Israel's ethnic Cleansing campaign picks up speed

And the killing continues (with full U.S support)...
Israeli forces kill resident of Ni’lin at protest
Monday, 29 December 2008, 10:35 am
Press Release: International Solidarity Movement
'Israeli forces kill resident of Ni’lin and leave another in critical condition during demonstration of solidarity with Gaza
Israeli forces have killed one Palestinian man from Ni’lin, while another is in critical condition, as they opened fire on a demonstration against the Israeli massacre of the people of Gaza.
Arafat Rateb Khawaje, 22 years old, was shot in the back with live ammunition, he died at 2:45pm in Ramallah Hospital.
Mohammed Kasim Khawaje, 20 years old, was shot in the forehead with live ammunition from close range. He remains in critical condition in Ramallah hospital.
Mohammed Sror was shot in the leg with live ammunition, but his injuries are not critical.
Israeli activist Jonathan Polack said that;
“Fifteen Palestinian youths were protesting when five soldiers, who were 15 metres away opened fire with live ammunition straight at the group of protesters. They shot one protester in the back, one in the forehead and one in the leg”
Ibrahim Amira, member of the Popular Committee in Ni’lin said;
“The Occupation is going to turn Ni’lin into a ghetto as it has turned Gaza into a ghetto. And the same way that a massacre is taking place in Gaza against those resisting the siege, a massacre is now taking place in Ni’lin against those resisting the Aparthied Wall”
Arafat Khawaje is now the third resident of Ni’lin to be killed by Israeli soldiers during demonstrations against the construction of the Apartheid Wall on Nil’in’s land.
On the 29th July 2008, ten year old Ahmed Mousa was shot through the forehead with live ammunition, killing him instantly. The following day Yousef Amira was shot twice from close range with rubber-coated steel bullets leaving him brain-dead. He died a week later on 4th August 2008.
Lina Escobar, a Spanish citizen who witnessed the attack, stated;
“By agreeing to upgrade relations with Israel the European Union is rewarding Israel for it’s policies of mass murder in Lebanon and Palestine. It makes it complicit in the murder of the youth of Ni’lin for protesting their village being turned into a prison by the Apartheid Wall”
Israeli forces kill resident of Ni’lin at protest
Monday, 29 December 2008, 10:35 am
Press Release: International Solidarity Movement
'Israeli forces kill resident of Ni’lin and leave another in critical condition during demonstration of solidarity with Gaza
Israeli forces have killed one Palestinian man from Ni’lin, while another is in critical condition, as they opened fire on a demonstration against the Israeli massacre of the people of Gaza.
Arafat Rateb Khawaje, 22 years old, was shot in the back with live ammunition, he died at 2:45pm in Ramallah Hospital.
Mohammed Kasim Khawaje, 20 years old, was shot in the forehead with live ammunition from close range. He remains in critical condition in Ramallah hospital.
Mohammed Sror was shot in the leg with live ammunition, but his injuries are not critical.
Israeli activist Jonathan Polack said that;
“Fifteen Palestinian youths were protesting when five soldiers, who were 15 metres away opened fire with live ammunition straight at the group of protesters. They shot one protester in the back, one in the forehead and one in the leg”
Ibrahim Amira, member of the Popular Committee in Ni’lin said;
“The Occupation is going to turn Ni’lin into a ghetto as it has turned Gaza into a ghetto. And the same way that a massacre is taking place in Gaza against those resisting the siege, a massacre is now taking place in Ni’lin against those resisting the Aparthied Wall”
Arafat Khawaje is now the third resident of Ni’lin to be killed by Israeli soldiers during demonstrations against the construction of the Apartheid Wall on Nil’in’s land.
On the 29th July 2008, ten year old Ahmed Mousa was shot through the forehead with live ammunition, killing him instantly. The following day Yousef Amira was shot twice from close range with rubber-coated steel bullets leaving him brain-dead. He died a week later on 4th August 2008.
Lina Escobar, a Spanish citizen who witnessed the attack, stated;
“By agreeing to upgrade relations with Israel the European Union is rewarding Israel for it’s policies of mass murder in Lebanon and Palestine. It makes it complicit in the murder of the youth of Ni’lin for protesting their village being turned into a prison by the Apartheid Wall”
Post edited by Unknown User on
The UN gave the Israeli government the coordinates to this school, to prevent them from bombing it. they bombed it anyway.
Strike on Gaza school 'kills 40'
15:21 GMT, Tuesday, 6 January 2009
'At least 40 people have been killed in an Israeli air strike on a United Nations-run school in the Gaza Strip, Palestinian medical sources have said.
A number of children were among those who died when the al-Falluj school in the Jabaliya refugee camp took a direct hit, doctors at nearby hospitals said.
People inside had been taking refuge from the Israeli ground offensive.
Earlier, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) warned of a "full-blown humanitarian crisis" in Gaza.
Speaking on the 11th day of the Israeli assault, a senior ICRC official, Pierre Kraehenbuhl, said life in Gaza had become intolerable.
Palestinian medical sources say up to 600 people have been killed since the attacks began, and Mr Kraehenbuhl said much more needed to be done to protect civilians.
At least 70 Palestinians were killed on Tuesday, while four Israeli soldiers were killed by fire from one of their own tanks.
Israel had the invasion plans drawn up 6 months ago, about the time the ceasefire was signed-according to a prominent Israeli newspaper. seems they were waiting for an opportunity to invade. So convenient a few rockets hit some pavement in Israeli occupied territory. there is no proof Hamas is responsible for the rocket attacks.
You know Palestinians were forced to grind up dog food and put it in bread so they had something to eat? you know they are fenced in on all sides? Israel is basically bombing a concentration camp.
does hamas hide behind militarily insignificant installations?
Reminds you of how the Israelis purposely bombed several UN targets during the invasion of Lebanon. State-sponsored terrorism at its best.
you're missing something very important. Calling a school pro-hamas does not make it a military target. bombing schools is a violation of international law. laws that were set up to prevent things like the holocaust, and shit like apartheid.. that's why the UN exists, to prevent terrible shit like that from ever happening again. I agree that the UN is innefectual, but that is in large part due to US actions. The US leads the world in security council vetos since the 70's. they even vetoed a resolution calling on all states to obey international law.
And to where I get my information from. I get as much information as I can on a subject and make up my own mind. nearly every story on mainstream media-cbc, nbc, fox abc cnn-every story is about how Israel is retaliating for rocket attacks. that's not the story here. if Israel is trying to prevent future rocket attacks why are they bombing schools and hospitals? why are they killing innocent people including women and children? you think bombing innocent women and children is going to put the Palestinians in their place somehow? that they will be punished and stop? I think the opposite is going to happen. Israel is guaranteeing 50 years of violence with this assault . when you make non violent protest impossible you make violent protest inevitable.
they know this. that alone tells us their motives not to prevent future rocket attacks-there actions are guaranteeing future rocket attacks. and suicide bombings and so on.
and Hamas is the democratically elected leadership of the Palestinian people. sure, they allegedly fired some rockets at Israel, but have you seen the damage of those bottle rockets? the civilian toll,-terrible don't get me wrong, is almost insignificant when compared to the destruction caused by the Israeli military. Palestinian casualties compared to ISraeli isn't even close.
the level of violence is significant...and Israel is clearly violating international law. bombing a fenced in desperate people with nothing to lose. how is that going to prevent future violence?
Robert Fisk: Why do they hate the West so much, we will ask
So once again, Israel has opened the gates of hell to the Palestinians. Forty civilian refugees dead in a United Nations school, three more in another. Not bad for a night's work in Gaza by the army that believes in "purity of arms". But why should we be surprised?
Have we forgotten the 17,500 dead – almost all civilians, most of them children and women – in Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon; the 1,700 Palestinian civilian dead in the Sabra-Chatila massacre; the 1996 Qana massacre of 106 Lebanese civilian refugees, more than half of them children, at a UN base; the massacre of the Marwahin refugees who were ordered from their homes by the Israelis in 2006 then slaughtered by an Israeli helicopter crew; the 1,000 dead of that same 2006 bombardment and Lebanese invasion, almost all of them civilians?
What is amazing is that so many Western leaders, so many presidents and prime ministers and, I fear, so many editors and journalists, bought the old lie; that Israelis take such great care to avoid civilian casualties. "Israel makes every possible effort to avoid civilian casualties," yet another Israeli ambassador said only hours before the Gaza massacre. And every president and prime minister who repeated this mendacity as an excuse to avoid a ceasefire has the blood of last night's butchery on their hands. Had George Bush had the courage to demand an immediate ceasefire 48 hours earlier, those 40 civilians, the old and the women and children, would be alive.
What happened was not just shameful. It was a disgrace. Would war crime be too strong a description? For that is what we would call this atrocity if it had been committed by Hamas. So a war crime, I'm afraid, it was. After covering so many mass murders by the armies of the Middle East – by Syrian troops, by Iraqi troops, by Iranian troops, by Israeli troops – I suppose cynicism should be my reaction. But Israel claims it is fighting our war against "international terror". The Israelis claim they are fighting in Gaza for us, for our Western ideals, for our security, for our safety, by our standards. And so we are also complicit in the savagery now being visited upon Gaza.
I've reported the excuses the Israeli army has served up in the past for these outrages. Since they may well be reheated in the coming hours, here are some of them: that the Palestinians killed their own refugees, that the Palestinians dug up bodies from cemeteries and planted them in the ruins, that ultimately the Palestinians are to blame because they supported an armed faction, or because armed Palestinians deliberately used the innocent refugees as cover.
The Sabra and Chatila massacre was committed by Israel's right-wing Lebanese Phalangist allies while Israeli troops, as Israel's own commission of inquiry revealed, watched for 48 hours and did nothing. When Israel was blamed, Menachem Begin's government accused the world of a blood libel. After Israeli artillery had fired shells into the UN base at Qana in 1996, the Israelis claimed that Hizbollah gunmen were also sheltering in the base. It was a lie. The more than 1,000 dead of 2006 – a war started when Hizbollah captured two Israeli soldiers on the border – were simply dismissed as the responsibility of the Hizbollah. Israel claimed the bodies of children killed in a second Qana massacre may have been taken from a graveyard. It was another lie. The Marwahin massacre was never excused. The people of the village were ordered to flee, obeyed Israeli orders and were then attacked by an Israeli gunship. The refugees took their children and stood them around the truck in which they were travelling so that Israeli pilots would see they were innocents. Then the Israeli helicopter mowed them down at close range. Only two survived, by playing dead. Israel didn't even apologise.
Twelve years earlier, another Israeli helicopter attacked an ambulance carrying civilians from a neighbouring village – again after they were ordered to leave by Israel – and killed three children and two women. The Israelis claimed that a Hizbollah fighter was in the ambulance. It was untrue. I covered all these atrocities, I investigated them all, talked to the survivors. So did a number of my colleagues. Our fate, of course, was that most slanderous of libels: we were accused of being anti-Semitic.
And I write the following without the slightest doubt: we'll hear all these scandalous fabrications again. We'll have the Hamas-to-blame lie – heaven knows, there is enough to blame them for without adding this crime – and we may well have the bodies-from-the-cemetery lie and we'll almost certainly have the Hamas-was-in-the-UN-school lie and we will very definitely have the anti-Semitism lie. And our leaders will huff and puff and remind the world that Hamas originally broke the ceasefire. It didn't. Israel broke it, first on 4 November when its bombardment killed six Palestinians in Gaza and again on 17 November when another bombardment killed four more Palestinians.
Yes, Israelis deserve security. Twenty Israelis dead in 10 years around Gaza is a grim figure indeed. But 600 Palestinians dead in just over a week, thousands over the years since 1948 – when the Israeli massacre at Deir Yassin helped to kick-start the flight of Palestinians from that part of Palestine that was to become Israel – is on a quite different scale. This recalls not a normal Middle East bloodletting but an atrocity on the level of the Balkan wars of the 1990s. And of course, when an Arab bestirs himself with unrestrained fury and takes out his incendiary, blind anger on the West, we will say it has nothing to do with us. Why do they hate us, we will ask? But let us not say we do not know the answer.
Whether or not you support Israel's a ctions(fully, partially or not at all), there is no defense for Hamas. None.
Very interesting how the message pit was very relatively quiet in 2007 during the Hamas-Fatah civil war, when atrocities were being committed...
I'm not defending Hamas...their policies are not perfect...BUT their policies are preferable to those of Israel or the US. Hamas has agreed to a long term truce if the 1967 borders were to be recognized, that's more than can be said of either the US or Israel. Israel is demanding Hamas recognize Israel's right to exist without even considering for a second that Palestine has that same right. Hamas, given a chance, would pursue peace, as they've said-Israel hasn't even agreed to the same.
The only reason you think Hamas is a terrorist organization is because the US and Israel have labeled them as such. They are no different than any group, well their level of violence is far less than that of Israel's, they don't have as much money for infrastructure or things like that-but they are simply trying to survive in a concentration camp, which is what Israel has turned Gaza and the West Bank into.
Israel is far more violent, and I can prove that statement.
Good post. I agree that it is irrelevant whether or not Hamas is inside the schools but it is also irrelevant to be discussing this since there were no fighters there in the first place. The UN has stated this and as the Israelis did with Lebanon they will come up with bullshit to excuse their butchery.
UN: No fighters in targeted school
The head of the UN agency in Gaza running the school that was attacked by Israel forces has rejected claims that Hamas fighters were inside the converted shelter. ... 69377.html
In addition to this,
UN halts Gaza aid after convoy hit
The United Nations has suspended its aid operations in the Gaza Strip in the wake of a series of Israeli attacks on its personnel and buildings. ... 39688.html
So what are they gonna say now, there are fighters in the convoys?
Lets see if the Israelis will yet again ignore another UN resolution
UN passes Gaza ceasefire resolution
The United Nations Security Council in New York has passed a resolution calling for an "immediate, durable and fully respected ceasefire" in Gaza. The resolution passed with 14 votes in favour and only the US abstaining.
But that's exactly what it is. Its Israel against civilians. 550 reported killed and thousands more wounded. they are dropping bombs on a populated city. and deliberately targeting schools and hospitals. you know what that's called? terrorism. a much more sever form of terrorism than firing bottle rockets across a border.
You are defending Israel's bombing of a school-a school that had children in it. a school that the UN gave coordinates to Israel to. a school that has been proven to have had NO militants in it. if you can defend that you'd make a perfect apologist for any atrocity.
1- this was preempted on Israel's part. they broke the 6 month cease fire every single day, by firing on fishing was a daily occurance according to Palestinian human rights groups. and Israel had battle plans for this assault drawn up 6 months ago, when they signed the cease-fire. so yes, it was initiated by Israel.
2-Israel has destroyed billions worth of infrastructure. the fact that they spend a fraction repairing shit they blew up is not praiseworthy. raw sewage is running down the streets in some parts of gaza. access to water has been cut off. homes bulldozed, buildings bombed. and that's ok because Israel spent a few billion repairing damage they caused? no. if anything they owe billions more.
3-Palestinians hate hamas....whether or not that is true is irrelevant. Hamas isn't the target-its been the Palestinian people.
Anti-semite Palestinian? Do you realise Palestinians are semites? This is the oldest propaganda move Israelis have been using since before the creation of their terrorist state. Criticize Israel and you are an anti-semite. "Ho-Ho".
I think Commy replied to you with much of all that is needed to be said but I will add that half the things you say are absolute bullshit. Israel does not poor billions into Gaza. The place has been under blockade for over a year and people are running out of clean water and you tell me they are building schools? Children don't even have ink to write in books. But why would they need ink when they are running out of books even. Initially, when they had Jewish colonies inside Gaza they funded the colonies and left the Palestinians to rot in hell. For more information about this watch documentaries like "Peace, Propaganda and The Promised Land" and "Occupation 101".
You say you have some family in Israel as if it would make me believe you more. I have family in Lebanon and lived there myself and seen the atrocities that Israeli inflicted. I have extended family in Israel as well who are treated like shit. So?
And even if there were Hamas fighters in the school, you are condoning the attack which has killed more than 40 civilians in order to to kill a handful of fighters? So tell me, going by your foolish logic, are suicide bombings which kill one Israeli policeman or IDF officer and 40 Israeli civilians correct in their nature? No they are not and you have shown enough of your hypocrisy.
And how do you explain the bombing of UN Aid Convoys?
I suggest you read articles and books from people like Robert Fisk for a better perspective.
I also suggest you start finding excuses for these:
Gaza 'war crimes' warning ... 34029.html
The UN human rights chief warned a special session of the Human Rights Council on Friday that human rights violations in Gaza and some reported incidents there might warrant prosecutions for war crimes...
and this,
Israel's weeklong turning point ... 87018.html
...Usually reluctant to go public, the International Committee of the Red Cross described as shocking the discovery by its field staff on Wednesday of four emaciated children next to the bodies of their dead mothers in a house in Zeitoun, near Gaza City. It rebuked the Israeli military for failing its obligation under humanitarian law "to care for and evacuate the wounded".
In the meantime, Israeli officials opted for a slanging match they could not win, challenging the view of Cardinal Renato Martino, head of the Vatican's pontifical council on peace and justice, who said on Wednesday: "Look at the conditions in Gaza: more and more it resembles a big concentration camp."
The cardinal has since upped the ante. In an interview with La Repubblica he describes the situation in Gaza as horrific and "against human dignity".
Even the US State Department had a rebuke, saying the three-hour lull in fighting that Israel grudgingly agreed to observe on the afternoon of each second day of fighting was insufficient.
Amnesty International complained that Israeli troops were endangering civilians by occupying their homes and holding them by force in ground-floor rooms, while the rest of the building was used as an Israeli military base and sniper position....
...Israeli embassies worldwide will have been reporting the week's rising tide of criticism to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jerusalem. Having copped the lot from the Vatican, the UN, the Red Cross, Amnesty International and even the State Department, what were they to make of the page-one exclusive in The Guardian yesterday - "Obama camp 'prepared to talk to Hamas"'?...
My point was the mere changing of the definition "anti-semite" to being "anti-Israeli" is Propaganda for the state of Israel. Nowadays they use it as a tool to get people to back off incase they be associated with Hitler, Nazis, and Vichy French.
Palestines have the right to a Palestinian state as they were there before the immigration of Jews to the land and most of their land was STOLEN. If you want to bring the ejection of Jews from the land by forces, then I suggest you read the work of Israeli professor Schlomo Sand whose work shows Palestinians are actually the closest descendants of the Historic Jews of Jerusalem. So why do the Palestinians have to suffer for Europes mistakes?
As for the "building schools" you tried to make it sound as if the Israelis poured in money into Gaza by the billions which is deceptive by any standards. The Israelis funded Jewish colonies and have not helped the Palestinians at all. The Palestinians did take over those schools after the Israelis disengaged from Gaza but that wasn't some kind of Humanitarian aid from the Israelis it was merely a way to be able to make Gaza into a prison camp for Palestinians.
I will not argue with the point of Hamas being victims as I don't believe they are and I don't think Commy believes that either. But the point most anti-war people try to make is that these militias formed to fight Israeli occuption. If this occupation is lifted and a Palestinian state is created then there would be no reason to fight. If they do fight on after that then I would be the first to call them out on their aggression.
The non-Jewish Arabs vastly outnumbered the Jewish population in the early days before the creation of Israel. The Arab ownership of land was far greater than the land in Jewish control. European forced immigration of Jews or Jews fleeing persecution did not lead to Jews "returning" but led to European Jews taking over Palestinian lands. The idea of "returning" is a myth. It seems you also fail to mention the Zionist terrorist gangs that went on rampages to scare the Brits and Arabs. Another myth is that much of the LAND WAS NOT STOLEN. That is the myth that Israel tries to sell to the public. Even Ben-Gurion admitted Zionists had to kick out Palestinians to get their own state so give me a break from these modified history lessons which make the heart of the Israeli Propaganda campaign.
The Jews who were colonising sections of Gaza before the withdrawal were investing money in their own little settlements under the heavy protection of the IDF. In fact, many humanitarian agencies (including Israeli agencies) have stated those settlements constantly impeded Palestinian lives to suit the Jewish colonialists. In addition to "settlers" attacking Palestinians under the protection of the IDF. There are many documentaries out there. Watch them.
The fact that you mention the Saudi's should take over the region leads me to conclude you truly have no idea what you are talking about. Any moderate Muslim would bash his/her head on the wall just reading your statement. Saudi's employ a system of fundamentalist Wahhabi doctrines that require complete change for any truly sane person to recommend they take over other countries. They are a monarchy, and they are not as respected as you make think by the Shi'ites. These "royals" you mention live their over-indulgent disgustingly pompous lives while they subject their people to many human rights violations. I can see why you might support the war in Gaza.
The Israelis have been violating since the inception of their state by constantly expanding settlements and stealing Palestinian land to build new settlements. In addition, they build a huge barrier which steals more land. In addition, they impose curfews and checkpoints on Palestinians which have caused much suffering and DEATH. The occupation is the problem.
And if you looked at the proposed peace settlements you will realise why Palestinians had to reject. Although, the Western media was broadcasting it as major concessions on behalf of the Israelis it was in fact the opposite. ONE of the problems I could easily mention now is the fact that although Palestinians were to have a state, the Israelis were still allowed military control over that state (borders, airports, and so on). It would help to read articles and books from BOTH sides of the argument.