Environmental Hysteria:

Really good look at the whole environmental scare. I tend to agree with most of Penn/Tellers ideas.
Interesting to see the founder and leader of Greenpeace actually leave Greenpeace because it became a bunch of bullshit.
link to youtube.com video: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4480559399263937213&q=penn+and+teller+bullshit
Interesting to see the founder and leader of Greenpeace actually leave Greenpeace because it became a bunch of bullshit.
link to youtube.com video: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4480559399263937213&q=penn+and+teller+bullshit
Chicago '98, Noblesville '00, East Troy '00, Chicago '00, Champaign '03, Chicago '03, Chicago1 '06, Chicago2 '06, Milwaukee '06, Chicago1 '09, and Chicago2 '09
Post edited by Unknown User on
This is from Penn & Teller's Bullshit series. They are hilarious. The best part is the lady who is living in the tree, to save it, and her little tree house is made out of wood. The people in these videos are idiots.
On the other hand though. I watched their episode on "conspiracy theories" and while I was really excited to see what they said. They didn't interview any of the big names. Rather they interviewed total lunatic morons.
You would think if you were going to do a show on Conspiracy Theories you would interview Alex Jones, John Connor or some of the other big names. Like that guy, shit, I can't remember his name, the professor from BYU. Instead they interviewed some crazy mofos.
They seem to get good names on their side like Michael Shermer from the Skeptics society, or the co-founder of Green Peace. But when they interview the opposition they are all morons, like that chick at the Green Peace protest or the chick that lived in the tree.
I just wanted to point out something they got wrong. They said environmentism had nothing to do with capitalism/globalisation/corportations. Well if you look at the argument from the point of view of a wealthy occidental never leaving his home town except for tourism once a year, it's a valid argument.
Thing is globalisation is bad for the environment :
- oil tankers
- international corporation who get rid of chemical waste in third world countries
- necessity to make profits for agronomical companies (read gmo here) wich often lead to the "infection" of natural strains by modified ones (I have yet to read a conclusive (and scientifically correct) report on the absence of danger with gmo).
"Do we still have water to drink? Check" :
Ask that to african populations.
Fact is industrialised countries waste shitloads of food and water, meanwhile people in third world countries are starving and have no access to water. This issue seems (imo at least) environmental (food and water production are not infinite) and political.
The part on H2O was funny.
Globalisation is evil and controling.... fear = control
Penn & Teller = just 2 mens opinions (like my opinion and yours).
Actually they are magicians. They do a show 6 nights a week in Las Vegas.
But, they are also big time atheists and skeptics. Penn has a syndicated radio show.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
True.... my mistake... I did see them in their magic show.. very different kind of magic...
Their magic is comical, they like to show you how they do their magic.
Of course eveyone knows magic is all optical illusions and sleight of hand.
I don't know why the video was edited, I watched the animal rights one too and it was shortened also. The first three seasons are on dvd, absolutely hillarious and shocking.
Environmental hysteria, Genetically modified foods, animal rights, recycling and the UFO one were the best.
The animal rights one has got the michigan madman in it. Awesome!!
what?! you mean there is no such thing as magic?? :(
http://www.myspace.com/thelastreel http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=19604327965
But all trees have feelings. How is it ok to sacrifice one tree for another? Would it be ok for us to sacrifice a smelly bum or a test tube baby for a nobel prize winner? Trees are like people they are all valuable.
That is the response I would expect to hear from sheri moonbeam or what ever her name was. I could care less if she makes a tree house. I just find it funny that she says all trees have feelings, yet she uses a TREE to build her little fort. I also hope she wasn't using any nails to put that thing together. I'm sure the tree was "feeling" those nails. Maybe that's why the
tree was "crying with sap."
Thanks for your insight Ranger Rick.
I saw it man, it wasn't pressboard, they were huge sheets of plywood. She's just a hypocrite, smelly hippie dipshit who (what do you know) wrote a book.
He said "that's pretty well kindergarten talk"
I love that part.
I don't understand what's wrong with linking environmentalism with anti-corporatism. Over-consumption is certainly the root cause of environmental destruction.
They picked on a few young adults here who were inexperienced and alarmist to a fault. The real bullshit here is that they neglected a pool of thousands of well-spoken experienced environmentalists that know their facts.
Also, do they really believe environmentalism died out after 1971 and just suddenly reappeared in 2003??
Dont you think that professor of Environmental Journalism was one of the well-spoken experienced environmentalist that know their facts?
that one professor...
The doc was on people that follow the movement, idiots who tried to ban water and what not. Not about the leaders of these movements. They used the "experts" as potatoes for the meat.