Government Eavesdropping

Surprise, surprise!!! The Bush administration isn't honoring it's committment to only eavesdrop on "terrorists."
Listening in on international calls between family members, including military! The "eavesdroppers" even had the nerve to treat it as a joke, and pass around private phone calls b/n husband and wife who hadn't seen each other in a looooong time, if you know what I mean!
Can he get any worse? I challenge anyone to prove to me why he is NOT the worst president EVER! :mad:
Is anyone actually surprised by this?
Listening in on international calls between family members, including military! The "eavesdroppers" even had the nerve to treat it as a joke, and pass around private phone calls b/n husband and wife who hadn't seen each other in a looooong time, if you know what I mean!
Can he get any worse? I challenge anyone to prove to me why he is NOT the worst president EVER! :mad:
Is anyone actually surprised by this?
Obama/Biden '08!!!
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ABC News broke this story today and has a more in-depth article than CNN on their website, including video of the NSA phone-tappers being interviewed.
Your mail, phone calls, and email are not private, as much as people want them to be, they are not, never had and never will be. They are considered public, end of story. The only privacy you have is in your own home, which a warrant can fix that in no time.
Something you have to live with, because no law is going to protect your "privacy" if they really need to know.
People bitch about it, but how else are they going to gather evidence on someone? How do they catch the sickos with kiddy porn? How do they bust drug dealers, criminals and such?
Who cares if they listen, they are wasting their time on me, and I have nothing to hide and neither should you. Or are you worried that they won't like your commy rhetoric and pot smoking....come and bust down your door in the middle of lighting up a fatty while playing John Lennon?
So because it has happened before means it's OK?
The argument that if you have nothing to hide, you have no reason to oppose spying is bullshit. Why do I have to be hiding something to want the government to stay the fuck out of my business.
If a few drug dealers stay out on the street as a result of us being allowed our privacy so be it.
Or try to stalk your children.....thats fine too?
If you had something to hide that you didn't want the government to know about, then I'm all for them checking in on you.
People always bitch about these kind of things until they are the victim, then you hear cries of "how come they didn't catch them, or know?".
Just like people bitching about 9/11...."how come the CIA didn't know?"....or "where was our Government when we needed them?"....
So here we are 7 years later with people bitching about their rights being infringed by the Government for listening to their public communication via the Patriot Act.
Any form of communication outside of a conversation inside your house is subject to monitoring.....its like yelling across a street and wondering why people are listening to your conversation to the neighbor.
The military tells its people that all of their communication through government phones and emails are subjected to monitoring....its no secret.