Regarding The Ongoing Crusades

A little insight into why I believe the Crusades are still going on. Because we still say they are:
Islamic Fascists.... Christian Fascists... one vs. one... all in all, all is war...
If only they could see, they're all fascists in the eyes of the an atheist.
If only... atheists don't start religious wars against the opposing faith or fascism. We just let people live and let... live. That's sort of rule numero uno - just live, that's all you got to do.
"Sewing The Seeds Of Utopia"
"We all know politicians only go
Just half-way there, just half-way there
The innocence of youth needs protection not abuse
But no one seems to care, yet no one seems to care
And you sit there and watch the world go around
From your pseudo-benevolent vantage point
While we who've been left to pick up after you
Try our best to make some sense for those who, come next
Now what have you done to foster the truth
Besides just hide hide the lies? Besides just hide hide the lies?
A selfish campaign never justifies the gain
But the means are verified. Yeah the means are verified.
And you sit there and insist you are right
From your popular psychological podium
While those who rely and depend on you
They wilt because you don't accept we need, each other
While sowing the seeds of utopia,
You invoked a convenient amnesia
You forgot how to care, you forgot how to provide,
You forgot how to work toward a meaningful life... uhg!"
- Bad Religion
Islamic Fascists.... Christian Fascists... one vs. one... all in all, all is war...
If only they could see, they're all fascists in the eyes of the an atheist.
If only... atheists don't start religious wars against the opposing faith or fascism. We just let people live and let... live. That's sort of rule numero uno - just live, that's all you got to do.
"Sewing The Seeds Of Utopia"
"We all know politicians only go
Just half-way there, just half-way there
The innocence of youth needs protection not abuse
But no one seems to care, yet no one seems to care
And you sit there and watch the world go around
From your pseudo-benevolent vantage point
While we who've been left to pick up after you
Try our best to make some sense for those who, come next
Now what have you done to foster the truth
Besides just hide hide the lies? Besides just hide hide the lies?
A selfish campaign never justifies the gain
But the means are verified. Yeah the means are verified.
And you sit there and insist you are right
From your popular psychological podium
While those who rely and depend on you
They wilt because you don't accept we need, each other
While sowing the seeds of utopia,
You invoked a convenient amnesia
You forgot how to care, you forgot how to provide,
You forgot how to work toward a meaningful life... uhg!"
- Bad Religion
Post edited by Unknown User on
interesting - if you believe strongly in something chances are that it will lead you to violence and hurting innocent people
only my 2 cents
hmn... "...chances are?"
maybe, maybe not...
If you can honestly see both sides, and are free enough to construct sympathy for all sides - then you are almost certainly guaranteed to prevent violence and support only peace.
So maybe, still - the believer is more likely to commit an act of violence than the free thinker?
The free thinker... the atheist, anti-fascist, more likely to support/provide peace than the fascist-belief-system believer?
What more does the atheist have to support his own life/ideas than peace? With no doctrine, how can one survive? Maybe it is common sense to see life - homeostatic invention, love, homeostatic intention - as law. That is the vision of the athiets, it must be, because no other doctrine would otherwise support his life or laws - the free thinker with, and anarchy must be life giving in order to prove his own relevance and allow his own residency.
I can believe strongly in the homeostatic design that underlines my own personal atheism and still practically guarantee no violence, and no intollerance for the opposition - in order to support my personal beliefs.
Is the religious thinker more likely to do what his religious leaders tell him to do, whether it be war, crime, or intolerance?
uh yeah "chances are..." yeah - who can really say?
I think that yes the religious thinker is more likely to do what his religious leaders tell him to do whether it be war, crime, or intolerance
so the question then revolves around the religous leaders
in the uk I have seen plenty of Muslim leaders recently calling for restraint and a plea to ignore extremism
so then is the problem the free will of those who ignore that and choose to follow the path of violence?
so is free will the problem?
A sort-of-solution... atheism.
In summary - I think atheism is a VITAL part of humanity, vital for peace, for learning sympathy and solidarity (meaning, individuality - proper realization of ones role in ones environment.)
And yet - religions have trampled all over athiesm, calling it heretic, fearing it as demonic, subverting it and making it indignant. These sky-god religions are all intolerant, subversive, and supernatural - they've been creating enemies since the very first pages of their holy books.
Christianity, Islam, Judaism - they've all waged war on nature and reason since their conception, the very first victims were their own followers - martyrs! for pete's sake.
So... what's the solution to the Crusades?
NO - everyone does not have to be "converted" to atheism. I don't think further fascism will do any good. I do think every one of these sky-god religions must educate their followers of the certain validity of each respective congruent congregation (religion) - and allow the true believers to stay seated, and the simply curious, or disenchanted, or destined fellow members to either change their minds or maintain a different set of opinions. I don't think religions must go - but they MUST CHANGE in order to ensure peace, they must adapt to the will of their creators... (people created religions - this isn't exatcly a riddle, it's just fact) and allow the peaceful coexistence of the converging congregations.
...bu they won't. They'd call this "plan" or idea, "The End Of Days," they'd call me, "The Antichrist."
They'd rather wage war than change, they'd rather seek death than protect the innocent members of thier congregations - I'm mainly referring to fundamentalist religions here, many sects are pretty spiffy, admit-ably.
Hence, we're back to atheism. Struggling to find some peace and tolerance in what they will call the Crusades, the divine right of their religions to wage war for no good reason.
The question must revolve around the atheists - because they're the only ones who can stand on both sides and say, "Ah! I see!"
I think the answer is free-will.
trouble with the atheists is that we're all so cynical
well, sometimes
yeah the answer is free will