I will stop paying my mortgage if you do...

Fuck these pricks. Let's start over.
This is my house. That's your house. I'm good with that.
Fuck these pricks. Let's start over.
This is my house. That's your house. I'm good with that.
Love is more important to me than faith.
Post edited by Unknown User on
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
That's not the attitude I was looking for. This needs to go viral.
Nice eh?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Ya nice. However, I don't live in Dubai. I live here.
We need to revolt against this crap. There needs to be A LOT more backlash against this shit than what I am seeing.
EVERYONE I talk to at work and elsewhere is completely pissed, yet we all feel there is nothing we can do.
I agree. If everyone sits back and does nothing we're all just chumps and deserve it.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
If just 100 people do it, it won't work though.
If 1000 people do it, that may not work.
If 1 million people do it, obviously that will work.
I'm actually serious.
It's like Fight Club but realistic and subtle.
Hail, Hail!!!
Why would you walk away from a commitment you made?
There is always risk involved in buying a home.
No no. I'm not saying "walk away". Keep the house.
Just stop paying them.
You fuck me. I fuck you back. If they can get away with all this shit for the last 100 years, it's time to to bite back.
Awesome. THis is exactly what I was going to say.
By the way, this part is for the OP. You love to curse. Why do you feel the need to drop an F bomb every other sentence? I'm just curious. I can understand an occassional F bomb. But every other sentence? I've noticed a trend.
Uhm..... I'm not the OP... but i think he's pissed at things like 700 billion dollar bailouts for corporations and wealthy ceo's that have lived the high life (and will continue to) at the expense of the general average moe shmoe american citizen.
That shit... 700 billion... on top of what has already been spent bailing out fannie and freddie doesn't make you want to curse?
..... some of your drugs.... PLEASE????????
I will take some of those drugs as well..
Seriously though.. you dont pay your mortgage for two months and forclosure is coming your way..
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
Ya but what if EVERYONE does it? /shrug
not if you live in Philly... foreclosure moratorium, so I am just starting to think about not paying my mortgage. I figure why should I get fucked just because I was smart enough to get a fixed rate mortgage that I could afford instead of a low ARM which ballooned over time....
I can afford to pay my mortgage but why shouldn't I get some kind of incentive for using my brain and not getting a mortgage which was over my head. No, instead, if I was an idiot, taken advantage of, or just came down on hard times, I can refinance at a lower fixed rate even though I've missed payments for months.
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
Congress passed a $300 billion homeowner bailout in July to help those close to foreclosure refinance.
There's a very good chance that this $700 billion bailout could turn profitable for the government and not cost the taxpayers' a dime.
Considering the alternative, a recession worse than the Great Depression, I think this is a necessary step.
Your incentive is that you still own your home, you have a good credit score that may not help you now but will down the road, and you don't have to deal with the emotional upheaval of being foreclosed upon. Refinancing is very difficult right now. And people like those you are "envying" right now are the entire reason we're in this mess in the first place. What needs to happen is that everyone needs to be able to pay their mortgages, not that everyone stops.
You were smart. Take pride in that fact. The idea that all these people being foreclosed on should be bailed out is ridiculous. That's just Obama misunderstanding the actual problem and instead trying to win votes from the chunk of people that were idiots, as you put it. The current "bailout" is really just the government stepping in and buying up all these mortgages and basically properties and holding them until lending conditions improve and the banks can function properly again. Then they'll sell them at a profit. How much CEO's are paid is irrelevant and not the problem.
Sorry.. but to me the fact that these CEO's are being paid OUTRAGEOUS amounts of money with a failed compnay is VERY RELEVANT and IS a problem!
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
I was watching something and I saw that they were referring to a time in the depression when people were mad about others getting evicted and they staged actual revolts based on the fact that the landlords and mortgage companies would come to where they lived when they wanted to evict them and when they arrived they would stand against them as a mob.
I like that idea.
And I think that mortgage companies and credit card companies are ruthless blood hounds but taking my own responsibility for this as well, it is like a chicken and an egg thing. Did they start it or did we? What I mean is that is it due to (my) our own wants for the things we can't afford that we think will bring us happiness? I once thought that, truly but now I think of it as (being forced upon me of course) if I have what I need then that is all I need.
I do think that someone has to step up though for the common people here. I think that would gain them a whole lot of public adoration. A hero........
I can't listen to either candidate; no matter whom I will vote for (as I already know whom that will be) tell me that it is a process. Bullshit. Just get in there and take it by the balls and fix it. Don't bullshit us; we know it is possible. There is no "process".......right??
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
Funny how you place full blame on this mess on the people who took the loans. What about the Federal Reserve, what about the government relaxing regulations, what about the predatory lenders. The Sub-prime mortgages are but a small fraction of the problem. You should probably educate yourself a bit more on the situation before you go spouting off nonsense.
To the OP, I currently do not own a home but I would never stop paying my mortgage. There are other ways to protest the governments actions.
Bad original idea.
However, why couldn't this Bailout be straight forward with homeowner relief. Two years, starting January 1, 2009 ending effective December 31, 2011, all mortgage payments for a single family homeowner, including townhomes and condos, in the amount not to exceed $3,000 per month will be considered prepaid.
1) During that period the homeowner under this prepaid Bailout plan can not sell, lease or sublet their home.
2) During that period the homeowner under this prepaid Bailout plan who sells their home is subject to back mortgage payments.
3) During that two year grace period any new real estate transactions of selling or buying homes are required to immediately pay mortgages.
So for two years people have the opportunity to stays in their homes and gets their act together. The government still retains the ability to sell and buy distress property.
Another $700 stimulas check is not going to do the job.
See. This is exactly what I'm talking about.
We owe these assholes nothing. Nothing!
The homes are ours. The local police have their homes. They can help out.
You people honestly telling me you give a SHIT about paying the money back to some Federal Reserve or some fucking Chinese loan shark.
I don't. They are fine. Maybe they can try being poor. See how they like it.
When I bought my house, I agreed to pay the mortgage back in the terms that we mutually agreed on. The bank honors their end of the contract, and I honor mine.
I fail to see how not paying on that loan to try to screw some rich guy at the top of the bank will help anything, but your checking account for a few months.
If your idea would somehow happen on a large scale, the nation would be in chaos... Sure, a handful of overpaid CEO's would be out jobs, but so would hundreds of thousands of other innocent people working in the banking industry or any other industry that needs to borrow money from time to time (all of them)... And good luck ever selling your house or anyone else ever being able to buy a house again.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I am definitely down with that. But what about the responsibility of everyone else that is jacking me over.
By the stupidity and "underhandedness" of all parties involved, the deadbeat homeowners, the Fed, the big banks, all those guys... They are jacking US over.
Why should I honor that commitment if they haven't.
It would also screw over anyone who has their money in a savings account at a bank, since the money they deposit is basically used to buy the house you are paying a mortgage on. So if everyone were to stop paying off their mortgages, they would basically be screwing over anyone with a savings account.
Ya that whole 2% really helps.