IT'S THE POWER, DUMMY. Why I agree With Ron Paul, Even When I Don't.
"When you focus power in one place, you will always be susceptible to the trickle down screw up theory. You could put an Einsteinian figure in charge of the system and he'll lose his car keys once in awhile. Humans cannot be infallible. Screw ups are commonplace. Bad decisions happen.
When an individual gets fixated on a bad idea, it has little effect. When a powerful entity implements the bad idea of an individual, it has powerful consequences.
The problem is not in the individual in power, but the power itself. The ability to magnify problems is directly proportional to the power source of the problem. The more influence there is, the greater the potential negative effect.
The founders were so wise in their mistrust of themselves to govern themselves. This was their genius. Limiting the power of the government was intended to keep government from doing harm.
Ron Paul is correct in declaring that the federal government magnifies mistakes because of the power it has taken the liberty to take from the individual. "
"When you focus power in one place, you will always be susceptible to the trickle down screw up theory. You could put an Einsteinian figure in charge of the system and he'll lose his car keys once in awhile. Humans cannot be infallible. Screw ups are commonplace. Bad decisions happen.
When an individual gets fixated on a bad idea, it has little effect. When a powerful entity implements the bad idea of an individual, it has powerful consequences.
The problem is not in the individual in power, but the power itself. The ability to magnify problems is directly proportional to the power source of the problem. The more influence there is, the greater the potential negative effect.
The founders were so wise in their mistrust of themselves to govern themselves. This was their genius. Limiting the power of the government was intended to keep government from doing harm.
Ron Paul is correct in declaring that the federal government magnifies mistakes because of the power it has taken the liberty to take from the individual. "
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)