9II The Road to Tyranny

This is where law enforcement appears to be heading:
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Post edited by Unknown User on
Many years ago a similar thing happened to me, in that I was stopped by police who requested I identify myself. I refused. They wanted me to get into the divvy van. I also refused. Luckily they decided to leave me alone, I think some real policing came up. But it's something I've always wondered about had the call not came through to occupy them what the outcome would have been.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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Aside from everything....what if he's right?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I've never believed that 9/11 was a random act by Bin Laden and the Taliban/Al Kaeida and have always thought that if the American government could asassinate the President in the 60s that they were perfectly capable of much, much more.
Trouble is Roland what are we supposed to do about it?
It's not enough that people are questioning 9/11. What are we going to do about it? What can we do about it?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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What to do about it is something I can't say. I operate on the premise everyone is free to read and learn about anything. especially a never ending angle on myth v.s. reality for something so encompassing as world politics.
We could potentially be at a very critical stage in awareness. Especially now with these talks about the great melting down of North America. That's a seriously huge deal to just try and sweep ahead and underneath public opinion!
If it's correct, this is something the the entire world will 100% need to start talking about. It will drastically alter the chemistry of the entire planet. It's a global issue that needs to be discussed at length first.
Just make sure everyone you know understands that first. You can't just start melting countries down together like that. It's insanity. This needs to be discussed at great length....and at the neighborhood level. Everyone must talk about it.
This is a HUGE deal this little "under the rug" integration thing.
It sounds completely stupid to me. Especially right now with everything else going on.
It's complete madness to conceive of this north American deal right now with Iraq going on like it is.
Not prudent would be an understatement.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
not only that but they act so shady about the north american union! so secretive
and it's not just melting down, but security....how can you preach how the democrats will bring another 9/11 (if not worse) and then pretty much open up the borders like this!? it's not that they're even doing nothing but they seem to be making it even easier for something to happen!
do you think there's a connection w/ dubai? isn't that in pakistan? isn't that where the hospital was that the cia supposedly met w/ bin laden shortly before 9/11? isn't that where we 'accidently' let talibain and al qaeda fighters-generals free at?
and then they buy one of the biggest ports....
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Well to be honest Roland, I should probably bow out of this discussion right about here because I have no clue what the "great melting down of North America" is.
I guess I can only really comment on what is happening here in terms of the New World Order and I must say that to me at least, it's been apparent for quite some time that we as Australians are becoming annexed to the USA more and more.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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It's the things like that which set off little alarm bells. It's not making sense anymore. When things stop making sense you have to start questioning.
It seems as though they are just running through the motions now hoping to execute a set of plans on some hypothetical time line. All these bigwigs are living some private internal fantasy world where they talk about all these great new ideas.
The name of the currency has even been chosen...the "Amero"
Were in a strangle hold right now. They don;t know what to do next. Soon another catalyzing event will be attempted and/or carried out. Again we will all see the same pattern...more fudged evidence, more confiscated video's more quick cleanup, more insane media circus, and disposal will be carried out.
It can only go so far before it's completely given away if they really are...if it really is happening. We are all very aware and watching intently.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
yeah, basically...part of the plan is to make a 'super highway' where trucks from either 3 countries could just go right thru....makes perfect sense in relation to the state of fear and paranoia they push, eh?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Honestly...it defies logic to say were fighting terrorism by erasing the borders and running a huge road through the middle of everything.
Some of the facts in at 6 mins 30 seconds to about 8+ mins covers some of what you mentioned earlier
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
So not the poor and downtrodden, no refugees, not the persecuted, just trucks? A wall to keep out the Mexicans, a coast guard to keep out the Cubans, but a super highway for the trucks? Interesting.
Does sound like they are trying to help the poor maligned multinationals bring globalization to your door. And it won't hurt the "terrorists" none either by the sounds of it! Just another avenue to utilize.
I'm just waiting for Little Johnny to inform us all that the reason his government was "forced" to take over the native title in Aboriginal communities, you know aside from wanting to protect those poor abused little kiddies, is because he's struck a deal with America for several more bases or tracking stations or heaven forbid for a nuclear waste dump. Or maybe we'll be getting some more little razor wire enclosures for "terrorist" sympathisers?
Oh that's right!! I keep forgetting!!! Some of that land has the richest untapped Uranium resources in the world!!! :rolleyes:
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
wow, that doesn't make me feel any better!
and i forgot to mention there is ZERO public debate about any of this
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
And I guess we're all mushrooms in the end. There's been a concerted effort on behalf of the power brokers here to control information and silence the many.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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This could be a connection.
John P. O'Neill was appointed by Kroll Associates, namely by the controversial managing director Jerome Hauer
Read about Jerome Hauer:
In particular Hauer "was assisting in erecting a new OEM headquarters nicknamed "the bunker" which was located in building 7 World Trade Center on the 23rd floor."
Is that a connection? The guy who appoints O'Neill is also partly responsible for the WTC 7 headquarters location debacle? Interesting. Small little 9/11 world it seems
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Hauer "quickly obtained funding from the office of then-mayor Rudy Giuliani for the study of West Nile virus. The following year the virus appeared in the city, and Jerome Hauer led the fumigation effort."
Kroll was known as the "CIA of Wall Street" because of the sorts of the people it hired, and the sorts of tasks they were assigned. On 9/11, Kroll was in charge of security for the entire World Trade Center complex. The head of security at the WTC on September 11, 2001, was former FBI counter-terror specialist John P. O'Neill.
So Kroll (Hauer) hired O'Neill...told him when to start (9/11), and was present, and in charge of him on that day.
I wonder if they told him to go hang out on the top floors of one of the buildings.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I'll have to come back and read these last few items you've posted about O'Neill and Hauer. My brain has taken it's quota of important stuff for the day.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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I hadn't realized Jones is still going and has broken new ground in his "global power" philosophies. I came to some of the same conclusions and was floored to find out he is actually saying the same thing.
Just recently I'm finding all this stuff out, so I'm a little overwhelmed with it myself.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
It's a lot of reading!
Just find once my brain is fulled up I can't get it to take much else in, but it's very interesting stuff, so I will come back to it.
Try not to add too much to my reading/viewing list while I'm gone would ya?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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The currents will shift
I found the PBS online page to "the man who knew" from a few links up
(haven't watched it yet)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)