The Neo-Con Philosophy

RolandTD20KdrummerRolandTD20Kdrummer Posts: 13,066
edited July 2007 in A Moving Train
"The Neo-Con philosophy states that no rules apply when it comes to achieving power, even lying and cheating. And then consider the actions of the Bush administration in every single policy it has pursued – from election results to war, from the environment to the economy. They set the rules, they do as they please. Anything goes. "

Look around at all the lies, the deception and the fraud and welcome in the New World order that answers to no one – no one at all."

"At this very minute, the people who are in charge of the government of the United States of America believe that no rules apply to them. They believe that religion can be used to control society and that human rights do not apply to them. They do not have to follow the laws that all other citizens must respect, and they openly believe that evil is acceptable if deemed necessary to achieve their goals.

Add to the mix the extraordinary power now in the hands of people with decades of experience in subverting the law and the democratic process, and in conducting massive criminal conspiracies from inside the government.

Put it all together and you have an administration operating at the greatest levels of secrecy of any government in history, and run by people whose goals and beliefs have never been explained to the public whose interests they are supposedly serving."

It took over forty years for 80% of the people to learn that the Kennedy assassination was a black-op; in less than five years, the majority of Americans have learned that 9/11 was the same.

"You know that they are trying to kill it. All they want is [for us] to feel like [we're] represented and go back to sleep. "


I am finding it harder to come up with increasingly complicated excuses to not see this reality.

Does anyone still see all this as mere coincidence? From 9/11 to the environment, to Bush Sr talking about new world order, the endless constitution shredding, the torture (permitted crushing of a child's nuts with pliers), the continual bending of laws to suit political agenda, the CIA shakedown, the firing of attorneys?


How many excuses can one make?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.

( o.O)
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • onelongsongonelongsong Posts: 3,517
    kennedy was proven to be oswald. they used modern forensics and used pig carcasses to duplicate the wound patterns. if you can believe your eyes; 9/11 happened just as you seen it. models have proven it but the web is full of conspiracy nuts and doctored videos that have come out years after the incident. if i had a video of what happened i'd be selling it on 9/12 while the price was high.
    although an attack may have been expected; even a premtive strike wouldn't have stopped it as the offenders were already in this country and undetected. something like the patriot act wouldn't have passed prior to 9/11 so we couldn't have ferreted them out prior.

    as to everything else your mostly right. when you look at how people treat eachother you can see why they're not worth the trouble and you have to watch out for yourself.
  • hrd2imgnhrd2imgn Southwest Burbs of Chicago Posts: 4,903
    all politicians seem to be neo-cons then based of that definition.

    The democrats are so honest....please. I did not have sexual realtions....

    they(politicians) are all dirty power hungry sepcial interets money taking tell you what you want to hear do what they want to do rats.

    I'd like to beleive politicians past the local level care about us, but it is real obvious they don't care about anything but their agenda. All sides spin the truth to get their POV/philosophy across. See the toothfish thread.
  • onelongsongonelongsong Posts: 3,517
    hrd2imgn wrote:
    all politicians seem to be neo-cons then based of that definition.

    The democrats are so honest....please. I did not have sexual realtions....

    they(politicians) are all dirty power hungry sepcial interets money taking tell you what you want to hear do what they want to do rats.

    I'd like to beleive politicians past the local level care about us, but it is real obvious they don't care about anything but their agenda. All sides spin the truth to get their POV/philosophy across. See the toothfish thread.

    come on now; our socialized medicine program (hillarycare) is great. she made a promise and..................................................................
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