Okay, Obama/McCain haters... tell me what real change really is

Since I hear a lot of "Barack Obama is NOT change" comments around here, I'm trying to understand what real change actually is. Actually, not so much what it is, but what it will do for me.
Lets say that whoever you guys support - Nader, Barr, Paul, whatever - gets elected, and this "real change" you speak of actually comes about. What happens exactly? How will I personally benefit from this "real change?" How will "real change" be implemented into US policy?
I ask this because I'm voting for Barack Obama, and a vote for him might very well mean my family can finally afford health care, and I will be able to receive $4000 per year to help out with college. That, for me, is change I need. Yet, describing Obama's plans as change constantly gets mocked by a select few. Why should that be mocked? Those two things a HUGE deal for me, and a big CHANGE from George Bush or John McCain.
So sell it to me. This is your chance.
Lets say that whoever you guys support - Nader, Barr, Paul, whatever - gets elected, and this "real change" you speak of actually comes about. What happens exactly? How will I personally benefit from this "real change?" How will "real change" be implemented into US policy?
I ask this because I'm voting for Barack Obama, and a vote for him might very well mean my family can finally afford health care, and I will be able to receive $4000 per year to help out with college. That, for me, is change I need. Yet, describing Obama's plans as change constantly gets mocked by a select few. Why should that be mocked? Those two things a HUGE deal for me, and a big CHANGE from George Bush or John McCain.
So sell it to me. This is your chance.
It's a town full of losers and I'm pulling out of here to win
Post edited by Unknown User on
Reduce the charter for these intellience duties back to intelligence GATHERING, and NOT "black ops" conspiracies.
Eliminate the moral hazards of our current central banking system.
Remove monetary control from private bodies like The Federal Reserve, and stabilize the currency by severely reducing inflation.
Reverse many of the damages done to our constitution and civil liberties, from the Patriot Act and warrantless wire taps, to excessive gun control measures and net neutrality.
Reduce the involvement of federal government in the regulation of education.
Make it easier for parents to homeschool children, not harder. Work to a sensible public-private partnership for privatizing education further.
Drastically alter our current foreign policy with respect to warmongering, imperialist agendas, and false East-West dichotomies which only further divide the peoples of the world.
Work vigilantly to ensure and maintain American sovereignty, fighting any legislation or treatise that propose to violate or sell off that sovereignty to supranational legislative or judicial bodies.
Fight the centralization of power.
Restore confidence in our Republic.
Ease up on excessive Federalism.
and the list goes on, i'm sure...
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Tax big business & wall street
Develop solar energy
Raise the minimum wage
Stop jailing drug offenders
I agree with all your points, but I'm voting Obama simply because he seems to be closer to socialized healthcare. I just want to be able to go get some demerol and may be ct scan when I have a kidney stone and not owe 3 thousands dollars a pop. The inflation in healthcare will criple the nation and its already fucking me over. God forbid I have something even worse happen to my health.
1. Who pays for it? Nothing is free.
2. Tax them more so more people lose jobs because they outsource more work to India and China?
3. Uh no.
Change is simple. STOP SPENDING.
I'd also like to include some type of real border enforcement, perhaps the troops from Iraq, and enforcement of our current immigration laws.
me me me...
From an outsiders' perspective, the most desperately needed change needs to come in both military and economic foreign policy....for someone with any sense of empathy, spending our money to wage illegal wars should trump all other concerns...something that neither candidate is willing to stop. to see your entire criteria for change be based on what your country can do for you, is a little disheartening. try not to forget about the millions around the world upon whose backs our comfort is delivered....
But we can't just leave right away. That really would be catastrophic. I hate to admit it, because it's been part of the Bush lingo for years, but we started that mess and we have to make sure it won't collapse when we leave. And we still have to find bin Laden. Also, we can't really scale back our military because we're the hyperpower of the world right now.
I see what you're saying though about how change isn't just about what's happening for me. But my point was that an Obama presidency really would mean real, positive change for myself and my family, and I don't think that should be mocked.
And this is why a third party will never in a million years be elected.
You cut down on the military budget and use the money from corporate taxes.
What is stopping them from leaving already?
You still jail dealers but reduce the punishment for minor possession charges. It makes no sense to waste hundreds of thousands of dollars to lock up addicts. They need rehabilitation, not jail time.
Obama as president with a democrat congress will help in put in place policies which should give our OP "affordable health care, and $4000 per year to help out with college". Reasonable, yet useful measures.
Now, the reasons for backing RP seem to be :
How many of these measures could be enacted by RP as president and a democrat (or even republican) congress? The president is not omnipotent, he only presents a global policy which the people are supposed to support by voting for him. Even if RP became president there is no way he could get rid of the fed, or "fight any legislation or treatise that propose to violate or sell off that sovereignty to supranational legislative or judicial bodies" (if you think RP can get you out of WTO you're dreaming) = more of the same as well. Wouldn't people be a little bit disappointed? Where are RP's reasonable measures?
What RP and Nader could do however (especially Nader) is lobby and use their time outside elections to force the government to listen to their ideas and make some sensible shifts in the policies decided by Obama and congress - it's called lobbying (Palestine, domestic economy, agriculture subventions etc.).