I wish my pastor would "damn" America...

Not really.
But seriously.
Pastors across America are like, "We should be in Iraq, bombing Muslim babies!!!" Ya. Woohoo. That's fucking Christian. Right.
You know what would be ACTUALLY Christian of a President? Maybe talking shit right to the fucking faces of evil leaders of the world, and calling them out!
Basically our President should grow some fucking balls, and I haven't seen that from any of the candidates. Not one. Not Obama. Not McCain. Not Nader. Not Paul. Not Kucinich. Not Clinton. None.
Our President needs to fucking TEASE and MAKE FUN OF the leader of N. Korea and Iran.
Too bad we have lost all moral high ground by invading Iraq. We have absolutely NO moral leg to stand on. Zero. None. Kaput.
More ranting...
When the Iranian president was at the UN, at the exact same instant as GW, ZERO effort was made to meet face to face.
WTF?!?!?!? Retarded! Call the fucker OUT. Show him up as the fucking jackass that he is.
Good game. Fuck this shit. Fuck people that vote for any of these people. All pathetic and fucked. No balls. No guts. Just pussies. What a waste of a species.
Oh my god. The black man talked smack about rich white people. Oh my god. I can't handle it.
Not for nothing. I'm white. I lived in West Oakland for 4 years. This ain't shit.
Weak. We deserve to collapse. Lazy. Bunch of Tony Sopranos.
It's too late.
But seriously.
Pastors across America are like, "We should be in Iraq, bombing Muslim babies!!!" Ya. Woohoo. That's fucking Christian. Right.
You know what would be ACTUALLY Christian of a President? Maybe talking shit right to the fucking faces of evil leaders of the world, and calling them out!
Basically our President should grow some fucking balls, and I haven't seen that from any of the candidates. Not one. Not Obama. Not McCain. Not Nader. Not Paul. Not Kucinich. Not Clinton. None.
Our President needs to fucking TEASE and MAKE FUN OF the leader of N. Korea and Iran.
Too bad we have lost all moral high ground by invading Iraq. We have absolutely NO moral leg to stand on. Zero. None. Kaput.
More ranting...
When the Iranian president was at the UN, at the exact same instant as GW, ZERO effort was made to meet face to face.
WTF?!?!?!? Retarded! Call the fucker OUT. Show him up as the fucking jackass that he is.
Good game. Fuck this shit. Fuck people that vote for any of these people. All pathetic and fucked. No balls. No guts. Just pussies. What a waste of a species.
Oh my god. The black man talked smack about rich white people. Oh my god. I can't handle it.
Not for nothing. I'm white. I lived in West Oakland for 4 years. This ain't shit.
Weak. We deserve to collapse. Lazy. Bunch of Tony Sopranos.
It's too late.

Love is more important to me than faith.
Post edited by Unknown User on
first off, how do you know that all pastors are saying that we should be in Iraq bombing muslim babies. thats is just stupid. next off you want teh US to regain their moral highground by making fun of other presidents. your right that's moral.
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
I'm sorry, but this is just an ignorant comment.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
So are you saying that GW isn't a jackass?
Let's face it...all politicians are fucking corrupt jackasses. Period. It's in the job description. You think any of them rose to the top by being decent and benevolent? No. You need to be a backstabbing snake, with the morals of a hyena.
Obama and his life-long Guru are Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Off.........
PEARL JAM~San Antonio, TX. 4~5~03
INCUBUS~Houston, TX. 1~19~07
INCUBUS~Denver, CO. 2~8~07
Lollapalooza~Chicago, IL. 8~5~07
INCUBUS~Austin, TX. 9~3~07
Bonnaroo~Manchester, TN 6~14~08
Fuck no, it isn't.
By NOT arguing against the war, they are supporting the war.
By being pastors they represent Jesus.
By NOT arguing against the war, they are saying Jesus supports the war.
F-U-C-K... that.
I'm against the war, I'm against organized religion and I gotta say...what you are saying is absurd!
What's immoral about teasing. It's called tough love.
If you have a friend/child/co-worker that's acting like a jack ass, there's nothing wrong with calling that person out and exposing them for what they are.
Obviously a President would go way beyond childish teasing.
I don't know about that. I've been in churches before and after 9-11. At least in my experience, some of those place hit my description right on the fucking head.
There's a difference between JC and Buddha. JC got off his ass and marched and shouted.
No. I'm "trying" to say exactly what you said. They all fucking suck. They have no real guts to speak from.
What does Buddha have to do with anything?
I'm just saying. Churches et al. that have been sitting with a silent eye towards this war are fucking full of shit.... period.
I hate politics + religion as much as the next person, but fuck. Stop throwing my country away you lazy racist scared pieces of fucking shit.
Grow a testicle and pack a nine and don't be so worried about brown people far away. Fuck it, go and visit them and have them over for dinner. It's easy.
Well, I think I know what you are saying...
The "media" is nothing more then a joke anymore and eats this shit up with a giant spoon. Why? Because the half-retarded public does too.
The same media that says no one else is electable but Obama, Hillary or McCain? The same half-retarded people that take that lie like communion?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
i don't think they're saying no one else is electable - they just won't let anyone else into the arena to challenge them.
Yep, and I agree with you.
The media in this country is just as bad, if not worse then the douche sacks we have governing us!
I'm glad we could find some common ground then.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
And the public should turn off thier fucking tvs and get behind those others guys who are out there for them. The citizenry is just as much at fault as the media. They know there guys aren't doing shit for them but they keep right along voting them in.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Fucking.... A!!!!
I SO want to move if Clinton or McCain win. SO!