Bush Hires Tony Snow/Fox News... Iranian President Starts A Blog.

Iranian President starts a blog:
American President hires Tony Snow from Fox News to whitewash/brainwash his audience.
Ask yourself how do Ahmadinejad's actions compare to our presidents'?
go ahead...
Who is acting more democratic?
Who is acting (BEING) more cowardly?
When I think of Iran/Islam I think of seriously misguided, yet faithful people following an archaic/decaying union of church and state. That union of church and state is sure to fall when the citizens there become more educated and learn more of the 10,000 other fantastic religions the rest of the world has to offer.
When I think of U.S. I think of 10,000 voracious tyrant corporations altering the country's destiny by making it seem like they're all acting in a state of love and trust with God and the Bible - but they're all just carrying on that facade to feed their own appetite.
There can't be 10,000 seats at the right or left hand (depending on how you see things) of God up there in the heavens.
So, I'm seriously starting to pity fellow Americans and am at least more able to look more objectively at Iranians/Muslims - all who we are at war with - with a little more sympathy.
This is 1984 people. The NeoCons read it like a text book. We need a proper democratic reaction to dismantle our altered alter of corrupted democracy.
American President hires Tony Snow from Fox News to whitewash/brainwash his audience.
Ask yourself how do Ahmadinejad's actions compare to our presidents'?
go ahead...
Who is acting more democratic?
Who is acting (BEING) more cowardly?
When I think of Iran/Islam I think of seriously misguided, yet faithful people following an archaic/decaying union of church and state. That union of church and state is sure to fall when the citizens there become more educated and learn more of the 10,000 other fantastic religions the rest of the world has to offer.
When I think of U.S. I think of 10,000 voracious tyrant corporations altering the country's destiny by making it seem like they're all acting in a state of love and trust with God and the Bible - but they're all just carrying on that facade to feed their own appetite.
There can't be 10,000 seats at the right or left hand (depending on how you see things) of God up there in the heavens.
So, I'm seriously starting to pity fellow Americans and am at least more able to look more objectively at Iranians/Muslims - all who we are at war with - with a little more sympathy.
This is 1984 people. The NeoCons read it like a text book. We need a proper democratic reaction to dismantle our altered alter of corrupted democracy.
Post edited by Unknown User on
How many countries has GW invaded illegally, and how many had the Iranian President.
ITs a simple comparison. You should be able to grasp it!
exactly all that that means is he has more than one way to spout his propaganda against israel and the west
It's... a contrast... it's a naked contrast seen between one fascist and another.
Bush, whom I speak of with no "hate," is a corporate fascist.
Ahmadinejad, whom I speak of with no allegiance, is a corporate fascist as well.
Here's where it get's tricky - they're almost the same person, but...
Bush is a Christian and Ahmadinejad is a Muslim.
They both follow fascist corporations (OIL) and fascist religions (...) but they act completely different.
Bush, more aggressive, less tolerant.
Ahmadinejad almost equally aggressive - though he has no nuclear weapons, so really, Ahmadinejad is only acting in defense because in reality the U.S. completely dominates the psychopathic playing field of "aggression," or warfare - and yet Ahmadinejad is acting so far, far more tolerant than Bush could ever squeeze out of his shoulder mic.
look closer
Who is the real terrorist?
Both lie, they're both murderers, they're both thieves, and they both deserve NONE of their power, no one should ever pledge allegiance to either of these ingrates. Both are.
thats a reasonable enough point there chief
Hey, Im not pleading allegiance to anybody but me Sister!
But, in order to have a more rounded opinion of the contrast, who has the Iranian President murdered, or attacked? What has he stolen?
And I, personally, even as a non-muslim, take offence at your reference of a "fascist religion."
Unless of course you werer referring to Christanity...in which case I point you to this...
"The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost duty to revive
in the nation the spirit of unity and cooperation. It will preserve and defend
those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards
Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the
basis of national life.":
-- Adolf Hitler -My New World Order, Proclamation to the German Nation at Berlin,February 1, 1933
hitler was the greatest manipulator of the truth out there
as for ahmadinejad didnt he say he wanted to wipe israel off the face of the earth??
thats pretty antagonistic and if he gets his hands on a nuclear weapon what will he do?
Did he say that? didn't he refute that allegation in the TV interview the other night?
Well, where you come from, words must kill more than bombs, missiles, invasions, depleted uranium and all that.
Who has Iranian President killed or invaded?
Again, why are you stalking me? Thats what, 4 threads youve folowed me through now...
Did he refute that? and would you believe him?
What has where i come from got to do with it? trying to antagonise people again?
stalking? you really are deluded in your opinion of yourself
i have every right as you to contribute to any debates on here
That's almost as funny as it is scary...
Maybe a conspiracy... I don't know - but those pictures... those pictures pretty much damn the Catholic church to hell for all eternity.
...Sky-god religions are fascist - they all refuse "free-will." No direct quote from any church official can repudiate that. They all accept that "free-will" is solely for the deity they represent, and only the deity - they cannot deny that deity... a act of free-will... less they refuse the constructs of their religion. No freedom, that's fascism.
Fucking A. Post of the week.
Do you see dead people?
Where you come from was rhetorical, as in you seem to equate idle (mistranslated even) threats by one leader with the invasion of soveriegn nations, the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent people of another.
As for your last point, dead on, sinshiiiiinneee...so why don;t you do it?
See you next week. ;-)
your problem is you dont debate - you just antagonise all the time
hey something we agree on
Organised religion has its place just not in our places I suppose
see you next week (if indeed you are to be in dublin my pearl jam friend)