Olbermann tears in to Bush

Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Post edited by Unknown User on
You really need the draft to make it's way back into your society down there. And spare nobody from it's wrath. Rich and powerful people having to send their kids to get maimed and killed would surely change the American way of life and the way their military likes to tour the world.
Thanks. Olbermann's a smart mutherF'er. I wonder if he will ever run for an office. I'd vote for him.
there is no need for the draft. good job fear mongering though. well done
he is being slammed because he is sended too few troops too late in the game. Had the administration listened to many of the generals prior to the war we would have gone in with the appropriate troops levels. Sending in an extra 20,000, when in reality you would need more like an extra 200,000, nearly 4 years after the fact is just plain stupid.
I can't remember video clips past a couple months anyways unless they're exceptional.
I think it would take many hundreds of thousands to make any significant difference in Iraq. Basically it would just be like pouring fuel on an already growing fire.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Iraq still needs help, 20,000 troops is alot of troops. lets not forget that Iraq is actually building an army of their own. more and more are coming online.
If 150,000 troops had been sent I would have said it's about time. A bit late but at least the administration is making an effort to fix the problem. 20,000 troops is a lot but it is far too few and at this point the militias and insurgents are so entrenched and have infiltrated the Iraqi infastructure so deeply that a slight troops surge isn't going to resolve the problem. The problem is the Iraqis themselves. No progress will be made until religious differences are put aside.
couldnt agree more
The surge is not a permanent thing. What is it like a 6 month tour. What is to stop the insurgents, jihadist, and militias from laying low for a couple of months and starting a new when the troop levels die down. Another huge problem is Iraq's neighbors. Not only are the Iranians pumping in all types of aid, but so are the Syrians and even the Saudis.
good thing is that we actually agreed to attend a summit with Iran and syria to help solve iraqs problems. thats better then war at this point.
A peaceful resolution is always better than war. We shouldn't just focus on Syria and Iran. Yes they are probably the two most problematic ones but Saudi Arabia is pumping tons of money and aid to help the Sunnis. I think it's high time we start putting Saudi Arabia on the same short leash we have Iran and Syria on.
...sounds like the makings for WW3...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)