Question for those who have now gone to solo Ed shows...

It sounds like eventually the loudmouths quiet down and the audience is overall respectful? I'm Eds age and I go to many theatre shows featuring older bands that most teens or even twenty somethings aren't common at and there's crazy applause, but I've never been in a theatre setting where people are shouting out during songs or even that much between.
If this is goin on its going to bug the crap out of me. I'll enjoy seeing Ed, but I'll probably be questioning if I'm too old for this fan base. Ya...maybe thats a dumb reaction, but I'll just feel surrounded by immature morons if its too loud w/ requests and "I love you Eddie".
It also sounds like security is getting involved and Ed is quieting the audience down. Good, but its pretty pathetic it has to be done.
I guess some just have not developed the gray matter or maturity to realize its an overall acoustic show in a small venue...not some rock concert.
If this is goin on its going to bug the crap out of me. I'll enjoy seeing Ed, but I'll probably be questioning if I'm too old for this fan base. Ya...maybe thats a dumb reaction, but I'll just feel surrounded by immature morons if its too loud w/ requests and "I love you Eddie".
It also sounds like security is getting involved and Ed is quieting the audience down. Good, but its pretty pathetic it has to be done.
I guess some just have not developed the gray matter or maturity to realize its an overall acoustic show in a small venue...not some rock concert.