Bumper Sticker Politics

My friend sent me the following email with picture. Enjoy:)
Hello all,
I hope this e-mail finds you well and overflowing with Halloween bounty.
I've attached a picture I took yesterday of a car I came across after purchasing two bags of Hershey's Miniatures from the Rite-Aid in Hacienda Heights (Trick or Treaters rarely come to my door, but two bags seemed appropriate, you know, just in case).
This display of bumper sticker philosophy was so spectacular; I had to share it and my reaction to it.
Since some of the maxims are blurred by the glare, I'll list them here (starting from the upper-right hand corner):
--"Michael Moore Hates America"
To tell the truth, Roger Moore is far more venomous toward America than Michael.
--"Liberal: French for Coward"
I looked this up at http://www.etymology.com; it isn't true.
"Liberal" is derived from a French word for "noble and generous".
--"Homosexuality is sin and perversion! Period!"
You'll note this sticker is homemade.
--"'Allah' is a false god! Jesus is Lord!"
Ordinarily, I might play devil's advocate and question how he knows this to be true, but there are exclamation marks, so it must be true!
By the by, is it possible that Allah, God, Vishnu, Ra are all the same god and we humans have simply come up with different names? Kind of like a Submarine sandwich, Hoagie, Hero, or Grinder are the same
things, different name. And, while I'm asking questions, is it sacrilegious to compare the quest for the sacred to a foot-long sandwich?
--"Jesus loves you. Allah wants you dead."
This is my favorite.
--"We'll fight the war, you play your guitar."
To which I say, "Okay."
The funny thing is that if I saw any one of these stickers, on a car, by themselves, my blood pressure would rise along with my dander. But congregate them in a mass of hatred, and it serves as a gentle reminder that some of the sheep are going to stray from the herd, far, far from the herd. You can only hope to have civil discourse with those who remain.
Speaking of sheep. This wall of tolerance caused me to think of the Lamb of God. What if Jesus himself came peddling by shortly after I left (I naturally assume when Jesus returns he'll be riding a bike)? Do you suppose he would look at this display and think to himself, "Ya know, when I was washing the feet of those lepers, turning the other cheek, and hanging out with the downtrodden I was really hoping that some day people would use my name to incite hatred and fear."
Oh well...
Love to you all (even you infidels).
Be at Peace,
Hello all,
I hope this e-mail finds you well and overflowing with Halloween bounty.
I've attached a picture I took yesterday of a car I came across after purchasing two bags of Hershey's Miniatures from the Rite-Aid in Hacienda Heights (Trick or Treaters rarely come to my door, but two bags seemed appropriate, you know, just in case).
This display of bumper sticker philosophy was so spectacular; I had to share it and my reaction to it.
Since some of the maxims are blurred by the glare, I'll list them here (starting from the upper-right hand corner):
--"Michael Moore Hates America"
To tell the truth, Roger Moore is far more venomous toward America than Michael.
--"Liberal: French for Coward"
I looked this up at http://www.etymology.com; it isn't true.
"Liberal" is derived from a French word for "noble and generous".
--"Homosexuality is sin and perversion! Period!"
You'll note this sticker is homemade.
--"'Allah' is a false god! Jesus is Lord!"
Ordinarily, I might play devil's advocate and question how he knows this to be true, but there are exclamation marks, so it must be true!
By the by, is it possible that Allah, God, Vishnu, Ra are all the same god and we humans have simply come up with different names? Kind of like a Submarine sandwich, Hoagie, Hero, or Grinder are the same
things, different name. And, while I'm asking questions, is it sacrilegious to compare the quest for the sacred to a foot-long sandwich?
--"Jesus loves you. Allah wants you dead."
This is my favorite.
--"We'll fight the war, you play your guitar."
To which I say, "Okay."
The funny thing is that if I saw any one of these stickers, on a car, by themselves, my blood pressure would rise along with my dander. But congregate them in a mass of hatred, and it serves as a gentle reminder that some of the sheep are going to stray from the herd, far, far from the herd. You can only hope to have civil discourse with those who remain.
Speaking of sheep. This wall of tolerance caused me to think of the Lamb of God. What if Jesus himself came peddling by shortly after I left (I naturally assume when Jesus returns he'll be riding a bike)? Do you suppose he would look at this display and think to himself, "Ya know, when I was washing the feet of those lepers, turning the other cheek, and hanging out with the downtrodden I was really hoping that some day people would use my name to incite hatred and fear."
Oh well...
Love to you all (even you infidels).
Be at Peace,
Post edited by Unknown User on
hes probably now on a CIA hit list, right?
Didn't Hillary Clinton first use that phrase, "vast right-wing conspiracy"?
I've seen several cars with the one that says, "Somewhere in Texas there's a village missing its idiot."
"I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions." - George Carlin
Support our troops, bring them home NOW
war IS terror
Impeach Bush
One Nation Under Surveillance
My child is an honor student, my president is a moron
Oh, and a Pearl Jam bandwagon sticker, but I don't think that's the one pissing them off
I have that one too! I didn't list it because it would have taken too long to describe, so I'm glad you posted a link.
please post a pic. I like the "One Nation".
I have a "Russ Feingold for President 2008" sticker
and an oval "PJ" sticker.
I love the one too.
I would think a tacky bumper sticky filled car would fit right in, in South Carolina. Weird.
Why pay so much for a car if you just want it to look like it is made out of cheap, thin vinyl?
I have one sticker now on my new vehicle. It says http://www.fairtax.org.
other than that I'm incognito. After the election, I'll probably take it off too because Americans don't really want change, they just want to bitch about problems.
what bumper stickers did you have?
That's a cool one!
London, Brixton, 14 July 1993
London, Wembley, 1996
London, Wembley, 18 June 2007
London, O2, 18 August 2009
London, Hammersmith Apollo (Ed solo), 31 July 2012
Milton Keynes Bowl, 11 July 2014
Hail, Hail!!!
thank you for posting this, i just ordered one earlier.
i used to have bumper stickers all over my old car. now, at the moment all i have is the pj bandwagon sticker - yes hippiemom, you were right that it doesn't fade
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I really dig the Coexist one. That'd be a cool tattoo.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Haha, Cincy bashes the hicks in the south, too. You'd make a fine elitest liberal, afterall.
I love bumper stickers and get a kick out of the varying reactions we get. We bought the car to take us from point A to point B, other than that, I don't take cars too seriously. I absolutely love walking up on people reading the stickers in a parking lot with huge scowls all twisted on their faces! And I adore walking up, flashing them a huge smile and saying hi, how are you?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Turn on the A/C
why vote for the lesser of two evils?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Right on! I like them all. I was an environmental science major in college. For some reason I had this delusion that my fellow students would be "environmentalists" like me but man was I wrong. I went to Texas A&M where liberals are shot with tranquilizer darts and tagged for tracking purposes. But I digress... I had the obligatory "Think Globally, Act Locally" sticker and a few stickers for different NPO's like Sierra Club and the Nature Conservancy. Now I am married and have a kid and work with a bunch of conservatives. My only sticker of defiance is the US flag with the words "Think...It's Patriotic". You'd be amazed how many times I've had someone say "hey, I like your flag sticker, it's patriotic" without really catching the message.
Have you seen U2's Vertigo Tour last year? They used this COEXIST a lot during their shows...