You actually have no idea what's going on, and your earlier copy/paste from zeitgeist about deleveraging sort of proves it.
I know you want to participate, but you are way over your head here.
Go play unrelated analogies in another thread, please. Thank you.
i'm sorry.
please explain to me how i am stupid?
Because deleveraging is EXACTLY what is going on right now,
and it has to do with just what YOU said.
What the fuck is your beef?
This is about credit.
It's creation, and its ultimate destruction due to OVERleveraging, and then its pursuant collapse, when one credit domino falls, and knocks the other 800billion over.
ps. and that wasn't a fucking copy and paste. WTF crawled up your ass, man?
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Because deleveraging is EXACTLY what is going on right now,
and it has to do with just what YOU said.
What the fuck is your beef?
This is about credit.
It's creation, and its ultimate destruction due to OVERleveraging, and then its pursuant collapse, when one credit domino falls, and knocks the other 800billion over.
ps. and that wasn't a fucking copy and paste. WTF crawled up your ass, man?
I didn't say anything about your being stupid. I'm saying you're uninformed.
Inflated mortages don't equal junkbonds, and this is nothing like the savings & loans scandal.
And yes, your earlier explanation is right out of zeitgeist.
There are very good responses in this thread. I recommend reading them.
I didn't say anything about your being stupid. I'm saying you're uninformed.
Inflated mortages don't equal junkbonds, and this is nothing like the savings & loans scandal.
And yes, your earlier explanation is right out of zeitgeist.
There are very good responses in this thread. I recommend reading them.
Listen Mr. Self Richeous.
You said "subprime mortgages ARE NOT the real problem THEY ARE A DISRACTION"
and i was making a comparison, because in the 1980s the media tried to distract the public by telling them that all about JUNK BONDS and fraud related to them (Michael Milken ring a fucking bell?) BUT THAT WAS NOT THE ISSUE, it was simply a distraction.
And FUNDAMENTALLY what happened in the mid 1980s and what is happening now are rooted in the same cause, and it has to do with housing, the market, and credit.
But YOUR uniformed ass MISSED that analogy and jumped down my throat for it.
And sadly i was trying to agree with you.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Doesn't matter. Even without subprime lending, the markets would've grossly inflated to a level that cannot be supported in the long-term.
Any market analyst will tell you that subprime foreclosures don't make up a large enough portion of the market to cause the current downfall.
I'm not saying it was the only cause, but I do believe this situation was manufactured from above.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
You said "subprime mortgages ARE NOT the real problem THEY ARE A DISRACTION"
and i was making a comparison, because in the 1980s the media tried to distract the public by telling them that all about JUNK BONDS and fraud related to them (Michael Milken ring a fucking bell?) BUT THAT WAS NOT THE ISSUE, it was simply a distraction.
And FUNDAMENTALLY what happened in the mid 1980s and what is happening now are rooted in the same cause, and it has to do with housing, the market, and credit.
But YOUR uniformed ass MISSED that analogy and jumped down my throat for it.
And sadly i was trying to agree with you.
:cool: see...junk bonds WERE a big problem in the 80's, and are partially responsible for the crash of 1987. see...junk bonds WERE a big problem in the 80's, and are partially responsible for the crash of 1987.
Wow, brotha'.
Just wow.
They weren't ... REALLY.
(i mean, you just said, "subprime wasn't REALLY responsible for this mess. and it WASN'T)
"junk" bonds were actually HIGH paying bonds from SMALL companies that were JUST FINE (in large part).
The problem was LARGE BANKS were in an ass fuck situation because they were still paying HIGH INTEREST RATES to DEPOSITORS (CD's etc.) , but their own yields were LOW (because they were LARGE companies invested in LARGE issues on the stock exchange, which were paying LOW YIELDS). It was an imbalance. Banks were LOSING MONEY. And TOO MANY in the market were INVESTED IN HIGH YIELD BONDS, which were paying money to SMALL companies. [Read: companies TOO SMALL for LARGE corporations to invest in on any meaningful level]
THAT was the problem.
BANKS were unable to sustain their yields because people were making a killing putting their money in high yield MEDIUM risk bonds that were paying well ... and making SMALL companies rich. Wealth was being "trickled" down. Probably MORE than "trickling" down. This fucked the banks over, because the banks, due to prevailing "market" (often Fed manipulated) interest rates were still paying high rates to try and attract depositors , but depositors were few and far between because they were investing privately in bonds instead.
"Junk" bonds were NOT the problem. They were just high yield bonds issued by small firms to attract investors.
Small companies just had to pay more because their companies weren't as well known, and it took higher yields to attract investors.
This fucking pissed the BIG banks off, so they essentially colluded with government to create a SCHEME whereby they deemed these bonds "JUNK" and FORCED INSTITUTIONS TO SELL IMMEDIATELY ... just like the margin calls are forcing banks to sell today, but for different and more legitimate reasons ...
the ONLY real reason junk bonds ACTUALY became "junk" is because government imposed regulations (just like the "no shorting" rules of today) FORCED holding institutions to DUMP those bonds EN MASSE and AT THE SAME TIME. It GUARANTEED that the price of those bonds WENT THROUGH THE FLOOR because EVERYONE was FORCED to sell them at the same time.
It was a MANUFACTURED crisis built on the back of an already impending crisis due to inflated and abnormal fundamentals created by a system that is in itself a freak of nature -- the Central Banking "capitalist" system, which is simply NOT proper capitalism.
And all the while, the REAL problem was nothing more than the fact that stupid regulations, and malinvestment(this is where Austrian Economics really got it right. The manufactured credit cycle ALWASY spurs BAD investment decisions) had OVERINFLATED the real estate market (by overinflating DEMAND, JUST LIKE TODAY), and caused the property prices to rise faster than REAL investment could actually maintain. Something HAD to burst ... JUST LIKE TODAY.
But instead of blaming it on the fact that banks had invested TOO HEAVILY IN REAL ESTATE, they conjured up the bullshit "junk bond" scenario, that was nothing more than a cover story.
Seriously man.
Its the same thing that is going on today,
just a slightly different rouse.
I can't believe you are jumping down MY throat over this.
We are practically saying the same thing.
:( :( :(
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
ok, so i was an english major in college so i have to admit all this is a little over my head. i know there are a lot of bright people in here who can explain this to me (not too condescendingly) how the fuck did we get here?, whose fault is it?, how the fuck do we get out of it?, etc. thank you.
if you ever need help with some walt whitman or john milton feel free to ask.
well, if the average american did the things they do on wall st, they'd be thrown in jail
"Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)
They weren't ... REALLY.
(i mean, you just said, "subprime wasn't REALLY responsible for this mess. and it WASN'T)
"junk" bonds were actually HIGH paying bonds from SMALL companies that were JUST FINE (in large part).
The problem was LARGE BANKS were in an ass fuck situation because they were still paying HIGH INTEREST RATES to DEPOSITORS (CD's etc.) , but their own yields were LOW (because they were LARGE companies invested in LARGE issues on the stock exchange, which were paying LOW YIELDS). It was an imbalance. Banks were LOSING MONEY. And TOO MANY in the market were INVESTED IN HIGH YIELD BONDS, which were paying money to SMALL companies. [Read: companies TOO SMALL for LARGE corporations to invest in on any meaningful level]
THAT was the problem.
BANKS were unable to sustain their yields because people were making a killing putting their money in high yield MEDIUM risk bonds that were paying well ... and making SMALL companies rich. Wealth was being "trickled" down. Probably MORE than "trickling" down. This fucked the banks over, because the banks, due to prevailing "market" (often Fed manipulated) interest rates were still paying high rates to try and attract depositors , but depositors were few and far between because they were investing privately in bonds instead.
"Junk" bonds were NOT the problem. They were just high yield bonds issued by small firms to attract investors.
Small companies just had to pay more because their companies weren't as well known, and it took higher yields to attract investors.
This fucking pissed the BIG banks off, so they essentially colluded with government to create a SCHEME whereby they deemed these bonds "JUNK" and FORCED INSTITUTIONS TO SELL IMMEDIATELY ... just like the margin calls are forcing banks to sell today, but for different and more legitimate reasons ...
the ONLY real reason junk bonds ACTUALY became "junk" is because government imposed regulations (just like the "no shorting" rules of today) FORCED holding institutions to DUMP those bonds EN MASSE and AT THE SAME TIME. It GUARANTEED that the price of those bonds WENT THROUGH THE FLOOR because EVERYONE was FORCED to sell them at the same time.
It was a MANUFACTURED crisis built on the back of an already impending crisis due to inflated and abnormal fundamentals created by a system that is in itself a freak of nature -- the Central Banking "capitalist" system, which is simply NOT proper capitalism.
And all the while, the REAL problem was nothing more than the fact that stupid regulations, and malinvestment(this is where Austrian Economics really got it right. The manufactured credit cycle ALWASY spurs BAD investment decisions) had OVERINFLATED the real estate market (by overinflating DEMAND, JUST LIKE TODAY), and caused the property prices to rise faster than REAL investment could actually maintain. Something HAD to burst ... JUST LIKE TODAY.
But instead of blaming it on the fact that banks had invested TOO HEAVILY IN REAL ESTATE, they conjured up the bullshit "junk bond" scenario, that was nothing more than a cover story.
Seriously man.
Its the same thing that is going on today,
just a slightly different rouse.
I can't believe you are jumping down MY throat over this.
We are practically saying the same thing.
:( :( :(
I just have to wonder if you were holding your breath as you typed all that out. You must know that it's about 75% fiction and 25% spun facts.
I suppose you plan to bluff your way into wearing me down?
I have to get some sleep now, so I can't oblige your need to be corrected on a massive scale at this time. I will, however, do so when and if I get the chance tomorrow.
Hopefully, in the meantime, I hope someone chimes in and beats me to it.
On the other hand, I'm beginning to think that this is a pattern that you have exhibited over time in the MT forum, and that people have already gotten accustomed to simply ignoring your posts.
I just have to wonder if you were holding your breath as you typed all that out. You must know that it's about 75% fiction and 25% spun facts.
I suppose you plan to bluff your way into wearing me down?
I have to get some sleep now, so I can't oblige your need to be corrected on a massive scale at this time. I will, however, do so when and if I get the chance tomorrow.
Hopefully, in the meantime, I hope someone chimes in and beats me to it.
On the other hand, I'm beginning to think that this is a pattern that you have exhibited over time in the MT forum, and that people have already gotten accustomed to simply ignoring your posts.
honestly dude, i don't give a fuck anymore.
i'm just trying to throw you a fresh take on history, one you may have missed.
the sad reality is none of our bullshit talk here matters for shit,
because every show from CNN to CNBC is babbling bullshit about "depression" and "worst crisis since the '30s" ...
and we still have people sitting in this forum telling me i'm an idiot for saying the sky is falling.
why would i EVER expect us all to come to a consensus on WHAT caused it, when i can't even get consensus on WHAT has been caused, if anything. And god strike me dead for even THINKING we could hold a reasonable debate about ACTUAL SOLUTIONS.
Its ridiculous.
And i'm going to bed too.
Fuck it.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
It even contains a relevant conspiratorial quote about the powers that be and the economic system, by one "Real Conservative" Mr. Barry Goldwater ... that should make My2Hands happy.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
So can someone tell me why just don't let these big banks get fucked?
Because honestly, I bought a house in 2005, that I could fucking afford with my current job. If I lose this job and don't find another one quickly, guess what, I lose the house. I am prepared for this. It will suck, and I will be unhappy for a period of time, but hey, I rolled the dice and moved from being a renter to a home owner. It was my choice to play the game.
It's bad enough the rest of these fucking assholes have caused my house value to stagnate. Now I have to participate in bailing them out?
Fuck that fucking shit. I help enough people in my day to day life, and contribute to charities regularly. Fucking welfare fucks.
So... to get back on track, WHAT is stopping us from saying, "Fuck you. Let the banks fail." ??
Please, someone. Answer me this.
I'll try, but I'm another English major, so to speak.
Because there's no credit, or liquidity, in the system right now. And without that, businesses can't get started or expand, people cannot finance automobiles or, more importantly, homes. So while real estate is actually a decent investment right now for people who want to become home owners, now those people - many of whom may be very well qualified - are unable to procure loans because they're just not there. And so even if housing proces have hit or are nearing bottom, what always bails out a down market - people seizing opportunity and buying - cannot happen.
It was really a giant Ponzi scheme. Every Joe Schmoe out there was handed a mortgage because people only look at their payments. But with ARM's and interest only payments, people could afford a lot more house in the first few years than they'd be able to later. They either didn't care, assumed they'd flip the house soon, or that was not explained to them. But in many cases they were given these mortgages because those provided an income stream that was then securitized by the lender, packaged up with lower risk mortgages and sold for lots of money as a mortgage backed security. So in actuality, these people were getting money not because they merited a loan but because someone wanted to make money of MBS's. That in turn created tons of housing demand, driving up prices which was irrelevant because anyone could borrow as much as they wanted.
The whole thing unraveled when people's rates started to reset and the banks actually wanted to collect not only interest, but principal as well. Lots of people defaulted, and then housing values started to drop, as more and more supply outstripped waning demand, and then those who wanted to refinance couldn't because they already owed more than their houses were worth. Which would ordinarily have simply left a whole bunch of people who never should have owned homes in the first place without homes. Except that huge sums of money were leveraged by banks and essentially the entire global economy under the premise that the real estate market could never go down. So then all hell breaks loose on Wall Street when huge firms that normally report billions of profits start writing down those same huge amounts (guess how they were making those billions?). And then there are essentially bank runs by investors, other banks, and as a result of that the stock price starts to drop, and soon there's a panic and these companies' stocks are suddenly worthless, not because the companies are but because the perception is that everyone should get their money out now.
And so now banks cannot and will not lend to anyone or each other. Which is why the bailout is "needed" =although I don't know if I'm sold - if businesses can't borrow moeny to expand, or even to continue running, the economy freezes, jobs are lost, everyday commerce grinds to a halt, people can't borrow money to buy homes - which is the one thing that will probably get us out of this mess. There's way more money being spent than actually exists, the key is that it really is all based on the ability for there to be some flow of money through the system. In the absence of that, yeah, we have to almost start all over again. But that's catastrophic.
And possibly the scariest aspect of the entire economic debacle is that very clearly, neither candidate has even the foggiest grasp of what's happening or has happened or how to navigate us out of this.
And possibly the scariest aspect of the entire economic debacle is that very clearly, neither candidate has even the foggiest grasp of what's happening or has happened or how to navigate us out of this.
I know, I was forced to watch the news while the tires in my van were being put on, and I saw them talk about it.
I just think Obama is too young to be a president.
Baby, You Wouldn't Last a Minute on The Creek......
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
Doesn't matter. Even without subprime lending, the markets would've grossly inflated to a level that cannot be supported in the long-term.
Any market analyst will tell you that subprime foreclosures don't make up a large enough portion of the market to cause the current downfall.
i'm sorry.
please explain to me how i am stupid?
Because deleveraging is EXACTLY what is going on right now,
and it has to do with just what YOU said.
What the fuck is your beef?
This is about credit.
It's creation, and its ultimate destruction due to OVERleveraging, and then its pursuant collapse, when one credit domino falls, and knocks the other 800billion over.
ps. and that wasn't a fucking copy and paste. WTF crawled up your ass, man?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I didn't say anything about your being stupid. I'm saying you're uninformed.
Inflated mortages don't equal junkbonds, and this is nothing like the savings & loans scandal.
And yes, your earlier explanation is right out of zeitgeist.
There are very good responses in this thread. I recommend reading them.
Listen Mr. Self Richeous.
You said "subprime mortgages ARE NOT the real problem THEY ARE A DISRACTION"
and i was making a comparison, because in the 1980s the media tried to distract the public by telling them that all about JUNK BONDS and fraud related to them (Michael Milken ring a fucking bell?) BUT THAT WAS NOT THE ISSUE, it was simply a distraction.
And FUNDAMENTALLY what happened in the mid 1980s and what is happening now are rooted in the same cause, and it has to do with housing, the market, and credit.
But YOUR uniformed ass MISSED that analogy and jumped down my throat for it.
And sadly i was trying to agree with you.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I'm not saying it was the only cause, but I do believe this situation was manufactured from above.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
(")_(") see...junk bonds WERE a big problem in the 80's, and are partially responsible for the crash of 1987.
Wow, brotha'.
Just wow.
They weren't ... REALLY.
(i mean, you just said, "subprime wasn't REALLY responsible for this mess. and it WASN'T)
"junk" bonds were actually HIGH paying bonds from SMALL companies that were JUST FINE (in large part).
The problem was LARGE BANKS were in an ass fuck situation because they were still paying HIGH INTEREST RATES to DEPOSITORS (CD's etc.) , but their own yields were LOW (because they were LARGE companies invested in LARGE issues on the stock exchange, which were paying LOW YIELDS). It was an imbalance. Banks were LOSING MONEY. And TOO MANY in the market were INVESTED IN HIGH YIELD BONDS, which were paying money to SMALL companies. [Read: companies TOO SMALL for LARGE corporations to invest in on any meaningful level]
THAT was the problem.
BANKS were unable to sustain their yields because people were making a killing putting their money in high yield MEDIUM risk bonds that were paying well ... and making SMALL companies rich. Wealth was being "trickled" down. Probably MORE than "trickling" down. This fucked the banks over, because the banks, due to prevailing "market" (often Fed manipulated) interest rates were still paying high rates to try and attract depositors , but depositors were few and far between because they were investing privately in bonds instead.
"Junk" bonds were NOT the problem. They were just high yield bonds issued by small firms to attract investors.
Small companies just had to pay more because their companies weren't as well known, and it took higher yields to attract investors.
This fucking pissed the BIG banks off, so they essentially colluded with government to create a SCHEME whereby they deemed these bonds "JUNK" and FORCED INSTITUTIONS TO SELL IMMEDIATELY ... just like the margin calls are forcing banks to sell today, but for different and more legitimate reasons ...
the ONLY real reason junk bonds ACTUALY became "junk" is because government imposed regulations (just like the "no shorting" rules of today) FORCED holding institutions to DUMP those bonds EN MASSE and AT THE SAME TIME. It GUARANTEED that the price of those bonds WENT THROUGH THE FLOOR because EVERYONE was FORCED to sell them at the same time.
It was a MANUFACTURED crisis built on the back of an already impending crisis due to inflated and abnormal fundamentals created by a system that is in itself a freak of nature -- the Central Banking "capitalist" system, which is simply NOT proper capitalism.
And all the while, the REAL problem was nothing more than the fact that stupid regulations, and malinvestment(this is where Austrian Economics really got it right. The manufactured credit cycle ALWASY spurs BAD investment decisions) had OVERINFLATED the real estate market (by overinflating DEMAND, JUST LIKE TODAY), and caused the property prices to rise faster than REAL investment could actually maintain. Something HAD to burst ... JUST LIKE TODAY.
But instead of blaming it on the fact that banks had invested TOO HEAVILY IN REAL ESTATE, they conjured up the bullshit "junk bond" scenario, that was nothing more than a cover story.
Seriously man.
Its the same thing that is going on today,
just a slightly different rouse.
I can't believe you are jumping down MY throat over this.
We are practically saying the same thing.
:( :( :(
If I opened it now would you not understand?
well, if the average american did the things they do on wall st, they'd be thrown in jail
Stop by:
I just have to wonder if you were holding your breath as you typed all that out. You must know that it's about 75% fiction and 25% spun facts.
I suppose you plan to bluff your way into wearing me down?
I have to get some sleep now, so I can't oblige your need to be corrected on a massive scale at this time. I will, however, do so when and if I get the chance tomorrow.
Hopefully, in the meantime, I hope someone chimes in and beats me to it.
On the other hand, I'm beginning to think that this is a pattern that you have exhibited over time in the MT forum, and that people have already gotten accustomed to simply ignoring your posts.
honestly dude, i don't give a fuck anymore.
i'm just trying to throw you a fresh take on history, one you may have missed.
the sad reality is none of our bullshit talk here matters for shit,
because every show from CNN to CNBC is babbling bullshit about "depression" and "worst crisis since the '30s" ...
and we still have people sitting in this forum telling me i'm an idiot for saying the sky is falling.
why would i EVER expect us all to come to a consensus on WHAT caused it, when i can't even get consensus on WHAT has been caused, if anything. And god strike me dead for even THINKING we could hold a reasonable debate about ACTUAL SOLUTIONS.
Its ridiculous.
And i'm going to bed too.
Fuck it.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
someone here must have a lead/link to a conspiracy that can be shared?
Sure, here is one of many over at the old IW.
It even contains a relevant conspiratorial quote about the powers that be and the economic system, by one "Real Conservative" Mr. Barry Goldwater ... that should make My2Hands happy.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I'll try, but I'm another English major, so to speak.
Because there's no credit, or liquidity, in the system right now. And without that, businesses can't get started or expand, people cannot finance automobiles or, more importantly, homes. So while real estate is actually a decent investment right now for people who want to become home owners, now those people - many of whom may be very well qualified - are unable to procure loans because they're just not there. And so even if housing proces have hit or are nearing bottom, what always bails out a down market - people seizing opportunity and buying - cannot happen.
It was really a giant Ponzi scheme. Every Joe Schmoe out there was handed a mortgage because people only look at their payments. But with ARM's and interest only payments, people could afford a lot more house in the first few years than they'd be able to later. They either didn't care, assumed they'd flip the house soon, or that was not explained to them. But in many cases they were given these mortgages because those provided an income stream that was then securitized by the lender, packaged up with lower risk mortgages and sold for lots of money as a mortgage backed security. So in actuality, these people were getting money not because they merited a loan but because someone wanted to make money of MBS's. That in turn created tons of housing demand, driving up prices which was irrelevant because anyone could borrow as much as they wanted.
The whole thing unraveled when people's rates started to reset and the banks actually wanted to collect not only interest, but principal as well. Lots of people defaulted, and then housing values started to drop, as more and more supply outstripped waning demand, and then those who wanted to refinance couldn't because they already owed more than their houses were worth. Which would ordinarily have simply left a whole bunch of people who never should have owned homes in the first place without homes. Except that huge sums of money were leveraged by banks and essentially the entire global economy under the premise that the real estate market could never go down. So then all hell breaks loose on Wall Street when huge firms that normally report billions of profits start writing down those same huge amounts (guess how they were making those billions?). And then there are essentially bank runs by investors, other banks, and as a result of that the stock price starts to drop, and soon there's a panic and these companies' stocks are suddenly worthless, not because the companies are but because the perception is that everyone should get their money out now.
And so now banks cannot and will not lend to anyone or each other. Which is why the bailout is "needed" =although I don't know if I'm sold - if businesses can't borrow moeny to expand, or even to continue running, the economy freezes, jobs are lost, everyday commerce grinds to a halt, people can't borrow money to buy homes - which is the one thing that will probably get us out of this mess. There's way more money being spent than actually exists, the key is that it really is all based on the ability for there to be some flow of money through the system. In the absence of that, yeah, we have to almost start all over again. But that's catastrophic.
I think.
"The Fundementals of our economy are strong"
I know, I was forced to watch the news while the tires in my van were being put on, and I saw them talk about it.
I just think Obama is too young to be a president.
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........