Why won't Dean talk to Obama and Clintons about a Compromise?

I don't get it. The democratic party should be uniting instead of dividing. Obama should show that he can indeed work with own party and get Clintons onboard or get some kind compromise and move forward. If Obama can't get his own party together, how the heck is he going to get republicans to work him as well? Dean is a joke for not even hinting to Obama or Hillary to work together instead of dividing.
Heck even the conservative republicans are backing McCain. It's these reasons I may change my vote to McCain.
Heck even the conservative republicans are backing McCain. It's these reasons I may change my vote to McCain.
Post edited by Unknown User on
on what issue?
It would appear that by Hillary continuing to campaign on, the fault for the party division might be hers.
The remaining superdelegates need to announce who they're going for. It's that simple.
"Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait, not me, you." -Deep Toughts, Jack Handy
As politicians, they're both too selfish to make that happen.
By compromise, just what do you mean? Joint ticket? No fucking way that's happening. How does Obama "compromising" with clinton "show that he can work with his own party"? No one can work with the clintons.
As far as conservative republicans backing McCain, i have another question. Did you see the NC and IN republican primary statistics? McCain recieved in the low 70's of voter percentage, AND HE'S THE NOMINEE! There's no one else still running against him! It seems to me he still has a "consrvative problem". Besides which candidate would you expect consevatives to support? Obama?
obama has worked with his own party and with republicans. i'm sure the party will unite after the nomination. people have worked too hard and have become invested in the process and the party again. i can't really see that many people becoming bitter enough not to vote if their candidate isn't chosen. that's pretty lame. there's too much at stake.
cross the river to the eastside
It will hurt the party more if the head of the DNC came out and forced her to quit. It'll piss off the millions that voted for her.
It's up to a) Clinton and b) the Superdelegates at this point.
I was thinking the same...
After the campaign she has run, i wouldn't offer her a job scooping the white house dog shit from the lawn just prior to the easter egg hunt. He doesn't need her. He doesn't want her. A joint ticket will never happen. Perhaps she can go hunting with dick cheney since she grew up hunting and shit.
This made me giggle a little bit. No offense to you but when I see an opportunity, I'm going to crack a joke.
In what capacity would she advise him?
How to avoid sniper fire?
How to alienate everyone in America that isn't 1) old or 2) a rural voter?
How to act like a psychotic ex-girlfriend that won't give up?
or how about something to do with budgeting and paying bills?
If the current state of American politics were a WWE match, it would go a little something like this... (Ironically, all 3 of these "quality" candidates made an appearance on Monday Night Raw the other week.)
Here's Obama and McCain in the ring, battling it out. All of a sudden, Hillary comes to ringside. Obama is cautious, wary of Hillary. The ref gets knocked out by some impossible twist of fate, and Hillary grabs a steel chair and goes into the ring... She can wipe out Obama, wake up the ref, and help McCain, and ultimately herself to victory. Just as she's about bust Barack wide open, stares him down, Barack pleads on his knees... THEN, she does a complete 180 and wails the old turd (McCain) square in his ugly dome. They wake the ref, Obama gets the pin, the victory, and Obama and Hillary hold hands raised in victory above their heads. WHAT AN ALLIANCE! The crowd goes wild as they CAN'T BELIEVE what just happened.
McCain whipes the blood off. Stares at the duo as they walk back up the ramp in victory, in utter disbelief. He gathers himself, goes back stage, (the cameras are off at this point) and joins the other 2 in the shower. They laugh about what just happened @ the event, talk about how they will spend their millions, do absolutely nothing good for anyone else in between their next big on-screen bullshit "match," and try not to be caught staring at each other's private parts. A little towel whipping probably goes on too.
Just like any WWE event, you, the viewer / fan ends up paying way too much money for an event that is essentially 7/8 talk, promos, and bullshit, and only a mere 1/8 action.
Fuck all three of these people. We're screwed any way you look at it. They are just 3 of the same that will spend all of our money, any moronic way that they want, compromise our security, and take away our liberty as they do it.
Anything shy of the Nominee position and it isn't a "compromise" Hillary will be willing to take.