Does this disturb anyone else?

McCain is so desperate to get into the white house that he has gone to bed with the likes of Karl Rove and his diciples. These are the same people that had Vietnam Veterans accusing McCain of being a traitor during his POW years.
Now I don't know about you, but this along with McCains sudden shift to the right on the issues proves that he will sacrifice his beliefs and his dignity in order to win the election... Talk about power hungry!
Look at almost any speech he gave circa 2000 and compare it to his current "views" and you will find that they are almost universally different.
Sad, really, really sad. God I hope we don't have to deal with him as our president.
Now I don't know about you, but this along with McCains sudden shift to the right on the issues proves that he will sacrifice his beliefs and his dignity in order to win the election... Talk about power hungry!
Look at almost any speech he gave circa 2000 and compare it to his current "views" and you will find that they are almost universally different.
Sad, really, really sad. God I hope we don't have to deal with him as our president.
Obama/Biden '08!!!
Post edited by Unknown User on
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
John McCain sold his soul to become the next president ~ I personally am not ok with that.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
See the original post... :rolleyes:
fuck that man. maverick is nothing without goose.
If the candidate dies before the general election, the party's national committee votes on a new candidate in much the same manner as the convention, but without all the fanfare. IOW, there would be a representative from each state with the same number of votes as his state had delegates to the convention. Hopefully, ballots for the general election have not already been printed, or the new candidate's name may not appear on the ballot.
If the candidate dies after the election, but before the Electoral College, electors committed to that candidate are free to elect someone else.
If the candidate dies after the electoral college, but before the inauguration, the VP elect becomes the president elect according to the 20th amendment to the Constitution.
I find this post tasteless. Regardless of the candidate.
If this were really true I would probably vote for him. I don't believe it though.
What is so tasteless about my post?
What are you talking about? He was noting that there is a procedure about what a political party and the nation at large can do in the event that a Presidential candidate or president-elect dies before he or she takes office. For the sake of the stability of the country, I think it's good to have that kind of thing pretty well sketched-out. Where did he say he wanted McCain to die?
You interpret it how you want, I see it differently.
touchy touchy. the question was posed earlier in this chat room.
reeeelax, fool.
I asked the question in the "What If" post.. perhaps the post from mammasan was put into this topic, in error.. so yes.. I am the disguting one who asked the question..
Also, mammasan ~ thank you for the answer.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
Try taking a look at any of his speeches, prior to like 2006.. it is like he is different man. He was at one time a republican that I respected.. but then he, as I said prior, seemed to "sell his soul".. even he himself in his own speech at the convention said to the GOP that he was not always their favorite republican.. he was different, he was his own man.. he went to the "dark side".
Of course he could have changed his mind on some things, that could also be called flip-flopping.. but there are some core issues that I find hard to believe one could change in that short period of time..
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
the question was asked. it must have been posted in the wrong thread accidentally.
For Outlaw, from the other thread. I read the response mammasan gave and I assumed it was this thread.
Ha, ok internet tough guy.
Do people really want a man who has so completely sold his sole to the neocons? We already had 8 years of their rule, and look where we are now.
Just asking ...
for the least they could possibly do
Did you even watch his acceptance speech the other night? He was harder on the Republicans than the Democrats ... He took the Republicans to task AT THEIR OWN CONVENTION.
That was right out the the old McCain playbook. And, to be honest, I think we'd see more of that if he were actually to become elected ... when he doesn't have to worry about being re-elected and would be beholden to nobody.
for the least they could possibly do
Why don't you read that link I posted?
Rove himself may not be publicly working on McCain's campaign, but I think it is safe to say that given the people McCain has surrounded himself with (Rove's protege is one of the cheif advisers to McCain, and the Bush speechwriters)
Did you not catch where I said "in his own speech at the convention?".. so yes.. I did listen to his speech.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
Not a problem. I didn't realize it till this morning that I posted my response in the wrong thread. Looking at the context of the thread and my post I could definitely see how it could be misconstrued.
For a maverick he sure is sounding more and more like Bush the Third.
I've since gone Obama.
Last month that same friend and I were talking and I literally said "I was an undecided voter a year ago. I thought McCain was a good candidate. At this point, I don't even know who the hell he is any more he's changed so much." (maybe he IS the candidate of "change"
Sad thing, my friend agreed with me. But he's a "good" republican, so he just falls in line every election year and votes republican regardless.
Have you noticed when Palin in talking on stage and McCain is standing behind her twidling his wedding ring, he has this look on his face that, to me, looks like he's thinking "I can't believe what I've become" he looks sad. But maybe that's just his face.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
you're right! I am good.