Left-Wing Christians Unite!!!!!!!

I don't know about you but I am sick and tired of TV Evangelists constantly spreading their filtered bullsht version of Christianity to all the idiots that tune in Sunday 9AM and then act "godly". I know for a fact that a lot of the things these evangelists support is anything but godly nad anything but christian! And on te other fort liberals see this and become anti-religious(for what the 700 Club supports I really dont blame them). To read more about my cause buy:
"Jesus Rode A Donkey"
"Why The Christian Right is Wrong" (this one is much better but either will work)
"Jesus Rode A Donkey"
"Why The Christian Right is Wrong" (this one is much better but either will work)
"Feel it rising, yeah next stop falling!"
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Post edited by Unknown User on
Poverty will bring you closer to god...give it all away to them...
The problem with Christianity in America is they have a bad Public Relations problem. The majority of Christians do not believe the T.V. Evangelists who ask Jesus' for millions of dollars... or who claim Jesus is going to kill them unless they can raise 10 million dollars... but, they get associated with these assholes. It's the same way that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton do not speak for black America. Jackson, Sharpton, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Robert Schuler, Jimmy Swagert and Jim and Tammy are in the business for MONEY.
Somehow, I really don't think money has anything to do with Heaven. American Christians need to distance themselves from these money mongers... just as black America needs to tell Jackson and Sharpton to speak for themselves, not everyone else.
Hail, Hail!!!
When I flip through the religious channels, I am blown away by the entertainment side of the programs. It is almost offensive to me. I would probably exclude EWTN, the Catholic network, because what I have seen there is mostly discussion of the beliefs, etc (I am not Catholic). Not hyperbola and fat and sweaty entertainers trying to rouse the crowds for donations.
i totally agree with you
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Still... SOMEBODY is still giving all of these assholes millions. Oral Roberts got his 20 million so Jesus didn't come down an murder him... and Jim and Tammy Baker continued to rake in the bucks, even after it was found that they had scammed millions into their lavish lifestyles. And the List goes on... from Jimmy Swagert to Benny Hinn to Robert Schuler... people keep giving them money... which leads me to believe that these Televangelists are speaking for someone.
The Christian majority needs to pimp slap some common sense into their Christian bretheren and let them know that Pat Robertson's promise that the more money you give him, the better seat you'll get in Heaven. What is he... some kind of scalper at the God Concert?
Hail, Hail!!!
Parents pass ridiculous ideas to their kids... If you want proof look at racism and homophobia.
And for some reason there are a lot of "christians" who think like those people, so they donate money.
Remember with age doesn't nessecarily come intelligence..
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Well said. Christianity is getting such a bad rep lately, and in large part due to these T.V.angelists. But anyone who criticizes me for that kind of thing is just generalizing, and their opinions are to be taken with a grain of salt.
I am a left-wing Christian (albeit, not heavily), and what the religious conservatives are doing to America and Christianity alike sickens me.
my ex girlfriend was an evangelical. she was alright though.
i guess, every group has their wierdos!
Liberal idealogy has killed it.
i mean you must be Ann Coulter because i haven't heard anyone say things as stupid as her until now..
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Jeez you probably laugh your ass off after every response to your posts lol.
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