Will Obama REALLY have all troops out withing 16 months??

If he is elected President, do you REALLY think Obama has the power/hutzpa/whatever to pull the majority of troops out of Iraq?
Don't quote me shit. Search your heart.
I say fuck no, and I may even vote for him anyway.
How's that for tension?
Don't quote me shit. Search your heart.
I say fuck no, and I may even vote for him anyway.
How's that for tension?
Love is more important to me than faith.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Do we disgree often? I wasn't aware.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
In other words, who the hell really knows. I'm saying this as an Obama supporter.
As an aside I am really not interested at all about this American election...maybe I have problems deciphering between candidate 'A' and 'B'.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
But Kucinich would have.
He would have also had us out of the WTO and NAFTA by that time.
Plus pot would be legal.
Kucinich 2012!!!
Hell yeah!!!
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Pot being legal is not good.....for the reason the government would control supply and punish private "growers" and pad their coffers through excesive tax on it.
However decriminalization is another topic that should be looked at.
Hey...your nickname is something a girl would pick... you're a girl right?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
The market is about to plunge.
If it doesn't it will ONLY be because the Fed has thrown SO much money at it that the dollar ends up collapsing.
Either way inflation is running 15-20% per YEAR and going UP ...
Oil will start costing us $125 then $150 then $200 a barrell ...
at which point "something" is going to "happen" and "someone" will get "blamed" ... and then ... Rat-a-tat-tat ... KaBLAM!
The US goes apeshit beserker against the entire Muslim world ...
The Russians take sides. The Chinese take sides.
Western Europe probably pussies out, and the Israelis put their fingers mighty close to all their red buttons.
Just wait.
Its going to uravel nice and slow, just like our economy,
but rest assured, America ain't going down without a fight.
They are gonna make it one hell of a grand finale.
i guess to answer your question.
Uh no ... the troops will be "reassigned", but they sure as fuck ain't coming home. That is, unless the plan gets twisted, and we no longer pick a foreign enemy to blame ... and they just bring the guns home to aim at us!
What, you're tired of paying $10 for a loaf of bread?
Suck rifle barrell and march off to the FEMA camp, motherfucker!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
The guy will do what the MIC and TPTB want.
If the troops get pulled, it will only be because the plan is changing.
But you can't possibly believe they are coming home any time this decade.
Can you?
Oh. And if he is NOT a stooge ... then my guess would be the plan is to get Hillary on as VP, and then "take care" of old Obama. Yeah. I wouldn't rule that one out either. Oh no, the president has been shot! Oh no! No fear, Hillary is here!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
you really need to stop watching alex jones clips and consiracy docs online... seriously man, good god
yes i do believe that... even nixon had to end an unpopluar war
The Vietnam War "failed" because it was a localized war. "Vietnam".
Though it did a hell of a job of redistributing the wealth of the people back to the MIC and the bankers.
The "War On Terror" will not end if\when troops leave Iraq.
And comparing the passive unpopularity (yeah, answering "no" to a "do you support this 'war" on a survey don't count as active reistance) of this "war" to the massive and constant physical protest of Vietnam is just silly.
If they could hold out that long in the face of such vocal and persistent ORGANIZED reistance to a localized war ... they sure as hell aren't stopping this GLOBAL war, just because 90% of the masses press "2" on their telephone in a response to a survey.
BTW, even your overtly-liberal neo-con hating friends find agreement with Alex Jones on some of his major tenants. Take Naomi Wolf, an extreme liberal, who has written a book about the 10 Steps Towards Fascism. Hell, she was on the Alex Jones show a few months back rabidly agreeing with him ... and basicaly acknowledging that we are headed straight for a police state ... ALL TEN SIGNS PRESENT!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Oh please, like you're carrying in the torch of objectivity around here. :rolleyes:
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
You know what?
Its not the lack of "objectivity" that i take issue with.
Its the blatant derision compounded with a complete resistance to even the mere possibility that there is any credit behind or merit to any of the information presented.
I consider myself objective in that I have actualy found myself on both sides of some of these issues. It just depends on how deep i dug, and what information I had at the time.
I thought 911 was a Muslim pope job just like everyone else. I saw some corny movies (the first Loose Change) and became an immediate hardline "911 Truther". A few years rolled by and some needed pieces didn't seem to fall in to place and i totally dropped the "Made It Happen" line of thinking. I dismissed missles in the pentagon and was almost embarrased by the "controlled demolition" theories. But then more information kept popping up, and slowly i began to creep back over to the "there MAY have been bombs in the buildings camp" ... but i fully believe that certain people with motive were 100% aware of the terrorists, and were 100% deliberate in their decisions to derail FBI investigations, and allow the attacks.
JFK. Some 80% of the population thinks the CIA was involved. I followed that line, and i ran with it. I watched and read countless documentaries, books, and websites. For a split second i had actually come to believe that it was NOT a CIA job, and that Oswald WAS the assassin and that it was only he. Then i went back and watched the Zapruder film in slow motion, and i saw a fairly unbiased documentary soley on Lee Harvey Oswald. Did you know the CIA and the FBI were BOTH watching him INTENTLY ever since he "defected" (who knows, given his proven ties to the CIA) to Russia they had documents (which you can see for yourself) indicating that he was a person of interest. There is even a document which indicates a code for Foreign Assignment Debriefing on one of his files (which a former CIA head DENIES is any proof that he was debriefed). Did you ALSO know that only SIX MONTHS before Oswald pulled the trigger on Kennedy (and i do believe that he was probably behind one of the guns that shot kennedy) ... 6 months before that Oswald went from Texas to Mexico to visit the Cuban embassy to try and get a visa so he could move to Cuba with his wife? Did you FURTHER know that there are pictures (taken by Mexican intelligence officers) of CIA watching Oswald as he entered the embassy? Do you not find it REMOTELY suspicious that the very man blamed SOLEY for the assassination of the president was being watched by the CIA ... nay being FOLLOWED by the CIA ... only SIX MONTHS before Kennedy's car just HAPPENED to drive right past the damn building Oswald worked in ... and kablooie? So they were concerned about the guy being a Russian\Communist traitor enough to track his every move down to cuba and take pictures of him entering an embassy (of course, we have to rely on the Mexican intelligence photos of the US CIA taking pictures, because the CIA claims their own cameras "malfunctioned". bizzare) ... yet they weren't concerned enough to warn the SS NOT to drive their car right by his known place of employment? I mean come on. Add to that, we have records indicating that Oswald provided "services" to BOTH the FBI AND the CIA ... and ... well, do the math.
I am saying, not just with regards to 911, or to JFK, or to the War on Terror, or Martial Law, or the Federal Reserve, or The Income Tax ... NONE OF THAT IN SPECIFIC ... but IN GENERAL ... people like My2Hands are so vehemenently entrenched in their positions against even the CONSIDERATION of merit to any "unconventional" analysis of history\events ... that it renders THEM to be irrelevant.
Because really, if you aren't even willing to CONSIDER opinions\evidence\conjecture\debate without simply scoffing and rolling your eyes, then YOU are the one with the "problem".
Thats all i'm saying.
Because when people of that ilk start insulting "conspiracy nuts" they do so without even the most basic understanding of what it is they are deriding. And it is insulting and unfair to those of us with opinions backed by known true events\facts\history (whether you agree with the interpretation of such items or not) for you to call us idiots for forming opinions about these things, when you yourself refuse to even be made aware of their existence.
Its like the person who said, "Hey drifting, do you and Roland really believe this shit?" in reference to Osama Bin Laden being a known CIA asset with the fake name Tim Osman ... completely ignorant of the existence of internal intelligence memos which CLEARLY PROVE it to be FACT.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
LMAO! I'm bulletining that on myspace.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
you are... without a doubt... maybe the most gullable poster in this forum... you saw an online documentary and immediately belived 9/11 was an inside job... thats all it took?
you have no clue what i think... i was mearly pointing out that fact that you are hyper paranoid and everything is a conspiracy to you... and i mean everything... then when someone trys to point that out you immediately respond by calling them some tired old cliche or assume what they know or dont know...
i am simply saying dont believe everything you read or watch... and try not to run with the flag of every conspiracy you read about on the internet... i think it distracts people from the real issues, and we could use your help figuring this shit out good friend
it was good... funny thing is aren't you one of the people focusing on a certain candidates reverend, aka a bullshit issue?
that crazy mofo...
Well i don't belive in Planet X\Nibiru ... at least i haven't watched a documentary on the internet that convinced me to be paranoid yet.
And no. I didn't just watch Loose Change and freak out. Of course i dug around for a few days, but the change was fairly immediate. And like i said, i reshuffled my view when it seemed i had dug and dug and came up with no satisfactory answers to some of my questions, and when some of what was argued clearly did not hold water ... but then again 5 years on, more has come to light, and it once again seems to me that there are some very important discrepancies with the official story. Take that and add to it a KNOWN and declassified track record the CIA has of proposing, attempting, and actualy implementing plans that involve false flag operations\public deception mixed with war, fearmongering, and government manipulation ... and how could you NOT be suspicious. And thats not even counting the half dozen or so etremely highranking and distinguished CIA agent (McGovern and Baer being the two most notable\credible, imho) that have come forward along with two intelligence career having high ranking foreign public officials ... oh, and Chavez ... lol ... who all say it could ONLY have been the CIA ... and? Yet you deny all this out of hand, FLAT, no questions asked, hell, no questions even considered. Right?
But thanks for more of your derision.
In case you hadn't noticed i've been making a very concerted effort as of late (and probably thanks to the comments of people like you in the first place) to NOT be ridiculing, mocking, derisive, condescending, or whathaveyou.
Enough people told me they weren't even reading my posts because they were insulting. So i just stopped wasting my time. And here you are calling me "most gullible" and "hyper paranoid" simply because i take the time to look in to things (which i still am convinced you have REFUSED to do) and have made conclusions contrary to yours.
And what the fuck "real issues" could you use my help "figuring out"?
Thats almost a fucking laugh at this point.
What you want my take on the presedential race at this point?
I'm voting nader out of protest.
I could really give a good god damn.
They are all globalist pieces of shit,
and they will all vote for the loss of your soverignty, personal property rights, gun rights, etc ... and they will all vote to continue the same old wholesaling of the American dream to foreign and big business interests ... and none of them give a good goddamn about you. If you think otherwise, YOU sir, are the most gullible person on this forum.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
:eek: you really need to get out more.
I'm just fine, thank you.
Have 7 PJ shows lined up for June.
Don't know where you will be,
but i'll get my myriad moments of zen, trust me.
If I opened it now would you not understand?