12 Commandments

I love It!!!!!!!!!!!! God is Green now!!!! I wonder if they will vote for Nader?
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Have you seen the NMyTree 12 Commandments?
The 12 Commandments: The King Groovy Edition by NMyTree
1) Thou Shall Not Kill, Unless Thy Enemy Is Attempting To Kill You, First; . (Self-Defense)
2) Thy Shall Not Steal or Commit Thievery
3) Thou Shall Not Covet Thy Neighbors Groovy Audio Loudspeakers
4) Thou Shall Love Thy Neighbor and Treat Him/Her As You Would Want To Be Treated. (Unless you're Into S & M, Which You Should Keep To Yourself and Others Who Consent To Such Behavior)
5) Thou Shall Love Thy Wife/Husband/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Lover/Partner/Soulmate/Lifemate/Children/Doggies/Kitty Cats.
6) Thou Shall Love and Nurture thy Children.
7) Thou Shall Only Record In The Analouge Format, Then To 180g Virgin Vinyl and Then Convert To Digital, Only If Necessary.
8) Thou Shall Not Neglect Thy Lover's Coochie. Thou Shall Not neglect Thy Lover's Weenie.
9) Thou Shall Love The Titties No Matter How Large or How Small.
10) Thou Shall Not Tell Others How To Live Their Lives (Like I am Doing right here and now, with these Commandments).
11) Thou Shall Cherish Thy Vacume Tubes and Vacume Tubed Gear.
12) Thou Shall Honor and Respect Thy Planet, All Living Beings/Animals (and not just the cute ones!!!), It's Environment and Resources.