Israel plans 740 new homes in occupied territory
Sunday, 23 December 2007, 09:37 GMT
Israel confirms settlement plans
Israel plans to build 740 new homes in settlements in occupied East Jerusalem, a minister said, despite its commitment to freeze all settlement activity.
Rafi Eitan, minister for Jerusalem affairs, said Israel had never promised to stop building within Jerusalem and had a duty to house its citizens.
It is budgeting to build 500 new homes in Har Homa and 240 in Maaleh Adumim.
A Palestinian spokesman condemned the plans, accusing Israel of seeking to destroy renewed peace talks.
The two sides agreed at a peace conference in Annapolis in the US in late November to revive the 2003 peace plan known as the roadmap.
According to the plan, Israel must halt all settlement activity and the Palestinians must rein in militants.
But soon after the conference, Israel announced a tender for 300 homes in Har Homa.
Israel annexed East Jerusalem after the 1967 Middle East War, a move not recognised internationally.
News that the construction ministry was budgeting for 740 new settlement homes was reported by the Israeli settlement watchdog, Peace Now.
The Israeli government has argued that the new homes in Har Homa are part of plans drawn up seven years ago, and that the area - known in Arabic as Abu Ghneim - was in any case not covered by the roadmap.
Thousands of people live in Jewish settlements in East Jerusalem which are expected to remain in Israeli hands under any final peace settlement.
Critics argue that the network of settlements will disrupt any future attempt to make East Jerusalem capital of a Palestinian state.
"Har Homa is an integral part of Jerusalem and Israel will not stop building there," Mr Eitan said on Israeli Army Radio on Sunday.
"It is Israel's duty to provide its citizens with a place to live."
Maaleh Adumim stands further out of the city but Mr Eitan insisted it was "an integral part of Jerusalem in any peace accord".
Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said Israel was undermining efforts to renew peacemaking.
"This is a totally destructive policy," he said.
"Every day we hear a new settlement expansion plan - this cannot be tolerated."
Sunday, 23 December 2007, 09:37 GMT
Israel confirms settlement plans
Israel plans to build 740 new homes in settlements in occupied East Jerusalem, a minister said, despite its commitment to freeze all settlement activity.
Rafi Eitan, minister for Jerusalem affairs, said Israel had never promised to stop building within Jerusalem and had a duty to house its citizens.
It is budgeting to build 500 new homes in Har Homa and 240 in Maaleh Adumim.
A Palestinian spokesman condemned the plans, accusing Israel of seeking to destroy renewed peace talks.
The two sides agreed at a peace conference in Annapolis in the US in late November to revive the 2003 peace plan known as the roadmap.
According to the plan, Israel must halt all settlement activity and the Palestinians must rein in militants.
But soon after the conference, Israel announced a tender for 300 homes in Har Homa.
Israel annexed East Jerusalem after the 1967 Middle East War, a move not recognised internationally.
News that the construction ministry was budgeting for 740 new settlement homes was reported by the Israeli settlement watchdog, Peace Now.
The Israeli government has argued that the new homes in Har Homa are part of plans drawn up seven years ago, and that the area - known in Arabic as Abu Ghneim - was in any case not covered by the roadmap.
Thousands of people live in Jewish settlements in East Jerusalem which are expected to remain in Israeli hands under any final peace settlement.
Critics argue that the network of settlements will disrupt any future attempt to make East Jerusalem capital of a Palestinian state.
"Har Homa is an integral part of Jerusalem and Israel will not stop building there," Mr Eitan said on Israeli Army Radio on Sunday.
"It is Israel's duty to provide its citizens with a place to live."
Maaleh Adumim stands further out of the city but Mr Eitan insisted it was "an integral part of Jerusalem in any peace accord".
Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said Israel was undermining efforts to renew peacemaking.
"This is a totally destructive policy," he said.
"Every day we hear a new settlement expansion plan - this cannot be tolerated."
Post edited by Unknown User on
Where does it stop....or does it?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Israel has volatized how many UN sanctions? Should the US attack? It is not like Israel has never attacked the US.
Of course there is that sticky point of Israel having Nukes.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
The Tie-Dye Lady is HOT!!!
Warning if you click above you will see seriously graphic (very disturbing) images of some of the aftermath of the Beit Hanoun massacre.
People openly plan, and profit from this type of activity on purpose.
They are exactly like drug dealers but they deal in lives, only killing enough to have enough to kill later, so the can keep spinning a profit.
The best part is apparently God gives them the right to carry on like this.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
How anyone can blindly support this is beyond me.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Israeli cluster bomb use 'legal'
Israeli military prosecutors say the army's much-criticised deployment of cluster bombs in last year's Lebanon war was legal under international law.
The Israeli army announced there would be no indictments against officers who used them, after a year-long enquiry.
"The use of the weaponry was a concrete military necessity," a statement said.
The UN called Israel's cluster bombing "shocking and immoral", as most were used in the last 72 hours of fighting when a resolution was clearly imminent.
According to the inquiry by the head of the army's Defence College, the majority of cluster bombs were dropped in open areas and their use in urban areas was an "immediate response" to target areas that were being used as launch pads by Hezbollah guerrillas.
The findings were accepted by the army's Judge Advocate General Avihai Mandelblit.
The UN says about four million cluster bomblets were dropped on Lebanon during the 34-day conflict.
Many of them failed to explode on impact, posing a danger to civilians in their homes, gardens and fields.
More than 30 people have been reported killed by cluster bomb and land mine explosions since the 2006 war.
Although cluster bombs are not illegal under the laws of war, campaigners say their use in populated areas constitutes an indiscriminate attack on civilians.
So there we have it then! Israel has once again declared itself innocent in the face of international condemnation - excerpting it's U.S sponsor.
When will any Government finally reign these murdering scumbags in?
That link ain't working fella.
'Israel targets journalists: The story of Imad Ghanem
On 5 July, Palestinian news cameraman, Imad Ghanem, was shot by Israeli occupation troops as he filmed them invading Gaza. This video shows Israeli bullets hitting his body as he lay helpless on the ground.
Added: 25/09/2007 06:39:00 PM'
yes very is this:
Palestinian journalist suffering more at the hands of their own than Israel
Physical attacks against journalists have been the most common form of press freedom violations in Palestinian areas, according to a recent report. On many occasions, reporters and cameramen have been exposed to teargas and arrested.
A report on press freedom in the Palestinian territories between January 1 and September 30 this year by the Palestine Partners Centre for Media Development has found that Israeli occupation has been second in terms of sources of threat to press freedom. Out of 140 cases of violence against journalists registered by the organisation, 92 were by Palestinian aggressors.
June was the most violent month with 36 cases of aggression. Again, 30 were committed by Palestinian armed groups. The West Bank suffered the most during the month with 20 incidents. March was relatively peaceful with total four cases registered. Palestinian attacks were prominent in the Gaza Strip whereas Israeli attacks shed blood more in the West Bank.
this is very unfortunate news. thanks for posting this. Israel should halt all of this crap.
And aren't there ANY vacant lots in non-occupied places they can build?
Hail, Hail!!!
what I find interesting is that these particular homes are being built in Jerusalem. this city is the capital of 3 major religions. the only solution is to split it up.
OR... make it belong to no one and everyone at the same time. Sort of how the Vatican City is not part of Italy (but, still is). Sort of like that except make all the interested parties kick in for regular infrastructure and maintainance and have in declared a religious zone where no weapons are allowed.
I don't know the details... but, basically a Holy City where religion lives and politics doesn't.
Hail, Hail!!!
if it were only that easy. The temple mount, in Jerusalem, is the holiest site for judaism and the 3rd holiest site for muslims. Talk about a political / religious nightmare.
talk about having no easy solution.
ca. 1004 King David captures Jerusalem from the Jebusites. Makes Jerusalem the capital.
(As some scholars point out, King David did not found Jerusalem, but conquered an already-inhabited city that had been in existence for 2,000 years.)
1010 - 970 Reign of King David.
ca. 960 King Solomon begins to build the First Temple.
928 Division of Kingdom into Israel (north) and Judah (south).
722 Assyrians conquer northern Kingdom of Israel.
701 Hezekiah successfully withstands Sennacherib's attack on Jerusalem.
597 Babylonians capture Jerusalem.
586 Nebuchadnezzar destroys city and First Temple and exiles Jews to Babylon.
539 Fall of Babylon.
538-37 Cyrus allows Jews (about 50,000) to return to Jerusalem from Babylon
520 Works begins on the building of the Second Temple under Zerubbabel.
515 Completion and rededication of the Second Temple.
445 Nehemiah appointed governor of Judea by Artaxerxes and rebuilds city walls.
397 Ezra the Scribe initiates religious reforms.
332 Alexander the Great conquers Palestine.
323 Death of Alexander in Babylon - Wars of Succession begin.
320 Ptolemy I captures Jerusalem.
320 - 198 Rule of Egyptian Ptolemies.
198 - 167 Rule of the Syrian Seleucids.
167 Antiochus IV of Syria outlaws Juda and desecrates the Second Temple.
167 - 141 Maccabean War of Liberation.
164 Judah Maccabee recaptures Jerusalem and restores Temple.
166 - 160 Rule of Judah the Maccabee.
160 - 143 Rule of Jonathan.
143 - 135 Rule of Simon Maccabeus.
63 General Pompey and his Roman legions conquer Jerusalem.
63 - 37 Hasmonean rules continue but under protection of Rome.
40 Rome appoints Herod King of Judea.
40 - CE 4 Reign of Herod the Great.
37 King Herod captures Jerusalem.
18 Herod commences rebuilding of Temple.
ca. 7 BCE - ca. 31 CE Life of Jesus of Nazareth
4 BCE Jerusalem is governed from Caesarea by Roman procurators.
Herod dies.
New Testament Period under Roman Rule (First Century CE)
26 - 36 Pontius Pilate, Roman procurator of Judea.
27 - 31 The ministry of Jesus.
31 Crucifixion of Jesus.
63 Temple completed.
66 Jews revolt against the Romans.
70 Jerusalem is demolished by Titus; survivors are exiled or sold into slavery.
132 Bar Kochba leads a doomed revolt against Rome.
135 Emperor Hadrian rebuilds Jerusalem; builds new walls and renames the city Aelia
Capitolina and country Palestine; bans Jews from Jerusalem.
313 Emperor Constantine legalizes Christianity.
324 Constantine becomes sole ruler of the empire.
326 Queen Helena discovers Gologotha and other holy sites; her son, Constantine, builds the Anastasis (Church of the Holy Sepulchre).
438 Empress Eudocia allows Jews to live in Jersualem.
614 Persian conquest of Jerusalem.
628 Emperor Heraculis recaptures the city.
638 Six years after the Mohammed's death, Caliph Omar captures Jerusalem; Jews readmitted.
691 Dome of the Rock is built by Caliph Abd al-Malik.
715 Al-Aqsa Mosque is completed by al-Walid al-Malik.
750 Power shifts from the Umayyards of Damascus to the Abbasids of Baghdad; Abbasids continue to enhance Jerusalem.
969 Fatimid conquest is soon followed by destruction of churches and synagogues.
1071 Seljuks devastate Jerusalem.
CRUSADER PERIOD (1099 - 1187)
1099 Crusaders led by Godfrey de Bouillon, capture Jerusalem; Baldwin I declared king; Jews and Muslims are slaughtered.
1187 Kurdish general Saladin captures Jerusalem from Crusaders; permits Jews and Muslims to return and settle in the city.
1229 Treaty returns Jerusalem to the Crusaders.
1244 Mamluk Sultans defeat the Ayyubids and rule Jerusalem; city again in Muslim hands.
1260 Mamluks of Egypt rule Jerusalem from Cairo.
1267 Rabbi Moshe Ben Nahman arrives from Spain, revives Jewish congregation.
1275 Marco Polo stops in Jerusalem on his way to China.
1291 Acre, the last Crusader stronghold in the Holy Land, is captured by the Mamluks.
1348 Black Death Plague hits Jerusalem.
1492 Jews arrive following Spanish Exile.
OTTOMAN PERIOD (1517 - 1917)
1517 Palestine and Jerusalem become part of the Ottoman Empire.
1537 - 1541 Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent rebuilds the city walls.
1799 Napoleon invades Palestine but does not try to conquer Jerusalem.
1831 Mohammed Ali of Egypt rules the country for nine years.
1838 First consulate (British) opens in Jerusalem.
1849 Consecration of Christ Church, first Protestant church in the Near East.
1860 First Jewish settlement outside walls of the city.
1892 Railroad connects the city to the coast.
1898 Visit by Dr. Theodor Herzl, founder of the World Zionist Organization.
1917 British conquest and General Allenby's entry into Jerusalem.
1920 The Mandate for Palestine is conferred on Britain.
1921-29 Arab-Jewish disturbances.
1936-39 Arab-Jewish disturbances.
1925 Hebrew University buildings are inaugurated.
1947 United Nations Resolution to create a Jewish and an Arab state in Palestine.
1948 British withdraw from Palestine; the country is invaded by armies from neighboring states; the State of Israel is declared on May 14.
1948 - 49 Israel War of Liberation (also known as the "1948-1949 War").
1949 Israel-TransJordan Armistice Agreement signed; Jerusalem divided between two countries.
Jerusalem proclaimed capital of Israel; East Jerusalem is ruled by Jordan.
1967 Israelis capture Old City during Six-Day War.
1973 The Yom Kippur War.
1979 Egypt and Israel sign peace treaty.
1987 Beginning of Intifada.
1993 Israel and the PLO sign the Declaration of Principles.
1995 Israel and Jordan sign peace treaty.
I hear ya. Maybe we should just turn it over to Disney. See what they can do with it.
Hail, Hail!!!
What Jlew is saying is that due to the complex history of the Middle East, we should simply turn our backs on what's now going on there and ignore the situation. I.e, be complicit in allowing the U.S to sponsor, and support the 'ethnic cleansing' of the Palestinian people.
wow, who do you think you are to put words in my mouth? and trust me, you are the last guy to know what I am trying to say.
where did I say we should turn our backs on this ?
maybe now you see why its useless to debate with you. you completely make shit up. it really pisses me off even though it shouldnt.
So then please explain the point of your previous post re: key dates/events in the history of the region.
that a solution to the problem is not easy. wars have been fought over the city for thousands of years. you seem to think its Palestinian land, when it fact its changed hands for eons. got it now? seems like you need to study the history of the land itself before making judgments. a little education doesnt hurt.
He he he!
ISrael is basically the US base in the middle east, if things ever go down on a global scale.
I disagree. if Israel wanted to "cleanse" the area of muslims, it can do so very quickly. but Israeli policies are a HUGE part of the problem there, no question about that.
thats a good thing right?
good for who?
did you expect it to be free?