Beware on the M.T!!

Internet user admits 'web rage'
An internet user has been found guilty of what police said was Britain's first "web rage" attack.
Paul Gibbons, 47, tracked down John Jones using details obtained online after the pair exchanged insults in an internet chatroom, a court heard.
He travelled 70 miles to Mr Jones' home in Clacton, Essex, and beat him up with a pickaxe handle in December 2005.
Gibbons, of Southwark, south London, admitted unlawful wounding and will be sentenced on 7 November.
The pair met in an internet chatroom called Yahoo, Islam 10 as both had an interest in the Muslim faith, the Old Bailey was told.
Their exchanges soured after Gibbons accused Mr Jones of spreading rumours about him.
"There was an exchange of views between the victim and the defendant which were threatening on both sides," said prosecutor Ibitayo Adebayo.
"Certainly there was some hostility between the two."
Gibbons, a man with a violent past, traced Mr Jones to his home using personal details about himself that he had put online.
Gibbons arrived at Mr Jones' home armed and accompanied by another man carrying a machete, the court heard.
Mr Jones opened the door holding a knife for protection, said Mr Adebayo.
A fight broke out during which Mr Jones was disarmed and beaten with the pickaxe handle and cut with the knife.
Gibbons fled after the victim's partner called for help. Mr Jones suffered cuts to his head, neck and hands.
After he was arrested, Gibbons was found to have boasted about the attack in a chatroom.
"It went perfectly to plan," he wrote.
An internet user has been found guilty of what police said was Britain's first "web rage" attack.
Paul Gibbons, 47, tracked down John Jones using details obtained online after the pair exchanged insults in an internet chatroom, a court heard.
He travelled 70 miles to Mr Jones' home in Clacton, Essex, and beat him up with a pickaxe handle in December 2005.
Gibbons, of Southwark, south London, admitted unlawful wounding and will be sentenced on 7 November.
The pair met in an internet chatroom called Yahoo, Islam 10 as both had an interest in the Muslim faith, the Old Bailey was told.
Their exchanges soured after Gibbons accused Mr Jones of spreading rumours about him.
"There was an exchange of views between the victim and the defendant which were threatening on both sides," said prosecutor Ibitayo Adebayo.
"Certainly there was some hostility between the two."
Gibbons, a man with a violent past, traced Mr Jones to his home using personal details about himself that he had put online.
Gibbons arrived at Mr Jones' home armed and accompanied by another man carrying a machete, the court heard.
Mr Jones opened the door holding a knife for protection, said Mr Adebayo.
A fight broke out during which Mr Jones was disarmed and beaten with the pickaxe handle and cut with the knife.
Gibbons fled after the victim's partner called for help. Mr Jones suffered cuts to his head, neck and hands.
After he was arrested, Gibbons was found to have boasted about the attack in a chatroom.
"It went perfectly to plan," he wrote.
Post edited by Unknown User on
You wish ...
shhhh ... you're blowing my cover ...
I was thinking that earlier. Most of the posts on that thread consist of comments such as "Fuck you!" and "You moron!" It's a riveting read!
I'm from New Jersey
indeed...just another day on the message pit.
in regards to the thread topic, it doesn't surprise me in the least. bi think far too many get too comfy in their *appearance* of anonimity on the net. unstable people exist everywhere, one could even argue that the internet is a haven for it - present company excluded of course
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I'm not afraid of you people.
But you gotta attack first.
Hell no, you have to come to me.
I'm not gonna spend the bucks it'd cost in gas alone to try and find you.
Dude, why don't you just hack his computer and print gay porn on his printer?
i'm gonna show up outside your door and freak you out with my patchouli stink and dreadlock lice. then im gonna drive through your local mcdonalds and run over a little girl on a bike cause im high on weed.
I'm not gonna show up on someone's doorstep. That's a bit too much effort for a stupid arguement. And If I do sure ain't gonna be to Salt Lake City.
Good luck.
Have you seen the Canada goose? No.
What the hell is wrong with you? It's way sweeter than the bald eagle!
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Way sweet, crows are pretty cool too!
I saw one peck another bird's eye out just to get his nut, it was awesome.