Liberals vs Conservatives?

If all the liberals in the world fought all the conservatives in the world in a fist fight, who would win? 
I just read a thread on the AET about the new Rocky movie and felt inspired to cross thread boundaries with this important and contemporary issue.

I just read a thread on the AET about the new Rocky movie and felt inspired to cross thread boundaries with this important and contemporary issue.
Post edited by Unknown User on
and I agree this is a very important contemporary issue.
I'm proud as hell to be liberal, but we'd get our ass kicked in a fist fight, plus I'm sure some conservatives would bring the guns. We're good people, but we're big pansies
The guy above me makes a great point about the union workers though...that could balance it out a bit
fight was fixed. foreman was druged. true story
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
most of those people would vote conservative cos they represent their traditional values. the conservatives would win. they're vicious and would fight dirty and ugly. the liberals would spend too much time holding committee meetings to decide what battle plan to use without offending any of their factions. by the time they took actions, the conservatives would be drinking the blood of liberal babies and burning the carcasses in effigy to their lord and master jesus christ.
Oh jlew is quite the conspiracy theorist...I mean the man thinks the gov't was behind 9/11.
Just kidding jlew, you know your my boy from the windy city
hey now. you callin me out? lets get in the ring.
but wait, it wouldnt be liberal vs conservative. or would it
...but the liberals would have a UN sanction in place before any damage could be done.
Whatever the result, I'm sure it would end up being contested anyway.
yes and we know how well sanctions work.
Just as well as not following through on sanctions and invading a country...
How do you figure???
which just goes to show you more reasons the conservatives would win.
I have insider information.
****slaps you upside your head*****
hands you a tissue. :(
Because this is America, we like to pick fights...even if we can't win them
Yeah, and America can't run w/ one political party in charge. The only reason we are the way we are, is a combination of both liberals and conservatives.
I personally believe the Liberals would spank the Conservatives like red headed step children. :cool:
Dya wanna fight over it?
lighten up. or hit me back. gimmie your best shot. do it
~Ron Burgundy
thats true. they arent discriminatory when it comes to kill innocent people
And then Subcomandante Marcos strung the jihadists up and fed them to the dogs.
lol When did Chechen rebels become liberal?
Conservative would spank Liberals...all we would have to do is cut off your tofu supply.