Hillary and Edwards plot against the rest:

I opened this news story tonight because Obama was in the headline. I continue on, into the story, and discover a weird conversation between Hillary and John Edwards was accidently picked up by the press because Hillary's mic was still on:
Obama draws cheers at NAACP convention
By DAVID RUNK, Associated Press Writer1 hour, 43 minutes ago
Presidential hopeful Barack Obama drew the loudest cheers of the eight Democratic candidates at a civil rights forum Thursday as he assailed the Bush administration's record on race relations.
The candidates shared the stage at the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People's 98th annual convention. Obama, seeking to become the first black president, drew the strongest applause from the 3,000 people at the event.
"I know what you know, which is that despite all the progress that has been made we still have more work to do," said the first-term Illinois senator.
Black voters are a core party constituency. Candidates are in a fierce struggle to capture their support and are refusing to cede it to Obama. Hillary Rodham Clinton, the front-runner, enjoys strong support in the black community and is married to former President Clinton, who was wildly popular among black voters. John Edwards has won praise from black leaders for his commitment to fighting poverty.
After the forum, Fox News microphones picked up Clinton and Edwards discussing their desire to limit future joint appearances to exclude some rivals lower in the crowded field. "We should try to have a more serious and a smaller group," Edwards said.
Clinton agreed. "We've got to cut the number. ... They're not serious," she said, then thanked Obama and Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich as they walked by. Turning back to Edwards, she added that she thought their campaigns had already tried to limit the debates and "we've gotta get back to it."
Obama's performance was the first time he has managed to outshine Clinton in a candidate's forum. That includes last month's debate at Howard University, a historically black college in the nation's capital.
Here's the video:
And here's the full story:
Obama draws cheers at NAACP convention
By DAVID RUNK, Associated Press Writer1 hour, 43 minutes ago
Presidential hopeful Barack Obama drew the loudest cheers of the eight Democratic candidates at a civil rights forum Thursday as he assailed the Bush administration's record on race relations.
The candidates shared the stage at the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People's 98th annual convention. Obama, seeking to become the first black president, drew the strongest applause from the 3,000 people at the event.
"I know what you know, which is that despite all the progress that has been made we still have more work to do," said the first-term Illinois senator.
Black voters are a core party constituency. Candidates are in a fierce struggle to capture their support and are refusing to cede it to Obama. Hillary Rodham Clinton, the front-runner, enjoys strong support in the black community and is married to former President Clinton, who was wildly popular among black voters. John Edwards has won praise from black leaders for his commitment to fighting poverty.
After the forum, Fox News microphones picked up Clinton and Edwards discussing their desire to limit future joint appearances to exclude some rivals lower in the crowded field. "We should try to have a more serious and a smaller group," Edwards said.
Clinton agreed. "We've got to cut the number. ... They're not serious," she said, then thanked Obama and Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich as they walked by. Turning back to Edwards, she added that she thought their campaigns had already tried to limit the debates and "we've gotta get back to it."
Obama's performance was the first time he has managed to outshine Clinton in a candidate's forum. That includes last month's debate at Howard University, a historically black college in the nation's capital.
Here's the video:
And here's the full story:
Feels Good Inc.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Midday update
Beth Fouhy
Associated Press
NEW YORK - Democrat Dennis Kucinich responded angrily Friday to a conversation overheard between Hillary Rodham Clinton and John Edwards, in which the two spoke of limiting the number of candidates invited to participate in presidential forums.
"Candidates, no matter how important or influential they perceive themselves to be, do not have and should not have the power to determine who is allowed to speak to the American public and who is not," Kucinich said in a statement released by his campaign.
The Edwards-Clinton exchange was picked up by several broadcasters on an open microphone after an NAACP forum in Detroit on Thursday. All eight Democratic candidates took part in the program, including Barack Obama, Bill Richardson, Chris Dodd, Joe Biden, Mike Gravel and Kucinich.
As the candidates exchanged greetings when the forum ended, Edwards was heard suggesting to Clinton that they try to exclude some of their rivals from future gatherings.
"We should try to have a more serious and a smaller group," he said.
Clinton agreed, saying the forums were "trivialized" with too many candidates crowding the stage.
Neither she nor Edwards mentioned names of which candidates they thought should be excluded. But Kucinich, who typically polls in the low single digits, clearly felt the slight was directed at him.
"Imperial candidates are as repugnant to the American people and to our democracy as an imperial president," Kucinich said, adding that his campaign would take steps to stop any effort to limit participation in the forums.
Go get em, Dennis!!
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
If Kucinich wants to combat 'imperial' candidates he might as well combat imperial parties and run independant. That's an actual threat to our country.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
He believes in what the democratic party is supposed to stand for. And he is an optimist who believes in standing up for his ideals and trying as hard as he can to do something about the problems he sees. He gets to be in the debates, have his ideas put out there in the national spotlight this way. I mean afterall, he is an elected democratic representative in congress....why should he run independent? Just because most of his party have decided to be watered down republicans doesn't mean that everyone in the party is going to go along with that. I say good for him for not folding and giving up under pressure. It's nice to know some people will still fight for what they belive in no matter what the odds.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
If you ever want change...you gotta be willing to fight against the odds.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
I don't even see much of a difference between the two....to me they both seem like Republican Lite. But to each their own.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
And I see Obama as doing the exact same. As for as being practical...how practical can it really be to keep electing these media approved candidates who will do nothing but continue to prop up the status quo? Why does the media get to decide who is worthy and electable? This current group of elected officials just isn't working for our country with the rare exceptions... When is it going to be practical to be fed up with this kind of behavior, demand better and be bold enough to vote them in? The status quo is always going to be telling you what is and isn't possible...the only question is, are we gonna listen to them?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Ever consider running for office?
Hehe...I actually would almost consider that and have pondered on it....but I'm one the most shy and introverted people you'll ever meet.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
here's the story from politico.com...
Clinton, Edwards Want to 86 Gravel, Kucinich?
At the end of an NAACP Presidential Forum in Detroit in which fringe candidates Mike Gravel and Dennis Kucinich repeatedly upstaged the top two tiers, John Edwards approached Hillary Clinton at her podium and, perhaps forgetting that microphones were still on, can clearly be heard saying "we should think about at some point... maybe some time in the fall, we'll try to have a more serious debate with a smaller group of people."
Hillary agreed with Edwards, saying “We’ve got to cut the numbers of these, because they are just being trivialized.” Edwards responded “And they’re not serious. They’re not serious,” then walked away. Hillary caught up to him to add "I think there was an effort by our campaign to do that, but it somehow got detoured," saying "We’ve gotta get back to it." While shaking Dennis Kucinich's hand, she added “our guys should talk.”
See for yourself :
"their not serious"?? ...exactly what about Gravel and Kucinich makes them unserious???? their chances may be low, but i don't know of two candidates in the Democratic race who are more serious about what they want to do to help this country.
could you be more perfect?
where's the starry eye'd emoticon??
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde