911, Iraq, PNAC , All roads lead to Israel

This guy claims that he has linked the lies that led to the war with Iraq, the profiteers, the spy rings, and the PNAC authors in the DOD all back to the same people, all of whom are Zionists embedded inside the Bush Admin.
I haven't had the time to read much of it, but check out some of replies and comments about people getting their google vids censored.
I haven't had the time to read much of it, but check out some of replies and comments about people getting their google vids censored.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Post edited by Unknown User on
"5. The Neocons Made it happen with the assistance of a foreign government, the same government where PNAC's papers were first written, and the same foregn nation who we have caught spies from who have been stealing secrets from the US about Iran, and who made up the shadow government of the OSP which is who cherry picked and fabricated the lies told about Iraq in order to start that war. The Wars in the Middle East were for separate reasons, Afghanistan was about a few pipelines as noted but more so about controlling large quantities of un-tapped uranium (a reason for both the Russian and US invasions) and secondly for controlling opium as the CIA uses drug money to fund it's off the book black operations such as the now known massive secret prison systems, (torture camps and human medical/scientific testing). Location-wise Afghanistan is coupled with other color coded revolutions to circle China and Russia with US bases and puppets, (add to that the lesser known negotiations with Japan to allow nuclear subs into the Japanese Sea [pointed at China] in exchange for moving troops from Okinawa to Guam). The main goal however, which the PNAC think tank states, is to keep the eye on the pie: Iran, which Afghanistan and Iraq both boarder. The invasion of Iraq was to solve Israel's oil crisis and stop the threat of a secular Middle East which would become a true economic player and was a threat to the aggressive state of Israel. "
Why the US invaded Iraq (According to Ryan Dawson):
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Poppy production is supporting things like "black sites" ? Again, highly dubious.
Other things also sound sketchy here.
Well one reason could be that they know they already have it, and they want what they don't already have access to. You have to understand...that's the mindset of these people. They are greedy and want what they don't have.
Right now I 'm reading through this....
"A lot of people know about PNAC, but very few people have taken a hard look at its origins. PNAC was a spin off from the American Enterprise Institute, and 100% of the members are Zionists. People have also gotten confused between the actual authors and people who just signed their letters. Rumsfeld for example is not part of the special in-group as its chairman William Kristol revealed, ironically on the Colbert report. PNAC was co-authored by the same people who have been caught lying about the Iraq War's pre-invasion intelligence. We are talking about only around 28 people who helped fabricate evidence and pass it off to the president and journalists (and in some cases fake journalists like Gannon). PNAC's ideas and statements stem from Israeli policy papers. And PNAC's papers are comprised by Israeli citizens who are connected to every major Zionists group on earth.
In fact, PNAC's papers were written by the very same people who wrote Israeli policy papers and hold dual citizenship with Israel. The war in Iraq and control over energy resources ect is all lined out in Israel's A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm" which was written by Richard Perle and Douglas Feith. That is just one of many papers this little blood for money cabal cranked out. The IASPS (Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Science) also wrote a paper called the Afghan Vortex a year before the invasion. Note also that the US had ships already in place set to invade before 911. "
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
It's about control and taking over other countries, not using what you already have.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Well, I agree about the geopolitical reasons, but we'll have to disagree about going to places like Afghanistan for uranium. I'm not buying it. And I'm also not buying into the theory of poppy production supporting black sites. The U.S. is supposed to be eradicating heroin there, not fostering its growth. If this were true, it would make the biggest hypocrites in the world. Oh wait.....
It's not the main cause for everthing... it's a perk obviously...theres oil and pipelines to lay there too. It's a geographically strategic area.
Read through this when you get a chance. He lines up a lot of names pointing to Zionists and international bankers who control the US will. Like the addage give me control over a nations money, and I care not who makes it's laws.
He explains there's a select pocket of people in the US DOD that have strong ties with Zionistic ideology and Israel, and who have had a lot of input into authoring PNAC. Basically trhese guys spin huge profit from war. Which is why Isreal is in perpetual war....to scoop up all the money.
Long read but pretty interesting...very illuminating. Keep in mind wars are started on purpose by politicians...not the people themselves. Never forget that reality.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
You can see from the partial list I made of government contracts and Boards of directors, how the scam works between the MIC, Media conglomerates, and the banks. They profit from lying to you. Always follow the money and the motives. And in this day and age, follow the oil too.
The first proposed oil pipeline to be opened in Iraq was set to go to Tel Aviv Israel. Here is where they planned it ten days before the end of the war. And here is where they planned setting up another oil pipeline to Israel, this one going to Haifa. And they now pump oil from Mosul to Hiafa Golly gee, that is interesting why was all the oil planned to go to Israel?
Oh it gets worse. The US sends oil to Israel from Iraq then buys it from Israel.
One of Israel's largest oil marketing firms has won a multi-million dollar tender to supply fuel to US troops in Iraq. According to a IsraelNationalNews.com report, the tender awarded to Sonol gasoline company, along with its foreign partner Morgantown International, is valued at $70-80 million. The company is expected to supply the US forces with 25 million litres of fuel each month. The tender was issued by the US-based KDR Company, a subsidiary of Halliburton, which has been entrusted with the majority of US military contracts in Iraq
Israel takes US aid and buys oil from Iraq at 20% less than the cost it gets it from Russia and then sells it to the US and is also awarded contracts by the US government. "
here's the associated pic of where Iraq's oil is going to via pipelines
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
"Did you know the President's brother had a moving company in the towers and building 7 in the weeks prior to 911? Did you know that that moving company was Israeli (Urban Moving systems) and Israelis were caught on 911 taking pictures of themselves to the backdrop of the burning towers and laughing?
They were arrested and the address for their moving company (yes the same one) turned up a front for the Mossad, it was an abandoned warehouse in New Jersey. (They were released by the FBI when Ashcroft put a lid on it, and they went back to Israel). Their van had traces of explosives in it, box cutters, thousands in cash, and highlighted maps of New York. When tested they failed polygraph tests which are 98% accurate."
1. The Israeli "movers" cheered the 9-11 attacks to celebrate the successful accomplishment of the greatest spy operation ever pulled off in history.
2. One of them, or an accomplice, then calls a 9-1-1 police dispatcher to report Palestinian bomb-makers in a white van headed for the Holland Tunnel.
3. Having thus pre-framed the Palestinians with this phone call, the Israeli bombers then head for the George Washington Bridge instead, where they will drop off their time-bomb van and escape with Urban Moving accomplices.
4. But the police react very wisely and proactively by closing off ALL bridges and tunnels instead of just the Holland Tunnel. This move inadvertently foils the Israelis' misdirection play and leads to their own capture and 40 day torture.
5. To cover up this story, the U.S. Justice Department rounds up over 1000 Arabs for minor immigration violations and places them in New York area jails. The Israelis therefore become less conspicuous as the government and media can now claim that the Israelis were just immigration violators caught in the same dragnet as many other Arabs.
6. After several months, FBI and Justice Department "higher-ups" are able to gradually push aside the local FBI agents and free the Israelis quietly.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Umm, in the world of oil, 70-80 million is chump change. Big deal.
"they worked for the Mossad and a moving company (same one that Bush's brother contracted and had in WTC 7 a week prior to 9/11) that fled the country and they were connected to a spy ring where over 60 Israelis were arrested some of them who lived across the street from the so called hijackers."
Interesting connections.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
It's not the dollar signs so much as the money and oil trails.
Why build a pipeline to ship the oil over to Israel, then buy it from Israel only to bring it all back to Iraq? Doesn't that strike you as somewhat odd?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Business is business. If you could turn a million into a billion, you'd pass? I'm just askin.
Business that run efficiently and do things in the shortest possible line, or have different objectives?
The term good business sense has a strong common sense ideology behind it where unnecessary steps are eliminated.
But then again look at what were talking about actually profiting from.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)