The World is passing through a Critical Phase in Human History
"Delegates from USA, Russia, Lebanon, Palestine, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Germany, France, Bangladesh, Nepal and India adopted the following document as the Declaration of the International Anti-imperialist Conference held at Calcutta on November 27-29, 2007.
(Global Research) -- The world is passing through a very critical phase in human history. In the name of globalization the capitalist class has brought down most murderous attacks, vicious persecution, and ruthless exploitation on the working masses. The ferocity of this attack can be gauged by the ever deteriorating living conditions of the working people. Retrenchment and lay-off are increasing by leaps and bounds. Steep decline in real wages and pauperization of the peasantry, particularly in the so-called third world countries have become the order of the day. On the other hand, “fighting terrorism” and championing “democracy” are the new ploys in the hands of the imperialists to launch barbaric military aggression on countries, to forcibly occupy them and to engineer regime changes. This is the “new world order” that the imperialists led by USA want to impose.
To understand the alignment of forces of progress and of reaction and to correctly chart out our course in this critical juncture, let us go back into history a little bit. The Second World War ended with the victory over the fascist powers and the post-war period was marked by a surge of people’s struggle for emancipation. Socialist states were established in the countries of Eastern Europe, in China, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba. Victorious anti-imperialist struggles liberated the colonies one after another. Soviet Union emerged as a leading light in this struggle for emancipation. Socialism was freed from the bounds of one country and was transformed to a world system, as an alternative to the capitalist system. Losing a large part of the world market, and being politically cornered, capitalism was weakened and intense market crisis gripped the capitalist world. But in the post-Stalin period revisionism established a firm grip on the leadership of the Soviet Communist Party, and the downward slide began, ultimately leading to dismantling of socialism and establishment of capitalism in Soviet Russia. China also, after the demise of Comrade Mao Ze-Dong, turned back from the socialist path and ultimately capitalism was restored there. Restoration of capitalism in Russia and China, and disappearance of the socialist camp gave a new lease of life to imperialism by expanding their areas of exploitation. "
"WTO is a tool in the hands of USA and other big imperialist powers to pressurize the weaker nations to open up their markets for unrestricted loot and plunder and to allow the imperialists to have free access to their resources."
"Delegates from USA, Russia, Lebanon, Palestine, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Germany, France, Bangladesh, Nepal and India adopted the following document as the Declaration of the International Anti-imperialist Conference held at Calcutta on November 27-29, 2007.
(Global Research) -- The world is passing through a very critical phase in human history. In the name of globalization the capitalist class has brought down most murderous attacks, vicious persecution, and ruthless exploitation on the working masses. The ferocity of this attack can be gauged by the ever deteriorating living conditions of the working people. Retrenchment and lay-off are increasing by leaps and bounds. Steep decline in real wages and pauperization of the peasantry, particularly in the so-called third world countries have become the order of the day. On the other hand, “fighting terrorism” and championing “democracy” are the new ploys in the hands of the imperialists to launch barbaric military aggression on countries, to forcibly occupy them and to engineer regime changes. This is the “new world order” that the imperialists led by USA want to impose.
To understand the alignment of forces of progress and of reaction and to correctly chart out our course in this critical juncture, let us go back into history a little bit. The Second World War ended with the victory over the fascist powers and the post-war period was marked by a surge of people’s struggle for emancipation. Socialist states were established in the countries of Eastern Europe, in China, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba. Victorious anti-imperialist struggles liberated the colonies one after another. Soviet Union emerged as a leading light in this struggle for emancipation. Socialism was freed from the bounds of one country and was transformed to a world system, as an alternative to the capitalist system. Losing a large part of the world market, and being politically cornered, capitalism was weakened and intense market crisis gripped the capitalist world. But in the post-Stalin period revisionism established a firm grip on the leadership of the Soviet Communist Party, and the downward slide began, ultimately leading to dismantling of socialism and establishment of capitalism in Soviet Russia. China also, after the demise of Comrade Mao Ze-Dong, turned back from the socialist path and ultimately capitalism was restored there. Restoration of capitalism in Russia and China, and disappearance of the socialist camp gave a new lease of life to imperialism by expanding their areas of exploitation. "
"WTO is a tool in the hands of USA and other big imperialist powers to pressurize the weaker nations to open up their markets for unrestricted loot and plunder and to allow the imperialists to have free access to their resources."
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
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