Mary Beth Buchanan and your tax dollars
Mary Beth Buchanan has decided to raid several businesses that sell Tommy Chong DVDs and products that help you pass drug tests. The tommy Chong dvd follows the trial and incarceration of him selling bongs and is titles"Tommy Chong vs The united States of America". It pretty much shows how they screwed him over and shit on his rights as an American citizen. The also are trying to pass a law that prohibits the sale of products that help you pass a drug test, so they raided Spectrum Labs(the company that produces urineluck and similar products) So this is what our government is blowing millions of our tax dollars on!? As gas prices soar, millions struggling to get by, New Orleans still getting hoses, veterans in need of medical and financial help, environment going to shit, ect ect our government feels that it is more important to bust a bunch of stoners. What about the thousands that kill innocent people because of alcohol? Go after those scumbags!! What about the millions that die because of cigarette smoking? This is fucked up! As our country goes to shit the government targets.....stoners....STONERS!!!!! How about targeting the fuckers that flew planes into building, or fuckers that are blowing up our troops, or the fucking dirt bags, or liars leading this country? No no no STONERS are more of a threat. Not the bastards that traffic heroin in to our country . Not the bastards the grow fields of poppies and produce it. STONERS!!!! We're in trouble folks.
Mary Beth Buchanan has decided to raid several businesses that sell Tommy Chong DVDs and products that help you pass drug tests. The tommy Chong dvd follows the trial and incarceration of him selling bongs and is titles"Tommy Chong vs The united States of America". It pretty much shows how they screwed him over and shit on his rights as an American citizen. The also are trying to pass a law that prohibits the sale of products that help you pass a drug test, so they raided Spectrum Labs(the company that produces urineluck and similar products) So this is what our government is blowing millions of our tax dollars on!? As gas prices soar, millions struggling to get by, New Orleans still getting hoses, veterans in need of medical and financial help, environment going to shit, ect ect our government feels that it is more important to bust a bunch of stoners. What about the thousands that kill innocent people because of alcohol? Go after those scumbags!! What about the millions that die because of cigarette smoking? This is fucked up! As our country goes to shit the government targets.....stoners....STONERS!!!!! How about targeting the fuckers that flew planes into building, or fuckers that are blowing up our troops, or the fucking dirt bags, or liars leading this country? No no no STONERS are more of a threat. Not the bastards that traffic heroin in to our country . Not the bastards the grow fields of poppies and produce it. STONERS!!!! We're in trouble folks.
Many many wonderful shows, since day one.
Love ya Punkinfur
Love ya Punkinfur
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Hail, Hail!!!
Drugs have taught an entire generation of American kids the metric system. ~P.J. O'Rourke
I don't do drugs. I am drugs. ~Salvador Dali
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
And seriously... how lame is it for your local elementary school to have a 'Say No to Drugs' week... when some of the kids have their Ritalin pills in their lunch bag? Kids don't have to cross the tracks to the bad side of town... "where the black people live"... to get drugs. They simply raid their parent's medicine chest... parents who are too drugged out to realize that they are missing some pills.
The whole thing is a fucking joke that is a waste of our tax dollars.
Hail, Hail!!!