For me....

For me, this is what it feels like. I’m 42, female, working Monday thru Friday. No kids, just 2 cats and my boyfriend in this apartment that we pay about a thou a month for.
For me, I make good money, even though I’m a high school drop-out who only has secretarial school under her belt. As for him, he makes about half as much as I do, but without him, we’d be on the streets. I pay the rent, the bills, I cover the cell phones. He buys the groceries and he makes sure we eat well, thanks to his good cooking and smart buying.
For me, politics don’t usually matter. For us, we’re content to have a roof over our heads. We’re content to live paycheck to paycheck, and once a year get a little extra.
For me, I love my man and I’m grateful to him for teaching me to be thankful -- even though we both disagree about What or Who this God is that we should be thankful to.
For me, I have learned enough about my black man’s family to know that this white girl’s family is just as screwy, but just as lovable.
For me, I have always been grateful to have been born here in the United States of America. I have lived in four states, and I have traveled through four times as many, and I have had 39 mailing addresses in my 42 years. My bad credit is about the only thing that has managed to keep up with me. But, for me, I have always found good reason to be grateful that I was born in the U.S. of A.
For me, my country was something to be proud of. Slavery and the extinction of American Native Indians notwithstanding, I thought that the Kennedys and Martin Luther King and Malcolm X had started bringing us back to where we belonged, between all of them.
For me, where we belonged was shooting towards the moon. And we got there. I got to see it on TV in elementary school.
For me, that was way cool.
For me, so was Rosa Parks, and so was Bugs Bunny and Land of the Giants and Lost In Space and Star Trek and so were replicators and holodecks and other things that Microsoft Word Spellcheck wants to underline in red squiggly lines. So were things that had everything to do with our advancement as a caring species, and nothing to do with holding anybody back.
For me, I don’t know how to spell these advancements, and I don‘t know how they work.. I only know how to imagine them. I know how to understand that, once they appear on our big (or small) TV screens, these unimaginable things have a way of becoming reality.
For me, I am ready.
For me, I am ready to be proud of my country and its standing within the rest of the planet.
For me, it’s time to say goodbye to cronyism in politics and say hello to bipartisanship and intelligent discussion. For me, it’s time to vote for a candidate who doesn’t fit the mold. For me, it’s time to vote for a man who cares about this country and its reputation and can build bridges toward peace. For me, I am ready to vote for an inexperienced, junior US Senator who is both black, and white. Both conservative, yet progressive. Able to reach across partisan lines faster than a speeding bullet….able to withstand both Hillary and Rudy without looking the sorrier.
For me, I am ready for a President Obama.
For me, I make good money, even though I’m a high school drop-out who only has secretarial school under her belt. As for him, he makes about half as much as I do, but without him, we’d be on the streets. I pay the rent, the bills, I cover the cell phones. He buys the groceries and he makes sure we eat well, thanks to his good cooking and smart buying.
For me, politics don’t usually matter. For us, we’re content to have a roof over our heads. We’re content to live paycheck to paycheck, and once a year get a little extra.
For me, I love my man and I’m grateful to him for teaching me to be thankful -- even though we both disagree about What or Who this God is that we should be thankful to.
For me, I have learned enough about my black man’s family to know that this white girl’s family is just as screwy, but just as lovable.
For me, I have always been grateful to have been born here in the United States of America. I have lived in four states, and I have traveled through four times as many, and I have had 39 mailing addresses in my 42 years. My bad credit is about the only thing that has managed to keep up with me. But, for me, I have always found good reason to be grateful that I was born in the U.S. of A.
For me, my country was something to be proud of. Slavery and the extinction of American Native Indians notwithstanding, I thought that the Kennedys and Martin Luther King and Malcolm X had started bringing us back to where we belonged, between all of them.
For me, where we belonged was shooting towards the moon. And we got there. I got to see it on TV in elementary school.
For me, that was way cool.
For me, so was Rosa Parks, and so was Bugs Bunny and Land of the Giants and Lost In Space and Star Trek and so were replicators and holodecks and other things that Microsoft Word Spellcheck wants to underline in red squiggly lines. So were things that had everything to do with our advancement as a caring species, and nothing to do with holding anybody back.
For me, I don’t know how to spell these advancements, and I don‘t know how they work.. I only know how to imagine them. I know how to understand that, once they appear on our big (or small) TV screens, these unimaginable things have a way of becoming reality.
For me, I am ready.
For me, I am ready to be proud of my country and its standing within the rest of the planet.
For me, it’s time to say goodbye to cronyism in politics and say hello to bipartisanship and intelligent discussion. For me, it’s time to vote for a candidate who doesn’t fit the mold. For me, it’s time to vote for a man who cares about this country and its reputation and can build bridges toward peace. For me, I am ready to vote for an inexperienced, junior US Senator who is both black, and white. Both conservative, yet progressive. Able to reach across partisan lines faster than a speeding bullet….able to withstand both Hillary and Rudy without looking the sorrier.
For me, I am ready for a President Obama.
Feels Good Inc.
Post edited by Unknown User on
i can't say i am at all certain of what candidate i am 'for' at this point, still a lot of thought to go into that.
however, i can certainly agree with your sentiments on many levels. i too am glad i was born in the USA. being a first generation american, at least on my father's side of the italian immigrant....has certainly made sure i was brought up to truly appreciate how lucky i am. my father's family came here with nothing....and each and every one of them made something of themselves, 4 out 5 children all started their own businesses, all were successful.....all had families and fairly good lives, and all gave back to the community and country that helped them prosper. it makes me very happy/to say my father's name is on the wall at ellis island along with many of his family members who arrived into this country there.
i am the first college graduate in my immediate family.....and one of only a handful of extended family members with a master's degree, mostly b/c of the love of learning....and sense of dedication, instilled in me growing up. i have a loving husband of 15 years and we've managed to keep on going through MANY truly difficult trials and tribulations, a beautiful small home in a state i love.....a small menagerie of pets.....and we are succesful enough to afford to live our lives basically as we wish - within reason of course, plus lots of travel....and still manage to save for the hell yes! i really hear ya! this next election seems even more important than ever with all we stand to 'lose' as a country...and the lives we continue to absolutely, i look forward to this election and plan on paying close attention to make the best choice posssible....and yes, get ANYone who even remotely thinks like bush and/or wants to continue his 'legacy' of war....the FUCK away from the white house!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Thank you.
Ok, well, I'm still working on that. Gore won't answer my phone calls.