social scurity benefits

when is the government gonna budge and up the benefits for deserving qualifliers
set your laughter free
dreamer in my dream
we got the guns
i love you,but im..............callin out.........callin out
dreamer in my dream
we got the guns
i love you,but im..............callin out.........callin out
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Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
A better question is when is congress going to admit that it's broken and scrap it altogether.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
when they stop paying those who are defrauding them.
i found out the receptionist at my doctors office was receiving social security disability benefits and working under her husbands social security number. i've reported her every month for 4 months yet as of yesterday; she's still working there.
Maybe you should change her last name to Lopez or Sanchez and they may act a tad quicker.
Don't you have to work down there to actually get money when you retire?
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
i was gainfully employed for 33 years before becoming disabled. then i started a business i could work from home (ranching). all i do is watch the buffalo eat and process orders. since they put me on morphine and phenobarbitol i get ssdi. i have surgery in a forthnight so we'll see what happens.
What would happen to all the people who rely on it?
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
good question. deadnotes post talked about 'deserving qualifiers'. it's disgusting to think that people like hippiemom and other deserving recipients may one day, not have this kind of support.
where's the money going? $507 billion spent for the global war on terror to date, might have something to do with that.
When are they going to STOP TAXING it?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If Congress wouldn't have skimmed off the surplus for the past decades, we'd have plenty of money in there for the system to last for the loooonnnnggggg foreseeable future.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
that's true, but when it came time to address the problem, the dems said it was fine....
You mean when there was a Republican majority in the house and senate?
Politicians on neither side wanted it, it isn't the best campaigning move to piss off the old people.
Blaming the dems for something that both parties do is my biggest pet peeve of conservative talk radio.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
this is wrong... and scrapping it is wrong too... i know it has become popular propaganda with some, especially from the right. but thats because they have their facts wrong
the real issue is the fact that ZERO income over $97,500 gets taxed for social security... thats right folks... you only pay that 6.2 % tax on the first 100k of your income... so that means bill gates is only paying into social security on his first 100k, which means he is apying just about the same as us per year, yet he is worth $50 billion dollars.
so open all income to the 6.2 % tax and we could do a whole hell of a lot with it. but oh no, the ceo making $20,000,000 this year cant afford to pay that 6% :rolleyes:
if you take advantage of this country and its economic system and opportunites then you should help give back to the country...
there is no reason why bill gates only paid about $3,000 more than me in social security taxes last year... that is just bullshit
see... this is what i am talking about... thank you for sharing and bringing the issue back to reality
to my friends on the right... life is real... people are real...
stop being so fucking greedy, and gladly help your fellow human
why are you so focused on income tax. our tax system is much more complex. and come april 15th, rich people pay MUCH more then you.
and no its not bullshit. does bill gates use more government resources then you are I?
also, i think the government has to stop "borrowing" $$$ from social security as well. we all are PAYING leave it be, pay out benefits to those who paid in, and leave the rest ALONE! personally, i stil believe social security is a good idea, smart to have supplemental retirement income.....and glad it is there for those deserving aAND truly needing.
it's not like he'll get MORE out of it, so i see no need for him to pay out even more. social security is designed to be supplemental income, as in....ADDITION to your own pension plan, savings, etc. it's also a great safeguard for those who need disability, dependent spouses/children for a worker who dies, etc. i see no need for ANYone to pay more than their 'fair share'....and i believe people like bill gates, sure ridiculously wealthy...but it sure seems that he give and gives and why should he be FORCED to give anymore? he pays in like the rest of us.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
1) There are social programs to help people—that are tax funded. I don’t think it is asking too much that programs that take out money from your paycheck, supposedly for your future, are at least used by people that paid into it.
2) Gates donates tons of money so I have no problem with him.
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
no he doesnt... that is my entire point... he pays .000000001 % of his income into fica, while me and you pay the full 6.2 %
individual greed in this country is absolutely out of control... people thinking the extremely wealthy should not help pay their fair share for social programs and safety nets because they wont have to use them? wow, just flat out wow! what a joke
it is much more than bill gates... it is ALL income over $97,500 that doesnt get ANY fica tax that is the problem. think about that for a second. the CEO of Exxon pays just about the same total amount into social security as you and I. even though he makes in one week more than you or i will make in our lifetimes... and % wise it isnt even close... he is paying a fraction of 1% of his total income, and we are paying the full 6.2%
that is just insane to me...and even crazier to me that people defend it?
the whole fraud thing is exactly that, a fraud. people act like it is rampant and out of control. not even close. just like the "welfare mother" scare that caught fire in the 80's and still exists... it is bullshit
the VAST 99% majority of people collecting disability and ss need it, deserve it, and have earned it.
That's fair, no?
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I agree, the limit on SS of $97,500 needs fixing, but keep in mind that the CEO earning $20m pays $290,000 in medicare tax, as does his/her employer.
The odds are, the CEO will never require one penny of medicare benefits, so this does equal the score quite a bit.
as of now, they only tax it once your total income exceeds a certain amount. Those whose only income is SS benefits are not taxed.
The taxability of benefits forces the "rich" to "pay back" some of the benefits they receive.
i think the "fraud" issue is a red herring... it is not really a problem. i do not think the system is abused nearly as much as people think it is
to me it doesnt matter if the individual will ever need it. it is about the 20 million other folks that will need it.
i pay taxes for my local schools, and i dont have kids. i have no problem paying those taxes, becasue i support my community, my people, and society as a whole. i want good schools for kids to attend, whether they are my kids or not.