investing. He is a long-term optimist and is quick to point out positive developments, which is clearly typified in his book Dow 36,000.
Don't know what it means but sounds better than what you have right now. Maybe I'm wrong though. After all it is Bush thats nominating him.
Glassman is known for his market analyses and commentary on economics and equities investing. He is a long-term optimist and is quick to point out positive developments, which is clearly typified in his book Dow 36,000.
Don't know what it means but sounds better than what you have right now. Maybe I'm wrong though. After all it is Bush thats nominating him.
IF the guy thinks the Dow is going to increase 150% in our lifetime, the guy is a fucking idiot.
Growth is not INFINITE.
Humans are squeezing out about as much juice from the planet as there is to go round.
FYI, the ALL TIME RECORD HIGH for the Dow was 14,164.53 this October 9th.
Remember, the DOW is an INDUSTRIAL average.
You think there are enough resources in this world to support a nearly TRIPLE in that average?
And can the globe support the population growth implied by that level of consumption !?!?!
Based on that book title alone, I gotta call the guy a fool.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
IF the guy thinks the Dow is going to increase 150% in our lifetime, the guy is a fucking idiot.
Growth is not INFINITE.
Humans are squeezing out about as much juice from the planet as there is to go round.
FYI, the ALL TIME RECORD HIGH for the Dow was 14,164.53 this October 9th.
Remember, the DOW is an INDUSTRIAL average.
You think there are enough resources in this world to support a nearly TRIPLE in that average?
And can the globe support the population growth implied by that level of consumption !?!?!
Based on that book title alone, I gotta call the guy a fool.
Well then, I'd say you guys are fucked!
I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to economics. Thanks for clarifying it.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
The problem is wallstreet is not going to stumble upon Yahoo UK\Ireland sources with this story.
In fact, they are not going to stumble upon ANY source of this story. No one on wallstreet is googling "iran drops dollar", because they DON'T KNOW that Iran is dropping the dollar.
If it isn't in any of their papers; its not on any of their news channels, and its not on the front page of any of their financial websites, they aren't going to know about it.
And so far, the MSM in total is COMPLETELY burying this story!
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
You can't hide a news story like this forever, and when it does come around, people are first going to wonder what it's all about, then when they do find out, questions will be asked, and the inevitable Iraq parallels will be made...then it's going to be like well...why the heck didn't this come out in the news when it actually happened?!?
I believe this is what Cheney really meant when he made reference to the term "quagmire".
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
It is not just naive, but fucking crazy to believe that Wall Street doesn't know this. Every brokerage house has massive research departments that scour everthing from news wires, to PR releases, to scientific journals, etc... for their various sectors. It is fantasy to think you've somehow scooped Wall Street.
If this news had simply been the subject of the thread, that would have been great. It was informative and important. But to take it to the next step saying NOBODY KNOWS ABOUT IT, OMG OMG OMG, WE'RE FUCKING DOOMED, WAIT TIL WALL STREET FINDS OUT makes some of us do this: :rolleyes:
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
It is not just naive, but fucking crazy to believe that Wall Street doesn't know this. Every brokerage house has massive research departments that scour everthing from news wires, to PR releases, to scientific journals, etc... for their various sectors. It is fantasy to think you've somehow scooped Wall Street.
If this news had simply been the subject of the thread, that would have been great. It was informative and important. But to take it to the next step saying NOBODY KNOWS ABOUT IT, OMG OMG OMG, WE'RE FUCKING DOOMED, WAIT TIL WALL STREET FINDS OUT makes some of us do this: :rolleyes:
So its a conspiracy to keep it from the american public?
Wouldn't the Administration specificaly want to use that point as a reason to acuse Iran of "financial agression"?
Of what consequence is this news to the consumer in real terms? It is not.
So if it is not an attempt to keep wallstreet from worrying about increasing dollar woes, on WHAT grounds is the media blacked out on this !?!
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Anyone could have seen this coming a mile away. Saddam attempted to do the same back in 2002 and look at what it got him, a fucking noose around his neck. One of the main reasons for our invasion of Iraq was to secure the US dollar as the world's petro currency. Unfortunetly we have an administration headed by a complete cluster fuck of a president and he overplayed his hand and now we are suffering the consequences of his stupidity. Iran will not be the last country to do this. You can bet your ass that Venezuela will soon follow. The Arab sheikdoms will hold out for sometime but as the dollar keeps plummetting they will soon be forced with the decision of switching to the Euro.
Honestly we have no one to blame but ourselves. We believed ourselves infalable and that we where the greatest country in the world. Well in order to stay on top you have to work hard at it and we became complacent and just expected the stay ontop without have to put in the effort. We lag behind in education, standard of living and healthcare compared to other industrialized nations. I mean for god's sake Brazil was able to come up with a sugar based ethenol while we still jonze for petroluem. Not to insult Brazil but I would think that the US is a bit more technologically advanced. We have grown fat and lazy as a country and the rest of the world has caught up and is on the verge of passing us. Leaving us dreaming of the days when we where the top dog and wondering what went wrong.
It is also not new. A month ago Iran was trying to convince OPEC to drop the dollar. That was carried on networks including FoxNews who you'd think would be part of Bush's conspiracy if it existed: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,312161,00.html
Like I said - interesting and important information but not something Wall Street hasn't heard about.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
It is also not new. A month ago Iran was trying to convince OPEC to drop the dollar. That was carried on networks including FoxNews who you'd think would be part of Bush's conspiracy if it existed: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,312161,00.html
Like I said - interesting and important information but not something Wall Street hasn't heard about.
So, let me get this straight.
One of the worlds MAJOR oil producing nations 100% goes off the dollar, something unprecedented in modern history, and the ONLY two American sources to run the story are Forbes ONLINE and Yahoo ONLINE?
And you say there is "no conspiracy" or blackout simply because the media ran the story about OPEC CONSIDERING a shift away from the dollar?
Are you fucking serious, Jeff?
NO HARD PRINT OR TV NEWS has covered this story.
Forbes.com and Yahoo.com thats ALL you have?
How much fucking TV does Britney shaving her head get? or [insert whatever retarded story] here ...
Yet, something that is VERY CONSEQUENTIAL TO THE DOLLAR VALUE goes down and the MSM is 100% DEAD QUIET.
All you can offer up to support your claim that it is being covered is yahoo.com which is simply cut and pasting the original news wire which NOONE HAS REPORTED ON (outside of Yahoo and Forbes) here in the US.
What is your opinion of "COVERAGE"?
Oh heres an example: they have been talking about a .25pt Fed rate cut for TWO MONTHS, it happens yesterday and its on CNBC ALL DAY LONG ... by your logic they shouldn't have even mentioned it, because they already said it would probably happen ???
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
CNBC just mentioned a "huge" move in oil prices from 91.8 to 94 and change ...
they spent about 3 minutes on the segment,
and mentioned a host of reasons for this spike:
"unexpected drops in production"
"a refinery fire in [ugh, somewhere in the heartland]"
"the federal reserve announcement causing jitters"
"an oil spill in finland (or was it venezuela?)"
Anyhow ...
You don't think they may have found 10 seconds in that segement to mention Iran switching off the dollar?
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
My opinion of coverage is that it is shit. That's why I thought Roland's posting of the story was a good thing. I'm certainly not going to defend the mainstream media and which stories get priority. My point remains that this was not a story that scooped Wall Street, and this story is in the mainstream (UPI), it just isn't getting coverage. That is a problem, and highlights one of the issues with mainstream media. But not everything points to a conspiracy. Well, maybe it does if you really try to see one even if it isn't there.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
My opinion of coverage is that it is shit. That's why I thought Roland's posting of the story was a good thing. I'm certainly not going to defend the mainstream media and which stories get priority. My point remains that this was not a story that scooped Wall Street, and this story is in the mainstream (UPI), it just isn't getting coverage. That is a problem, and highlights one of the issues with mainstream media. But not everything points to a conspiracy. Well, maybe it does if you really try to see one even if it isn't there.
I'll accept that compromise in your position, and i will concede that there are those on wallstreet who probably have scoured the news wires for this report.
But like middle america, there are also a lot on wallstreet who still HAVE NOT seen the report.
And for that, we can thank the media, who have been complicit in their (apparently new found) "dollar patriotism".
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
It's pretty obvious, I mean who wants to hear the bad news twice when there's no good news? This is a type of slow release story kinda like stacking a house of cards...no unnecessary ripples or bumps with this one. Makes sense.
If it was tomorrows front page headline, more people would/could panic than is desirable.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Their loss, China will be glad to buy it up and continue to spew pollution all the way to Cali
I'm sure that animosity towards the US played a role in their decision, but if you look at it from a pure business perspective it makes sense. The US dollar is in rapid decline. The Euro on the other hand is the dominent currency at this point. So why not us the dominent currency out on the market. Also, not that I want to see our economy tank, but if you want to get back at the US this is the perfect way to do it.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Best i can make, Forbes is the ONLY financial news source reporting it.
The people who know must have REALLY good news sources, because it isn't popping up on your usual news services.
How do you know if no one is telling you?
I'm sure the super elite institutions have a clue,
but as far as your average wall street trader, or MOST people moving money out there?
Yeah, i honestly think it is way below the radar.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Honestly we have no one to blame but ourselves. We believed ourselves infalable and that we where the greatest country in the world. Well in order to stay on top you have to work hard at it and we became complacent and just expected the stay ontop without have to put in the effort. We lag behind in education, standard of living and healthcare compared to other industrialized nations. I mean for god's sake Brazil was able to come up with a sugar based ethenol while we still jonze for petroluem. Not to insult Brazil but I would think that the US is a bit more technologically advanced. We have grown fat and lazy as a country and the rest of the world has caught up and is on the verge of passing us. Leaving us dreaming of the days when we where the top dog and wondering what went wrong.
I just read that Bush has nominated some new guy to improve America's image abroad. Current person is charge is stepping down.
James K. Glassman
Glassman is known for his market analyses and commentary on economics and equities investing. He is a long-term optimist and is quick to point out positive developments, which is clearly typified in his book Dow 36,000.
Don't know what it means but sounds better than what you have right now. Maybe I'm wrong though. After all it is Bush thats nominating him.
IF the guy thinks the Dow is going to increase 150% in our lifetime, the guy is a fucking idiot.
Growth is not INFINITE.
Humans are squeezing out about as much juice from the planet as there is to go round.
FYI, the ALL TIME RECORD HIGH for the Dow was 14,164.53 this October 9th.
Remember, the DOW is an INDUSTRIAL average.
You think there are enough resources in this world to support a nearly TRIPLE in that average?
And can the globe support the population growth implied by that level of consumption !?!?!
Based on that book title alone, I gotta call the guy a fool.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Well then, I'd say you guys are fucked!
I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to economics. Thanks for clarifying it.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
The problem is wallstreet is not going to stumble upon Yahoo UK\Ireland sources with this story.
In fact, they are not going to stumble upon ANY source of this story. No one on wallstreet is googling "iran drops dollar", because they DON'T KNOW that Iran is dropping the dollar.
If it isn't in any of their papers; its not on any of their news channels, and its not on the front page of any of their financial websites, they aren't going to know about it.
And so far, the MSM in total is COMPLETELY burying this story!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I believe this is what Cheney really meant when he made reference to the term "quagmire".
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
If this news had simply been the subject of the thread, that would have been great. It was informative and important. But to take it to the next step saying NOBODY KNOWS ABOUT IT, OMG OMG OMG, WE'RE FUCKING DOOMED, WAIT TIL WALL STREET FINDS OUT makes some of us do this: :rolleyes:
So its a conspiracy to keep it from the american public?
Wouldn't the Administration specificaly want to use that point as a reason to acuse Iran of "financial agression"?
Of what consequence is this news to the consumer in real terms? It is not.
So if it is not an attempt to keep wallstreet from worrying about increasing dollar woes, on WHAT grounds is the media blacked out on this !?!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
i totally agree...
at least some of us see it
There is no conspiracy. The original post contained a story carried on the UPI wire.
Here's a different article, from Dec. 8th, posted on Yahoo!'s news page:
It is also not new. A month ago Iran was trying to convince OPEC to drop the dollar. That was carried on networks including FoxNews who you'd think would be part of Bush's conspiracy if it existed: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,312161,00.html
Like I said - interesting and important information but not something Wall Street hasn't heard about.
So, let me get this straight.
One of the worlds MAJOR oil producing nations 100% goes off the dollar, something unprecedented in modern history, and the ONLY two American sources to run the story are Forbes ONLINE and Yahoo ONLINE?
And you say there is "no conspiracy" or blackout simply because the media ran the story about OPEC CONSIDERING a shift away from the dollar?
Are you fucking serious, Jeff?
NO HARD PRINT OR TV NEWS has covered this story.
Forbes.com and Yahoo.com thats ALL you have?
How much fucking TV does Britney shaving her head get? or [insert whatever retarded story] here ...
Yet, something that is VERY CONSEQUENTIAL TO THE DOLLAR VALUE goes down and the MSM is 100% DEAD QUIET.
All you can offer up to support your claim that it is being covered is yahoo.com which is simply cut and pasting the original news wire which NOONE HAS REPORTED ON (outside of Yahoo and Forbes) here in the US.
What is your opinion of "COVERAGE"?
Oh heres an example: they have been talking about a .25pt Fed rate cut for TWO MONTHS, it happens yesterday and its on CNBC ALL DAY LONG ... by your logic they shouldn't have even mentioned it, because they already said it would probably happen ???
If I opened it now would you not understand?
CNBC just mentioned a "huge" move in oil prices from 91.8 to 94 and change ...
they spent about 3 minutes on the segment,
and mentioned a host of reasons for this spike:
"unexpected drops in production"
"a refinery fire in [ugh, somewhere in the heartland]"
"the federal reserve announcement causing jitters"
"an oil spill in finland (or was it venezuela?)"
Anyhow ...
You don't think they may have found 10 seconds in that segement to mention Iran switching off the dollar?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
My opinion of coverage is that it is shit. That's why I thought Roland's posting of the story was a good thing. I'm certainly not going to defend the mainstream media and which stories get priority. My point remains that this was not a story that scooped Wall Street, and this story is in the mainstream (UPI), it just isn't getting coverage. That is a problem, and highlights one of the issues with mainstream media. But not everything points to a conspiracy. Well, maybe it does if you really try to see one even if it isn't there.
I'll accept that compromise in your position, and i will concede that there are those on wallstreet who probably have scoured the news wires for this report.
But like middle america, there are also a lot on wallstreet who still HAVE NOT seen the report.
And for that, we can thank the media, who have been complicit in their (apparently new found) "dollar patriotism".
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If it was tomorrows front page headline, more people would/could panic than is desirable.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Their loss, China will be glad to buy it up and continue to spew pollution all the way to Cali
I'm sure that animosity towards the US played a role in their decision, but if you look at it from a pure business perspective it makes sense. The US dollar is in rapid decline. The Euro on the other hand is the dominent currency at this point. So why not us the dominent currency out on the market. Also, not that I want to see our economy tank, but if you want to get back at the US this is the perfect way to do it.