Thanks for sharing Roland. I'm with you 100% on this topic. When I started working out 6 years ago, I spent a lot of time looking into this stuff. I was going through a kind of cognitive dissonance realizing how widely detrimental the standard diet was, and how completely unconcerned and unaware the average person was. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, that our idea of "healthy diet" was so far removed from the reality. Even when I was going through eating disorder treatment, they tried to set me up with a nutritionist, and the stuff she was telling me was ludicrous. For example the amount of food I was expected to eat in a day. If it's so much food that I am stuffed and cannot fathom eating it--which is what was proposed--someone has taken science and removed it from life and application. If my bodily wisdom is telling me that more food will cause me discomfort, I'm listening to that before a nutritionist. Not to mention that with the birth of my children taking place 6 1/2 years apart, I learned that in such a span, what the experts know to be the "truth" changed dramatically. There is so much out there to learn in prevention.
When my microwave stopped working a few years back, I decided to not buy another. I also like soy milk and the six bean blends. And my daughter pointed out that it was during my period of changing my diet completely, and eating salmon numerous times per week, that my bi-polar disorder seemed to vanish into thin air, which is interesting considering that specific disorder is known to be affected by salmon or more specifically the omega-3 fatty acids. I understand this stuff sounds ridiculous from someone eating the standard diet. And yet to change one's diet dramatically to say an Okinawan type diet, one experiences a bursting vitality that is quite shocking, really, compared to our Western norm. When I did so, everything looked so vibrant and lighted in my life. When we poison the very instrument through which we interface with life....well, we're skewing just about everything.
A few other things I do as a minimum are a daily vitamin, Omega 3-6-9 capsules daily, and Acidophilus capsules regularly (i.e. probiotics) a healthy gut should have about 3 pounds of these bacteria to aid in nutrient absorption...enhanced immune system etc... They get killed off easily, and need to be replenished continuously.
Once diet cascades into better positive mental outlook overall...then well...
Not to mention the vibrant looking hot body factor...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
A few other things I do as a minimum are a daily vitamin, Omega 3-6-9 capsules daily, and Acidophilus capsules regularly (i.e. probiotics) a healthy gut should have about 3 pounds of these bacteria to aid in nutrient absorption...enhanced immune system etc... They get killed off easily, and need to be replenished continuously.
Besides a multivitamin and calcium, I follow an immune boosting vitamin routine from Dr. Andrew Weil's book "Spontaneous Healing" (which is about the body's natural movement towards spontaneous healing, by the way, written by a highly respected medical doctor who believes in the blend between the better aspects of eastern holistic and western reductionist medicine). It's basically doses of vitamins c, e and selenium. I used to subscribe to Nutrition Action Health Letter, put out by the Centre for Science in the Public Interest, a non-profit health advocacy group that regularly assesses the pros/cons to all kinds of health issues/diets, etc. They cover supplements, too, so I've used them as a balanced resource over the years.
The cool thing about having a workout muse, though, Roland (:D), is I'm getting more motivated by the day and am willing to look into increasing my focus and the scope of my health practices. I will look more into what you've mentioned here. Thanks.
Once diet cascades into better positive mental outlook overall...then well...
Not to mention the vibrant looking hot body factor...
Say no more!!
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Besides a multivitamin and calcium, I follow an immune boosting vitamin routine from Dr. Andrew Weil's book "Spontaneous Healing" (which is about the body's natural movement towards spontaneous healing, by the way, written by a highly respected medical doctor who believes in the blend between the better aspects of eastern holistic and western reductionist medicine). It's basically doses of vitamins c, e and selenium. I used to subscribe to Nutrition Action Health Letter, put out by the Centre for Science in the Public Interest, a non-profit health advocacy group that regularly assesses the pros/cons to all kinds of health issues/diets, etc. They cover supplements, too, so I've used them as a balanced resource over the years.
The cool thing about having a workout muse, though, Roland (:D), is I'm getting more motivated by the day and am willing to look into increasing my focus and the scope of my health practices. I will look more into what you've mentioned here. Thanks.
Say no more!!
When I sit back and look at it...really it all comes down to priorities. You can't tell anyone this that already isn't willing or receptive in the first place. I'm in the mindset that I'll try anything once...and it if makes sense, and is good for me... definitely the intelligence factor eventually rules over habit. I've seen other side of health and being alive extremely close up so I personally choose what makes the most sense for me to not be there.
If someone thinks fast food or whatever makes sense for them and think I'm nuts....that's fine. What can I do about it? What I've written here is accumulation of hundreds of hours of my time condensed into 5-10 mins.
Others can take it or leave it. I'll still be doing my thing. I know you're a cut above the rest so it gives me satisfaction.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Having worked in the pharma industry this is such bullshit. For example most of Pfizers products are manufactored in Ireland and safety standards at the facility follow strict FDA guidelines. Now the product that is shipped to Canada comes from the same facility, and is produced under the same safety regs, as the product that is shipped to the US. The whole safety arguement is a big stinking hot pile of shit. The pharma lobby doesn't want you paying $50 for your monthly supply of Lipitor from Canada. They want you paying $140 for it here.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
When I sit back and look at it...really it all comes down to priorities. You can't tell anyone this that already isn't willing or receptive in the first place. I'm in the mindset that I'll try anything once...and it if makes sense, and is good for me... definitely the intelligence factor eventually rules over habit. I've seen other side of health and being alive extremely close up so I personally choose what makes the most sense for me to not be there.
If someone thinks fast food or whatever makes sense for them and think I'm nuts....that's fine. What can I do about it? What I've written here is accumulation of hundreds of hours of my time condensed into 5-10 mins.
Others can take it or leave it. I'll still be doing my thing. I know you're a cut above the rest so it gives me satisfaction.
I completely agree.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Having worked in the pharma industry this is such bullshit. For example most of Pfizers products are manufactored in Ireland and safety standards at the facility follow strict FDA guidelines. Now the product that is shipped to Canada comes from the same facility, and is produced under the same safety regs, as the product that is shipped to the US. The whole safety arguement is a big stinking hot pile of shit. The pharma lobby doesn't want you paying $50 for your monthly supply of Lipitor from Canada. They want you paying $140 for it here.
you are completely right. it's so infurating.
I know a guy that had a kidney transplant three years ago(he was 28 at the time) because he had inherited PKD. so he has to take daily immunosuppressants so that his body does not reject the new kidney. just these three immunosuppressants cost $6,000 in the US for a month's supply. these EXACT same pills cost $3,000 for a month's supply in Canada. the thing is he lives 7 miles from the Canadian border, it's actually closer for him to get them in Canada. he has a decent job but he doesn't even make $6,000 a month...he and his boyfriend are barely scraping by to come up with the $3,000 a month as it is. it's not like he has any other choice but to sneak these pills across the border and the question remains; who or what is he hurting by doing this? the only answer is: the drug companies profits.
I know a guy that had a kidney transplant three years ago(he was 28 at the time) because he had inherited PKD. so he has to take daily immunosuppressants so that his body does not reject the new kidney. just these three immunosuppressants cost $6,000 in the US for a month's supply. these EXACT same pills cost $3,000 for a month's supply in Canada. the thing is he lives 7 miles from the Canadian border, it's actually closer for him to get them in Canada. he has a decent job but he doesn't even make $6,000 a month...he and his boyfriend are barely scraping by to come up with the $3,000 a month as it is. it's not like he has any other choice but to sneak these pills across the border and the question remains; who or what is he hurting by doing this? the only answer is: the drug companies profits.
Precisely. I would understand this safety arguement if the pills being produced for Canada where manufactered at a different facility that did not adherer to our standards. That's not the case though. I can only speak for Pfizer. they have 2 manufactoring locations. Mexico and Ireland and both ahve to adhere to FDA standards. All of Pfizer's products are manufactored at either one of these facilities. There is no different safety standards for the pills sitting in a Canadian pharmacy than for the pills sitting in a US pharmacy. That just leads me to believe that their sole motive for proventing this is money not the safety of the consumer.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
It looks like more Democrats than you would have liked to let others believe. Not everything is the fault of Republicans alone.
What should also piss us off are the 11 that didn't vote. Don't they get paid to do that?
On a similar note, for individuals campaigning for President, they should be able to appoint a staff member to vote for them. Of course, I'm not sure campaigning so far out makes any sense either.
GlaxoSmithKline & Pfizer are the two largest. Other large pharma companies are Merck, Novartis, Johnson & Johnson, Sanofi-Adventis, Hoffman-LaRoche, AstraZeneca, Abbott Labs, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Wyeth, Eli Lilly, Byer, Amgen, Schering-Plough, Novo Nordisk, Procter & Gamble, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Baxter International.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
A few other things I do as a minimum are a daily vitamin, Omega 3-6-9 capsules daily, and Acidophilus capsules regularly (i.e. probiotics) a healthy gut should have about 3 pounds of these bacteria to aid in nutrient absorption...enhanced immune system etc... They get killed off easily, and need to be replenished continuously.
Also the the benefits of Whey are off the charts:
Once diet cascades into better positive mental outlook overall...then well...
Not to mention the vibrant looking hot body factor...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
The cool thing about having a workout muse, though, Roland (:D), is I'm getting more motivated by the day and am willing to look into increasing my focus and the scope of my health practices. I will look more into what you've mentioned here. Thanks.
Say no more!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
When I sit back and look at it...really it all comes down to priorities. You can't tell anyone this that already isn't willing or receptive in the first place. I'm in the mindset that I'll try anything once...and it if makes sense, and is good for me... definitely the intelligence factor eventually rules over habit. I've seen other side of health and being alive extremely close up so I personally choose what makes the most sense for me to not be there.
If someone thinks fast food or whatever makes sense for them and think I'm nuts....that's fine. What can I do about it? What I've written here is accumulation of hundreds of hours of my time condensed into 5-10 mins.
Others can take it or leave it. I'll still be doing my thing. I know you're a cut above the rest so it gives me satisfaction.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Z thanks for posting that info. I'll be writing my senators to express my disgust in their vote.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
you are completely right. it's so infurating.
I know a guy that had a kidney transplant three years ago(he was 28 at the time) because he had inherited PKD. so he has to take daily immunosuppressants so that his body does not reject the new kidney. just these three immunosuppressants cost $6,000 in the US for a month's supply. these EXACT same pills cost $3,000 for a month's supply in Canada. the thing is he lives 7 miles from the Canadian border, it's actually closer for him to get them in Canada. he has a decent job but he doesn't even make $6,000 a month...he and his boyfriend are barely scraping by to come up with the $3,000 a month as it is. it's not like he has any other choice but to sneak these pills across the border and the question remains; who or what is he hurting by doing this? the only answer is: the drug companies profits.
angels share laughter
Precisely. I would understand this safety arguement if the pills being produced for Canada where manufactered at a different facility that did not adherer to our standards. That's not the case though. I can only speak for Pfizer. they have 2 manufactoring locations. Mexico and Ireland and both ahve to adhere to FDA standards. All of Pfizer's products are manufactored at either one of these facilities. There is no different safety standards for the pills sitting in a Canadian pharmacy than for the pills sitting in a US pharmacy. That just leads me to believe that their sole motive for proventing this is money not the safety of the consumer.
What should also piss us off are the 11 that didn't vote. Don't they get paid to do that?
On a similar note, for individuals campaigning for President, they should be able to appoint a staff member to vote for them. Of course, I'm not sure campaigning so far out makes any sense either.
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
GlaxoSmithKline & Pfizer are the two largest. Other large pharma companies are Merck, Novartis, Johnson & Johnson, Sanofi-Adventis, Hoffman-LaRoche, AstraZeneca, Abbott Labs, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Wyeth, Eli Lilly, Byer, Amgen, Schering-Plough, Novo Nordisk, Procter & Gamble, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Baxter International.