ay answer "incapable of forming my own opinions" if you wish and may be added to the percentages.
Have you ever heard the term "radical centrists"???
Yeah, well get used to the idea that far right conservatives and far left liberals are swimming in their own shit!
Just because you are politically balanced, DOESN'T mean you aren't taking strong opinion on particuler issues. I think people in the middle ground have way MORE balls than someone on the far right or left, by being able to form their own opinions on different issues rather than viewing a particular issue one way because they are already affiliated with a certain part of the political spectrum.
You fence riders may answer "incapable of forming my own opinions" if you wish and may be added to the percentages.
I am not a fence rider. I am a libertarian. I am guided by principle rather than party. Modern conservatives of the Bush administration ilk don't seem to be guided by principle which is why we're seeing erosion of liberties, and unprecidented, uncontrolled spending - things which should be abhorent to real conservatives.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
I'd put myself on the moderate end of the conservative side, generally speaking. What's unfortunate is that this gets me pegged by many liberals as someone who supports the war in Iraq, or someone who doesn't care about climate change. I have quite varying opinions on dfferent issues, really. Its hard to pigeonhole.
Have you ever heard the term "radical centrists"???
Yeah, well get used to the idea that far right conservatives and far left liberals are swimming in their own shit!
Just because you are politically balanced, DOESN'T mean you aren't taking strong opinion on particuler issues. I think people in the middle ground have way MORE balls than someone on the far right or left, by being able to form their own opinions on different issues rather than viewing a particular issue one way because they are already affiliated with a certain part of the political spectrum.
Modern conservatives of the Bush administration ilk don't seem to be guided by principle which is why we're seeing erosion of liberties, and unprecidented, uncontrolled spending - things which should be abhorent to real conservatives.
It depends on the issue. I'm very conservative on some issues and fairly liberal on others. I can't be pinned down to a standard set of beliefs by a simple label.
The only people we should try to get even with...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Have you ever heard the term "radical centrists"???
Yeah, well get used to the idea that far right conservatives and far left liberals are swimming in their own shit!
Just because you are politically balanced, DOESN'T mean you aren't taking strong opinion on particuler issues. I think people in the middle ground have way MORE balls than someone on the far right or left, by being able to form their own opinions on different issues rather than viewing a particular issue one way because they are already affiliated with a certain part of the political spectrum.
What in the hell does "forming your own opinions mean?"
Because you believe half of what Republicans say and half of what Democrats say means you're the only one able to think for yourself? Please step back for a moment and think about the conversation you would have with yourself... In your own world you're just being pulled on by both parties. There is no "centrist" belief system. Unless there's something inbetween "pro-war" and "anti-war" for example. I guess that would be "kinda-war?" Liberals would be shouting "Hey you! If you believe in Bushy's war then why aren't you fighting it! But don't fight too long, you're only half-war. We love you!" And vise-vera.
Living in the middle makes no sense because it doesn't exist. You have either conservative views, liberal views, or a mixture of both. You pull your ideas from both parties. Being "in the middle" is just a catchy title you take to avoid having to man up to your beliefs on any particular issue. That's why there are so many "I'm American" and "I believe in Liberty" comments from those in the middle when cornered on no particular issue.
Just speak up for what you believe in and defend it. There's nothing to be afraid of here.
What does it mean when someone who believes 75% of what liberals say and 25% of what conservatives say? Does this person only have one ball in your observation?
Listen, I hear what liberals have to say everyday. Most of it I don't agree with. I agree with most of what conservatives say. Again, what the hell does this have to do with forming my own opinions?
"Sarcasm: intellect on the offensive"
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
What in the hell does "forming your own opinions mean?"
Because you believe half of what Republicans say and half of what Democrats say means you're the only one able to think for yourself?
What does it mean when someone who believes 75% of what liberals say and 25% conservatives say? Does this person only have one ball in your observation?
Listen, I hear what liberals have to say everyday. Most of it I don't agree with. I agree with most of what conservatives say. Again, what the hell does this have to do with forming my own opinions?
I think he meant that people shouldn't just let an initial alignment with one or the other party or ideology determine all their opinions on a given issue. People closer to the centre ideologically probably do tend to have a greater diversity of views across issues, at least in a left-vs.-right sense. This doesn't necessarily mean they're smarter or more right, but I would agree that these people often think for themselves about each issue, rather than checking with others about what to believe.
I could be wrong ... I'll let him answer too.
Talking about what? I was just offended by your "You fence riders may answer "incapable of forming my own opinions""..
You can lie dab smack in the middle of the political spectrum, yet have very strong opinions on the issues.
Exactly, you may have very strong opinions on the issues. But more times than not those issues are nothing new than what's already on the political table.
Are you anti-war or pro-war?
Are you for tax increases or tax cuts?
Being anti-war and for tax cuts may put you more towards the center of the political spectrum, but it doesn't make you any more noble than someone who is anti-war and for tax increases.
That's all I'm saying.
"Sarcasm: intellect on the offensive"
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
I think he meant that people shouldn't just let an initial alignment with one or the other party or ideology determine all their opinions on a given issue. People closer to the centre ideologically probably do tend to have a greater diversity of views across issues, at least in a left-vs.-right sense. This doesn't necessarily mean they're smarter or more right, but I would agree that these people often think for themselves about each issue, rather than checking with others about what to believe.
I could be wrong ... I'll let him answer too.
But just as some follow parties and idealogies for social reasons, some remain neutral for the wrong reasons, as well, mostly for acceptance and likeability. Of course, this doesn't include everyone who sits in the middle just as everyone with extreme views aren't just following suit. There are strong willed personalities and there are weaker ones and they are pretty easy to spot. That's really what this all boils down to.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
But just as some follow parties and idealogies for social reasons, some remain neutral for the wrong reasons, as well, mostly for acceptance and likeability. Of course, this doesn't include everyone who sits in the middle just as everyone with extreme views aren't just following suit. There are strong willed personalities and there are weaker ones and they are pretty easy to spot. That's really what this all boils down to.
There. You hit it. I have nothing further.
"Sarcasm: intellect on the offensive"
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Exactly, you may have very strong opinions on the issues. But more times than not those issues are nothing new than what's already on the political table.
Are you anti-war or pro-war?
Are you for tax increases or tax cuts?
Being anti-war and for tax cuts may put you more towards the center of the political spectrum, but it doesn't make you any more noble than someone who is anti-war and for tax increases.
That's all I'm saying.
generally I'm pro-war, but depends on what the war is for. I don't agree with the Iraqi war. I wouldn't have agreed with vietnam, but a war like World War 2 was absolutely necissary.
I am also for tax-cuts. I feel I should be trusted with my money.
Tell you what... you label me...
I believe in personal accountability for my decisions and actions. I will apologise when I'm wrong, although I do not really like to... but, I am big enough to admit my errors.
I believe in personal achievement... but also to lend a helping hand to those who are less fortunate than me. I want to die with the satisfaction that my charity was of greater importance to me than my bank account.
I am for a strong defense... that includes using advancements in technology to help our soldiers defeat an enemy at stand-off distances. I believe in Peace Through Strength, not Peace Through Aggression. I believe our military is a vital resource and should never be treated as political pawns to advance economic expansion.
I am for large corporations because i do not want to fly in airliner or drive to San Francisco in a car designed and built by some dudes in their backyard. But, I want our corporation to have a social conscience that considers everyone, not just their stockholders.
I vote for the candidate or the issue... not the party or the party's line. Meaning, i refuse to suck either Elephant or Donkey dick. I am usually faced with crap or shit to choose from on my election ballot... so i pick the asshole that will do the least harm to my country.
I believe in the Constitution, before I believe in the Bible. Because at least the Constitution admits it was written by Men.
I believe in the Second Amendment, but also believe that the requirements for gun availability in East Bumfuking, Wyoming is completely different than South Central Los Angeles. We won't go to East Bumfunking and tell you how to control your guns... don't come to Los Angeles to tell us how to control ours.
I believe in the woman's right to choose a legal medical procedure... although I really don't care for abortion. but, i don't think it is up to me or my government to tell her as long as thet remains a legal option. I hope that she chooses to adopt out the baby... but, it isn't my call to make. If you hate abortion so much... try to have the laws changed to make it illegal.
I believe George W. Bush is the worst President ever... not because of his political affiliation... but, because of his poor decisions, deceitful tactics and inept mishandling of major events that has left my country divided at home and isolated in the world community. If this were Al Gore's legacy... I would feel exactly the same way (although, I betting that a lot of you Bush supporters would be on my side of the line and not supporting Gore, if Iraq was Gore's responsibility).
i don't know what i am... I'll leave the petty labeling that I really don't give a shit about to others.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Care to elaborate further on how you reached that consensus about yourself?
I'm liberal on many issues, mostly socio-economic issues.There are issues that I ride the fence, or I don't know enough about an issue to make an informed decision.
But, there's a part of me that wishes that all sides would shut up and work on a compromise to issues, so both sides get something. And, sometimes conservatives have good ideas.
"American women expect to find in their husbands a perfection that English women only hope to find in their butlers"
William Somerset Maugham
Tell you what... you label me...
I believe in personal accountability for my decisions and actions. I will apologise when I'm wrong, although I do not really like to... but, I am big enough to admit my errors.
I believe in personal achievement... but also to lend a helping hand to those who are less fortunate than me. I want to die with the satisfaction that my charity was of greater importance to me than my bank account.
I am for a strong defense... that includes using advancements in technology to help our soldiers defeat an enemy at stand-off distances. I believe in Peace Through Strength, not Peace Through Aggression. I believe our military is a vital resource and should never be treated as political pawns to advance economic expansion.
I am for large corporations because i do not want to fly in airliner or drive to San Francisco in a car designed and built by some dudes in their backyard. But, I want our corporation to have a social conscience that considers everyone, not just their stockholders.
I vote for the candidate or the issue... not the party or the party's line. Meaning, i refuse to suck either Elephant or Donkey dick. I am usually faced with crap or shit to choose from on my election ballot... so i pick the asshole that will do the least harm to my country.
I believe in the Constitution, before I believe in the Bible. Because at least the Constitution admits it was written by Men.
I believe in the Second Amendment, but also believe that the requirements for gun availability in East Bumfuking, Wyoming is completely different than South Central Los Angeles. We won't go to East Bumfunking and tell you how to control your guns... don't come to Los Angeles to tell us how to control ours.
I believe in the woman's right to choose a legal medical procedure... although I really don't care for abortion. but, i don't think it is up to me or my government to tell her as long as thet remains a legal option. I hope that she chooses to adopt out the baby... but, it isn't my call to make. If you hate abortion so much... try to have the laws changed to make it illegal.
I believe George W. Bush is the worst President ever... not because of his political affiliation... but, because of his poor decisions, deceitful tactics and inept mishandling of major events that has left my country divided at home and isolated in the world community. If this were Al Gore's legacy... I would feel exactly the same way (although, I betting that a lot of you Bush supporters would be on my side of the line and not supporting Gore, if Iraq was Gore's responsibility).
i don't know what i am... I'll leave the petty labeling that I really don't give a shit about to others.
You appear to be a very responsible person with high character.
You seem motivated and charitable.
You believe in a strong national defense and spending the money to achieve that. That is a conservative value.
You seem to have some knowledge of the military industrial complex theory. That's Chomsky. Left-wing.
You believe in consumer choice. But you also believe in looking out for the little man no matter what.
You believe in pressing forward and participating in the democratic process.
You're a patriot though not religious.
You seem to approve of abortion but struggle with the issue of killing innocent life. I have my own issues I at time struggle to come to terms with here as well.
You believe George W. Bush is the worst president in history. That's generally a liberal view.
Is that somewhat right?
If I had to put you anywhere, I'd say slightly right of center. And that's good, because cops write tickets for being left of center.
"Sarcasm: intellect on the offensive"
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
I'm liberal on many issues, mostly socio-economic issues.There are issues that I ride the fence, or I don't know enough about an issue to make an informed decision.
But, there's a part of me that wishes that all sides would shut up and work on a compromise to issues, so both sides get something. And, sometimes conservatives have good ideas.
It's called power. That's why there will never be compromise.
"Sarcasm: intellect on the offensive"
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
I am not a fence rider. I am a libertarian. I am guided by principle rather than party. Modern conservatives of the Bush administration ilk don't seem to be guided by principle which is why we're seeing erosion of liberties, and unprecidented, uncontrolled spending - things which should be abhorent to real conservatives.
Conservatives have been taking away peoples freedom for years and years. Bush has just been more obvious about it
Yeah, well get used to the idea that far right conservatives and far left liberals are swimming in their own shit!
Just because you are politically balanced, DOESN'T mean you aren't taking strong opinion on particuler issues. I think people in the middle ground have way MORE balls than someone on the far right or left, by being able to form their own opinions on different issues rather than viewing a particular issue one way because they are already affiliated with a certain part of the political spectrum.
Liberals don't respond to these because they have better things to do with their time....
<a href=http://www.topcomments.com><img src=http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r114/tcbm7/img/other/44.gif title="MySpace Comments" border=0></a><br><left><a href='http://www.topcomments.com'><font size="2">MySpace Comments</font></a></left>
I am not a fence rider. I am a libertarian. I am guided by principle rather than party. Modern conservatives of the Bush administration ilk don't seem to be guided by principle which is why we're seeing erosion of liberties, and unprecidented, uncontrolled spending - things which should be abhorent to real conservatives.
I am inclined to agree with this.
fucking ditto man!!!
~Ron Burgundy
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
What in the hell does "forming your own opinions mean?"
Because you believe half of what Republicans say and half of what Democrats say means you're the only one able to think for yourself? Please step back for a moment and think about the conversation you would have with yourself... In your own world you're just being pulled on by both parties. There is no "centrist" belief system. Unless there's something inbetween "pro-war" and "anti-war" for example. I guess that would be "kinda-war?" Liberals would be shouting "Hey you! If you believe in Bushy's war then why aren't you fighting it! But don't fight too long, you're only half-war. We love you!" And vise-vera.
Living in the middle makes no sense because it doesn't exist. You have either conservative views, liberal views, or a mixture of both. You pull your ideas from both parties. Being "in the middle" is just a catchy title you take to avoid having to man up to your beliefs on any particular issue. That's why there are so many "I'm American" and "I believe in Liberty" comments from those in the middle when cornered on no particular issue.
Just speak up for what you believe in and defend it. There's nothing to be afraid of here.
What does it mean when someone who believes 75% of what liberals say and 25% of what conservatives say? Does this person only have one ball in your observation?
Listen, I hear what liberals have to say everyday. Most of it I don't agree with. I agree with most of what conservatives say. Again, what the hell does this have to do with forming my own opinions?
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
I think he meant that people shouldn't just let an initial alignment with one or the other party or ideology determine all their opinions on a given issue. People closer to the centre ideologically probably do tend to have a greater diversity of views across issues, at least in a left-vs.-right sense. This doesn't necessarily mean they're smarter or more right, but I would agree that these people often think for themselves about each issue, rather than checking with others about what to believe.
I could be wrong ... I'll let him answer too.
coming up with an opinion.
Create an opinion.
You've got me confused now.
This is exactly what I'm talking about...
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
You can lie dab smack in the middle of the political spectrum, yet have very strong opinions on the issues.
Exactly, you may have very strong opinions on the issues. But more times than not those issues are nothing new than what's already on the political table.
Are you anti-war or pro-war?
Are you for tax increases or tax cuts?
Being anti-war and for tax cuts may put you more towards the center of the political spectrum, but it doesn't make you any more noble than someone who is anti-war and for tax increases.
That's all I'm saying.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
But just as some follow parties and idealogies for social reasons, some remain neutral for the wrong reasons, as well, mostly for acceptance and likeability. Of course, this doesn't include everyone who sits in the middle just as everyone with extreme views aren't just following suit. There are strong willed personalities and there are weaker ones and they are pretty easy to spot. That's really what this all boils down to.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
"people" is his euphimism for amoral scum-sucking rat bastards.
There. You hit it. I have nothing further.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
I am also for tax-cuts. I feel I should be trusted with my money.
15% Moderate
5% Conservative
William Somerset Maugham
Those seem to be pretty well-defined numbers.
Care to elaborate further on how you reached that consensus about yourself?
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
Tell you what... you label me...
I believe in personal accountability for my decisions and actions. I will apologise when I'm wrong, although I do not really like to... but, I am big enough to admit my errors.
I believe in personal achievement... but also to lend a helping hand to those who are less fortunate than me. I want to die with the satisfaction that my charity was of greater importance to me than my bank account.
I am for a strong defense... that includes using advancements in technology to help our soldiers defeat an enemy at stand-off distances. I believe in Peace Through Strength, not Peace Through Aggression. I believe our military is a vital resource and should never be treated as political pawns to advance economic expansion.
I am for large corporations because i do not want to fly in airliner or drive to San Francisco in a car designed and built by some dudes in their backyard. But, I want our corporation to have a social conscience that considers everyone, not just their stockholders.
I vote for the candidate or the issue... not the party or the party's line. Meaning, i refuse to suck either Elephant or Donkey dick. I am usually faced with crap or shit to choose from on my election ballot... so i pick the asshole that will do the least harm to my country.
I believe in the Constitution, before I believe in the Bible. Because at least the Constitution admits it was written by Men.
I believe in the Second Amendment, but also believe that the requirements for gun availability in East Bumfuking, Wyoming is completely different than South Central Los Angeles. We won't go to East Bumfunking and tell you how to control your guns... don't come to Los Angeles to tell us how to control ours.
I believe in the woman's right to choose a legal medical procedure... although I really don't care for abortion. but, i don't think it is up to me or my government to tell her as long as thet remains a legal option. I hope that she chooses to adopt out the baby... but, it isn't my call to make. If you hate abortion so much... try to have the laws changed to make it illegal.
I believe George W. Bush is the worst President ever... not because of his political affiliation... but, because of his poor decisions, deceitful tactics and inept mishandling of major events that has left my country divided at home and isolated in the world community. If this were Al Gore's legacy... I would feel exactly the same way (although, I betting that a lot of you Bush supporters would be on my side of the line and not supporting Gore, if Iraq was Gore's responsibility).
i don't know what i am... I'll leave the petty labeling that I really don't give a shit about to others.
Hail, Hail!!!
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I'm liberal on many issues, mostly socio-economic issues.There are issues that I ride the fence, or I don't know enough about an issue to make an informed decision.
But, there's a part of me that wishes that all sides would shut up and work on a compromise to issues, so both sides get something. And, sometimes conservatives have good ideas.
William Somerset Maugham
You appear to be a very responsible person with high character.
You seem motivated and charitable.
You believe in a strong national defense and spending the money to achieve that. That is a conservative value.
You seem to have some knowledge of the military industrial complex theory. That's Chomsky. Left-wing.
You believe in consumer choice. But you also believe in looking out for the little man no matter what.
You believe in pressing forward and participating in the democratic process.
You're a patriot though not religious.
You seem to approve of abortion but struggle with the issue of killing innocent life. I have my own issues I at time struggle to come to terms with here as well.
You believe George W. Bush is the worst president in history. That's generally a liberal view.
Is that somewhat right?
If I had to put you anywhere, I'd say slightly right of center. And that's good, because cops write tickets for being left of center.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
It's called power. That's why there will never be compromise.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
Conservatives have been taking away peoples freedom for years and years. Bush has just been more obvious about it
True. So have liberals. That's why both ends of the spectrum deserve nothing but contempt.