Russia retaliates

Putin has just said that Russia will build missile defense systems, and new bases in Western Russia and Azerbaijan in order to counter the threat from the U.S. Will the Bush Administration's legacy be a disintegrated Iraq, and a new arms race?
Post edited by Unknown User on
You're sure about that? Last time I checked, Putin suggested to Bush to build the american missile defense system on Russian soil. Kind of a peace offering.
Really? I'm watching it on CNN. Sure the translator's a bit crap, but that's what I gathered from it. I could be wrong.
Well it isn't exactly like that but a kind of US/Russian collaboration on the european missile defesense
this one is a bit clearer
As you can see both want very much to protect europe, while both aren't part of europe.
O.k. Thanks.
Clearly Putin's being quite smart here and calling Bush's bluff. Obviously an existing missile defense system in Azerbaijan will be under the watch, and even partial control, of the Russians. It'll be interesting to see how this develops.
Put your nuclear bomb-protection helmets on, we're going back to the super bowl.
only now, the ruskies can't afford to pay their pilots, much less their mechanics. And what's really sad is that this missile defense shield crap Does. Not. Work. We've been working on this shit for 40 plus years (!!!!) yes, since Kennedy and the "brilliant pebbles" days and still, nada.
—Dorothy Parker
Untill their will grows tired