think about what you are implying here......the u.s government organised the hijacking (or shot down) three planes full of u.s citizens (and others) and murdered 3000 of its own civilians. not even hitler or pol pot would have ever done such a thing. do we really believe that bush is really that evil? the man is basically a christian fundamentalist for a start so it would run directly against his beliefs. and it would make him the most evil leader in the history of mankind ahead of nero and others. i can't believe otherwise intelligent people actually buy it......
The wind is blowing cold
Have we lost our way tonight?
Have we lost our hope to sorrow?
Feels like were all alone
Running further from what’s right
And there are no more heroes to follow
think about what you are implying here......the u.s government organised the hijacking (or shot down) three planes full of u.s citizens (and others) and murdered 3000 of its own civilians. not even hitler or pol pot would have ever done such a thing. do we really believe that bush is really that evil? the man is basically a christian fundamentalist for a start so it would run directly against his beliefs. and it would make him the most evil leader in the history of mankind ahead of nero and others. i can't believe otherwise intelligent people actually buy it......
first off, its absurd to think bush is an honest christian, or an honest person in general. and holy shit... hitler killed way more than 3000 of his own civilians!!!!!!!!!!!! unless german jews were not really germans????? what the fuck.
Its just another look at the original theory. But nice attempt at dismissing it anyway...
Yeah, and some people say they encourage individuality and questioning but then act like some of the people who do it must be nuts. I guess it's only encouraged if you agree with them.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I don't have the time it would take to go through this entire thread, but I would like to point out something of critical importance.
Popular Mechanics is owned by the Hearst Corporation. The Hearst corporation is deep in the pockets of the Bush deep in fact as to be biased. Not to mention the Hearst Corporation's reputation for yellow journalism.
Hardly an unbiased analysis. The "journalist" who wrote this piece is a cousin of Michael Chertoff...the Bush regime's Homeland Security chief.
<ore on that piece of crap that was passed off as "journalism"
think about what you are implying here......the u.s government organised the hijacking (or shot down) three planes full of u.s citizens (and others) and murdered 3000 of its own civilians. not even hitler or pol pot would have ever done such a thing. do we really believe that bush is really that evil? the man is basically a christian fundamentalist for a start so it would run directly against his beliefs. and it would make him the most evil leader in the history of mankind ahead of nero and others. i can't believe otherwise intelligent people actually buy it......
think about what you are implying here......the u.s government organised the hijacking (or shot down) three planes full of u.s citizens (and others) and murdered 3000 of its own civilians. not even hitler or pol pot would have ever done such a thing. do we really believe that bush is really that evil? the man is basically a christian fundamentalist for a start so it would run directly against his beliefs. and it would make him the most evil leader in the history of mankind ahead of nero and others. i can't believe otherwise intelligent people actually buy it......
no, take bush out of it...he has never been anything but the public face for it all.
bush knows nothing about i said, when the administration cut student loans he was asked at a speech and he honestly had no clue it had even happened!
ok, about the killing citizens....look at our history, it is even on the library of congress' website, official military websites that they tested chemical and biological agents on unknowing citizens, even elementary schools, to certain ppl the populace is replacable labor in a way.
again, get rid of bush, get to the core, ppl of pnac, cheney, rummy, wolfowitz, perle...they have been around for decades starting illegal wars, creating and funding death squads to keep the populace in check...
when cheney went to the private sector <halliburton> he did business w/ saddam, iran, syria, libyia...basically our enemies, 2/3 of the axis of evil...when asked how he dealt w/ doing business w/ regimes that are guilty of gross human rights abuses he said it was easy, he didn't think about it.
look up the wolfowitz doctrine, then pnac's redefining america's defenses writen 9/00
think about this:
how did a known hijacked plane make a u-turn, head back to dc, fly thru dc's no-fly zone, make another u-turn and hit the pentagon...all of this was done 1 1/2 hours after the first plane hit the towers andrew's air force base is roughly only 10 miles from dc, why did cheney wait until right before the pentagon was hit, again over 1 1/2 hours after the first hit, to scramble the military?
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
no, take bush out of it...he has never been anything but the public face for it all.
bush knows nothing about i said, when the administration cut student loans he was asked at a speech and he honestly had no clue it had even happened!
ok, about the killing citizens....look at our history, it is even on the library of congress' website, official military websites that they tested chemical and biological agents on unknowing citizens, even elementary schools, to certain ppl the populace is replacable labor in a way.
again, get rid of bush, get to the core, ppl of pnac, cheney, rummy, wolfowitz, perle...they have been around for decades starting illegal wars, creating and funding death squads to keep the populace in check...
when cheney went to the private sector <halliburton> he did business w/ saddam, iran, syria, libyia...basically our enemies, 2/3 of the axis of evil...when asked how he dealt w/ doing business w/ regimes that are guilty of gross human rights abuses he said it was easy, he didn't think about it.
look up the wolfowitz doctrine, then pnac's redefining america's defenses writen 9/00
think about this:
how did a known hijacked plane make a u-turn, head back to dc, fly thru dc's no-fly zone, make another u-turn and hit the pentagon...all of this was done 1 1/2 hours after the first plane hit the towers andrew's air force base is roughly only 10 miles from dc, why did cheney wait until right before the pentagon was hit, again over 1 1/2 hours after the first hit, to scramble the military?
so bush knows nothing at all about this grand plan and cheney and co planned this whilst keeping him in the dark? cheney and rumsfield are certainly pieces of work but the hijacking of jets and slamming them into the world trade centre? so they could invade afghanistan of all countries? its a good question why it took so long. but this conspiracy theory still seems like the one heard from people who question the moon-landing or think elvis is still alive.
The wind is blowing cold
Have we lost our way tonight?
Have we lost our hope to sorrow?
Feels like were all alone
Running further from what’s right
And there are no more heroes to follow
so bush knows nothing at all about this grand plan and cheney and co planned this whilst keeping him in the dark? cheney and rumsfield are certainly pieces of work but the hijacking of jets and slamming them into the world trade centre? so they could invade afghanistan of all countries? its a good question why it took so long. but this conspiracy theory still seems like the one heard from people who question the moon-landing or think elvis is still alive.
Google "Afghanistan" and "pipeline" if you want to know why they'd go into that country.....and you make it sound like it was just Afghanistan they were interested in.....9/11 was the major influence on the Iraq invasion as well...if it hadn't happened, I like to think the average American would have been much more critical of the WMD claims, instead of the kill 'em all attitude I kept hearing.....
And I don't know why people keep comparing the percentages of "Elvis is alive" believers to the percentage of "US gov't was involved in 9/11" believers. I hate to draw these lines, but.....I would bet my last dollar that 90% of the "Elvis" people live in red states, and 90% of the 9/11 theorists live in blue states.....not the same people at all
Go to the site and watch or listen to the segment.
EXCLUSIVE...9/11 Debate: Loose Change Filmmakers vs. Popular Mechanics Editors of "Debunking 9/11 Myths"
Today, a debate about 9/11. Ever since the attacks took place, many people across the country have raised a number of questions about what actually happened on that day in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania. Websites, articles, books and documentaries have put forward a variety of alternate theories to the government's account of what happened.
The most popular of these is a documentary called "Loose Change." The 80-minute film first appeared on the web in April 2005. Since then, it has had at least 10 million viewings and is described by Vanity Fair as "the first Internet blockbuster." As the popularity of "Loose Change" has soared, a book dealing with the questions it and others have raised about 9/11 has been published. It's called "Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can't Stand Up to the Facts" put together by the editors of the magazine, Popular Mechanics.
Today, we talk about some of the 9/11 theories and the arguments against them.
Dylan Avery, writer and director of "Loose Change."
Jason Bermas, researcher for "Loose Change."
James Meigs, editor-in-chief of Popular Mechanics. Part of the editorial team that produced "Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can't Stand Up to the Facts."
David Dunbar, executive editor of Popular Mechanics. Part of the editorial team that produced "Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can't Stand Up to the Facts."
Hear what they have to say for themselves before you read the article in
Popular Mechanics and assume that it is truth.
Here's the main point I got out of it:
JAMES MEIGS: "Yeah. We didn't fact check every detail of Loose Change, but what we did do was look at the broad cross-section of conspiracy theories. There are photographs of the plane in the building of wreckage wrapped around reinforced concrete columns, and there is a map of the path of destruction that plane tore through that area."
Every time these guys were backed into a corner (the transcript does not do the interview justice) they said, oh...these conspiracy theorists... They stayed on message. They did not have much to say when presented with specific evidence presented by the Loose Change guys. I'm not too much into reading one person's point of view, but rather taking many pictures of the same puzzle. Makes for a clearer picture. Why wouldn't you want to entertain one of these theories as plausible. When you shut out other opinions, when you accept as truth, knowledge that is offered to you without doing your own research, the only disservice that happens is that you deny yourself from learning/understanding about other people.
If you don't like Loose Change, watch the 911 Mysteries series on Google video. It was made by a self-proclaimed Republican-Conservative. In my opinion, it is better and more detailed than Loose Change and without all the drama music.
I want to point out that people who seem to have no power, whether working people, people of color, or women -- once they organize and protest and create movements -- have a voice no government can suppress. Howard Zinn
i could agree with a lot of that, but there are questions that none of you can answer pertaining to 9/11. if they lied about one thing, or provided false evidence,... why wouldn't the whole damn thing be a lie? i don't see why people get so upset about it, and why it's so unbelievable,... especially considering the decisions this administration has made post 9/11.
there's a difference in questioning something and being obsessed with something. you're got going to believe anything until it agrees with your opinion. (i don't mean you personally but if the shoe fits.....)
if you've noticed; the same people are always on the conspiracy side. everything is a conspiracy. it's a shame to waste ones life with such a mindset. some guy in this thread he considers 9/11 5 different terrorist attacks. if so; then when we invaded iraq; it was 80,000 (or however many soldiers) attacks. he was trying to justify why we had so many attacks on clintons watch and only one on bush's watch.
i look at the evidence that makes the most logical sequence of events. what you saw is what happened. sometimes things are as they appear. you can question them as much as you want but it won't change a thing. even if you're right; what do you get out of it? nothing. you still wasted 5 years of time and effort dwelling on it. not that the entire time was wasted; i mean where else could you have directed that time and effort? the truth always comes out in it's own time. some people have too much time on thier hands.
hey! i'm that "some guy", and, for the record, i don't really believe the conspiracy theories about 911. i mean, from THIS administration? i think it's laugable that they could pull that off.
You need to do some homework on Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. Those two in tandem can do just about anything they set their mind to if given enough time to pull it off.
i dont care that much anymore about 9/11 and if the us goverment was involed i am just happy that we are asking qestions and not being nieve if we can just workout how we can get more youth to do the same . then maby we can start to get some changes on how the politics work cause that what piss me off!!! keep the puppets out and work togeter. i am sick off seeing people die weter its for oil, 9/11 or globel worming so lets drink for all the kids that have no home all the mums with no daughters or suns lets make a change and inform the word that there is a bigger picture than just myself.
I would bet my last dollar that 90% of the "Elvis" people live in red states, and 90% of the 9/11 theorists live in blue states.....not the same people at all
You need to do some homework on Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. Those two in tandem can do just about anything they set their mind to if given enough time to pull it off.
Like democracy in Iraq, catching Osama, a peaceful Afghanistan?
You liberals need to make up your minds. Either these guys are inept, or are geniuses. Make up your minds.
Like democracy in Iraq, catching Osama, a peaceful Afghanistan?
You liberals need to make up your minds. Either these guys are inept, or are geniuses. Make up your minds.
same exact thought i now bush is the dumb spokesman with the evil cheney and co behind him doing the dirty work. seems they are genius when it suits them and inept when it doesn't.
The wind is blowing cold
Have we lost our way tonight?
Have we lost our hope to sorrow?
Feels like were all alone
Running further from what’s right
And there are no more heroes to follow
its hard (impossible?) to have a hard opinion about the whole thing (9-11). but the movie does make think about the crash about flight 93 and the pentagon.. if the government wants us to believe it was a plane, why not show it.. were is the plane wreckage in philly????
like some one said before.. if they are lying about this. what else???
also i cant believe that now that it has been proven by independant people that saddam had no contacts with al quaida and no weapons of mass come no one gives a shit that the US invaded this country for all the wrong reasons. this should b enough to impeach anyone!...
its hard (impossible?) to have a hard opinion about the whole thing (9-11). but the movie does make think about the crash about flight 93 and the pentagon.. if the government wants us to believe it was a plane, why not show it..
64 people got on a plane, they can't find the the people; there's a hole in the pentagon, the plane was seen heading that way...sure, it wasn't an airplane :rolleyes:
What about the hundred people who SAW the plane hit the pentagon. They must be the crackpots and the handful that think it's a missile are the normal people and they aren't being delusional.
make sure the fortune that you the fortune that you need
64 people got on a plane, they can't find the the people; there's a hole in the pentagon, the plane was seen heading that way...sure, it wasn't an airplane :rolleyes:
What about the hundred people who SAW the plane hit the pentagon. They must be the crackpots and the handful that think it's a missile are the normal people and they aren't being delusional.
I think "Dems" and "Liberals" have a greater propensity to be "conspiracy theorists" for a few reasons, probably the first major reason being the JFK assassination. I would guess a majority believes that there was that the Warren Report did not reflect what really happened. Most liberals have not really felt like they could trust the government since, while most conservatives probably feel like we should. There are a million reason why you should never trust this administration, that's for sure.
I myself find it hard to believe of a massive conspiracy of those in power to kill 3,000 of our citizens, just like I get irked when people suggest FDR allowed Pearl Harbor to happen.
I think it is our responsibility as citizens of the U.S. to question our government, because an unchecked and all-powerful government was the ultimate cause of our revolution, and those in power need to always remember that.
Barbara Olsen had just completed her book, "Final Days" on the corruption of the departing Clinton administration, when she died on flight 77.
Coincidence? I think not. Clinton knew about this for a long time and when he found out a book was coming out on how corrupt the administration was he chose to do nothing about it to try and shift the blame from him to Bush.
make sure the fortune that you the fortune that you need
I think "Dems" and "Liberals" have a greater propensity to be "conspiracy theorists" for a few reasons, probably the first major reason being the JFK assassination. I would guess a majority believes that there was that the Warren Report did not reflect what really happened. Most liberals have not really felt like they could trust the government since, while most conservatives probably feel like we should. There are a million reason why you should never trust this administration, that's for sure.
I myself find it hard to believe of a massive conspiracy of those in power to kill 3,000 of our citizens, just like I get irked when people suggest FDR allowed Pearl Harbor to happen.
I think it is our responsibility as citizens of the U.S. to question our government, because an unchecked and all-powerful government was the ultimate cause of our revolution, and those in power need to always remember that.
well said.
make sure the fortune that you the fortune that you need
and you want to talk about wasting 5 years of your life worrying about about all the yahoos in this country living in bumfuck iowa, worried about a terrorist attack?
Racist. Okay, so you both may be white. But the fact remains that you think you are better than someone based on where you live. Which is just as bad. But yet you consider yourselves open-minded and tolerant.
Have we lost our way tonight?
Have we lost our hope to sorrow?
Feels like were all alone
Running further from what’s right
And there are no more heroes to follow
So what are we becoming?
Where did we go wrong?
Its just another look at the original theory. But nice attempt at dismissing it anyway...
first off, its absurd to think bush is an honest christian, or an honest person in general. and holy shit... hitler killed way more than 3000 of his own civilians!!!!!!!!!!!! unless german jews were not really germans????? what the fuck.
Yeah, and some people say they encourage individuality and questioning but then act like some of the people who do it must be nuts. I guess it's only encouraged if you agree with them.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Popular Mechanics is owned by the Hearst Corporation. The Hearst corporation is deep in the pockets of the Bush deep in fact as to be biased. Not to mention the Hearst Corporation's reputation for yellow journalism.
Hardly an unbiased analysis. The "journalist" who wrote this piece is a cousin of Michael Chertoff...the Bush regime's Homeland Security chief.
<ore on that piece of crap that was passed off as "journalism"
old music:
Are you familiar with Operation Northwoods?
old music:
and if you're not, have a read:
*waves* nice to see ya here, BE.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I hear get your ass over to myspace with the rest of us losers.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
no, take bush out of it...he has never been anything but the public face for it all.
bush knows nothing about i said, when the administration cut student loans he was asked at a speech and he honestly had no clue it had even happened!
ok, about the killing citizens....look at our history, it is even on the library of congress' website, official military websites that they tested chemical and biological agents on unknowing citizens, even elementary schools, to certain ppl the populace is replacable labor in a way.
again, get rid of bush, get to the core, ppl of pnac, cheney, rummy, wolfowitz, perle...they have been around for decades starting illegal wars, creating and funding death squads to keep the populace in check...
when cheney went to the private sector <halliburton> he did business w/ saddam, iran, syria, libyia...basically our enemies, 2/3 of the axis of evil...when asked how he dealt w/ doing business w/ regimes that are guilty of gross human rights abuses he said it was easy, he didn't think about it.
look up the wolfowitz doctrine, then pnac's redefining america's defenses writen 9/00
think about this:
how did a known hijacked plane make a u-turn, head back to dc, fly thru dc's no-fly zone, make another u-turn and hit the pentagon...all of this was done 1 1/2 hours after the first plane hit the towers andrew's air force base is roughly only 10 miles from dc, why did cheney wait until right before the pentagon was hit, again over 1 1/2 hours after the first hit, to scramble the military?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
so bush knows nothing at all about this grand plan and cheney and co planned this whilst keeping him in the dark? cheney and rumsfield are certainly pieces of work but the hijacking of jets and slamming them into the world trade centre? so they could invade afghanistan of all countries? its a good question why it took so long. but this conspiracy theory still seems like the one heard from people who question the moon-landing or think elvis is still alive.
Have we lost our way tonight?
Have we lost our hope to sorrow?
Feels like were all alone
Running further from what’s right
And there are no more heroes to follow
So what are we becoming?
Where did we go wrong?
Google "Afghanistan" and "pipeline" if you want to know why they'd go into that country.....and you make it sound like it was just Afghanistan they were interested in.....9/11 was the major influence on the Iraq invasion as well...if it hadn't happened, I like to think the average American would have been much more critical of the WMD claims, instead of the kill 'em all attitude I kept hearing.....
And I don't know why people keep comparing the percentages of "Elvis is alive" believers to the percentage of "US gov't was involved in 9/11" believers. I hate to draw these lines, but.....I would bet my last dollar that 90% of the "Elvis" people live in red states, and 90% of the 9/11 theorists live in blue states.....not the same people at all
Go to the site and watch or listen to the segment.
EXCLUSIVE...9/11 Debate: Loose Change Filmmakers vs. Popular Mechanics Editors of "Debunking 9/11 Myths"
Today, a debate about 9/11. Ever since the attacks took place, many people across the country have raised a number of questions about what actually happened on that day in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania. Websites, articles, books and documentaries have put forward a variety of alternate theories to the government's account of what happened.
The most popular of these is a documentary called "Loose Change." The 80-minute film first appeared on the web in April 2005. Since then, it has had at least 10 million viewings and is described by Vanity Fair as "the first Internet blockbuster." As the popularity of "Loose Change" has soared, a book dealing with the questions it and others have raised about 9/11 has been published. It's called "Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can't Stand Up to the Facts" put together by the editors of the magazine, Popular Mechanics.
Today, we talk about some of the 9/11 theories and the arguments against them.
Dylan Avery, writer and director of "Loose Change."
Jason Bermas, researcher for "Loose Change."
James Meigs, editor-in-chief of Popular Mechanics. Part of the editorial team that produced "Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can't Stand Up to the Facts."
David Dunbar, executive editor of Popular Mechanics. Part of the editorial team that produced "Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can't Stand Up to the Facts."
Hear what they have to say for themselves before you read the article in
Popular Mechanics and assume that it is truth.
Here's the main point I got out of it:
JAMES MEIGS: "Yeah. We didn't fact check every detail of Loose Change, but what we did do was look at the broad cross-section of conspiracy theories. There are photographs of the plane in the building of wreckage wrapped around reinforced concrete columns, and there is a map of the path of destruction that plane tore through that area."
Every time these guys were backed into a corner (the transcript does not do the interview justice) they said, oh...these conspiracy theorists... They stayed on message. They did not have much to say when presented with specific evidence presented by the Loose Change guys. I'm not too much into reading one person's point of view, but rather taking many pictures of the same puzzle. Makes for a clearer picture. Why wouldn't you want to entertain one of these theories as plausible. When you shut out other opinions, when you accept as truth, knowledge that is offered to you without doing your own research, the only disservice that happens is that you deny yourself from learning/understanding about other people.
If you don't like Loose Change, watch the 911 Mysteries series on Google video. It was made by a self-proclaimed Republican-Conservative. In my opinion, it is better and more detailed than Loose Change and without all the drama music.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
there's a difference in questioning something and being obsessed with something. you're got going to believe anything until it agrees with your opinion. (i don't mean you personally but if the shoe fits.....)
if you've noticed; the same people are always on the conspiracy side. everything is a conspiracy. it's a shame to waste ones life with such a mindset. some guy in this thread he considers 9/11 5 different terrorist attacks. if so; then when we invaded iraq; it was 80,000 (or however many soldiers) attacks. he was trying to justify why we had so many attacks on clintons watch and only one on bush's watch.
i look at the evidence that makes the most logical sequence of events. what you saw is what happened. sometimes things are as they appear. you can question them as much as you want but it won't change a thing. even if you're right; what do you get out of it? nothing. you still wasted 5 years of time and effort dwelling on it. not that the entire time was wasted; i mean where else could you have directed that time and effort? the truth always comes out in it's own time. some people have too much time on thier hands.
You need to do some homework on Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. Those two in tandem can do just about anything they set their mind to if given enough time to pull it off.
old music:
You're a racist.
Like democracy in Iraq, catching Osama, a peaceful Afghanistan?
You liberals need to make up your minds. Either these guys are inept, or are geniuses. Make up your minds.
same exact thought i now bush is the dumb spokesman with the evil cheney and co behind him doing the dirty work. seems they are genius when it suits them and inept when it doesn't.
Have we lost our way tonight?
Have we lost our hope to sorrow?
Feels like were all alone
Running further from what’s right
And there are no more heroes to follow
So what are we becoming?
Where did we go wrong?
like some one said before.. if they are lying about this. what else???
also i cant believe that now that it has been proven by independant people that saddam had no contacts with al quaida and no weapons of mass come no one gives a shit that the US invaded this country for all the wrong reasons. this should b enough to impeach anyone!...
64 people got on a plane, they can't find the the people; there's a hole in the pentagon, the plane was seen heading that way...sure, it wasn't an airplane :rolleyes:
What about the hundred people who SAW the plane hit the pentagon. They must be the crackpots and the handful that think it's a missile are the normal people and they aren't being delusional.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Doesn't address the question of the passengers.
I myself find it hard to believe of a massive conspiracy of those in power to kill 3,000 of our citizens, just like I get irked when people suggest FDR allowed Pearl Harbor to happen.
I think it is our responsibility as citizens of the U.S. to question our government, because an unchecked and all-powerful government was the ultimate cause of our revolution, and those in power need to always remember that.
Coincidence? I think not. Clinton knew about this for a long time and when he found out a book was coming out on how corrupt the administration was he chose to do nothing about it to try and shift the blame from him to Bush.
well said.
Racist. Okay, so you both may be white. But the fact remains that you think you are better than someone based on where you live. Which is just as bad. But yet you consider yourselves open-minded and tolerant.