Would you throw away your cell phone?

shadowcastshadowcast Posts: 2,304
edited April 2007 in A Moving Train
Read this article and let's discuss.

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  • chopitdownchopitdown Posts: 2,222
    link doesn't work...neither does my cell phone...must be a sign.
    make sure the fortune that you seek...is the fortune that you need
  • shadowcastshadowcast Posts: 2,304
    If you cannot download the link I have copied and pasted the article.

    Are mobile phones wiping out our bees?
    Scientists claim radiation from handsets are to blame for mysterious 'colony collapse' of bees
    By Geoffrey Lean and Harriet Shawcross
    Published: 15 April 2007

    It seems like the plot of a particularly far-fetched horror film. But some scientists suggest that our love of the mobile phone could cause massive food shortages, as the world's harvests fail.
    They are putting forward the theory that radiation given off by mobile phones and other hi-tech gadgets is a possible answer to one of the more bizarre mysteries ever to happen in the natural world - the abrupt disappearance of the bees that pollinate crops. Late last week, some bee-keepers claimed that the phenomenon - which started in the US, then spread to continental Europe - was beginning to hit Britain as well.
    The theory is that radiation from mobile phones interferes with bees' navigation systems, preventing the famously homeloving species from finding their way back to their hives. Improbable as it may seem, there is now evidence to back this up.
    Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) occurs when a hive's inhabitants suddenly disappear, leaving only queens, eggs and a few immature workers, like so many apian Mary Celestes. The vanished bees are never found, but thought to die singly far from home. The parasites, wildlife and other bees that normally raid the honey and pollen left behind when a colony dies, refuse to go anywhere near the abandoned hives.
    The alarm was first sounded last autumn, but has now hit half of all American states. The West Coast is thought to have lost 60 per cent of its commercial bee population, with 70 per cent missing on the East Coast.
    CCD has since spread to Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece. And last week John Chapple, one of London's biggest bee-keepers, announced that 23 of his 40 hives have been abruptly abandoned.
    Other apiarists have recorded losses in Scotland, Wales and north-west England, but the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs insisted: "There is absolutely no evidence of CCD in the UK."
    The implications of the spread are alarming. Most of the world's crops depend on pollination by bees. Albert Einstein once said that if the bees disappeared, "man would have only four years of life left".
    No one knows why it is happening. Theories involving mites, pesticides, global warming and GM crops have been proposed, but all have drawbacks.
    German research has long shown that bees' behaviour changes near power lines.
    Now a limited study at Landau University has found that bees refuse to return to their hives when mobile phones are placed nearby. Dr Jochen Kuhn, who carried it out, said this could provide a "hint" to a possible cause.
    Dr George Carlo, who headed a massive study by the US government and mobile phone industry of hazards from mobiles in the Nineties, said: "I am convinced the possibility is real."
    The case against handsets
    Evidence of dangers to people from mobile phones is increasing. But proof is still lacking, largely because many of the biggest perils, such as cancer, take decades to show up.
    Most research on cancer has so far proved inconclusive. But an official Finnish study found that people who used the phones for more than 10 years were 40 per cent more likely to get a brain tumour on the same side as they held the handset.
    Equally alarming, blue-chip Swedish research revealed that radiation from mobile phones killed off brain cells, suggesting that today's teenagers could go senile in the prime of their lives.
    Studies in India and the US have raised the possibility that men who use mobile phones heavily have reduced sperm counts. And, more prosaically, doctors have identified the condition of "text thumb", a form of RSI from constant texting.
    Professor Sir William Stewart, who has headed two official inquiries, warned that children under eight should not use mobiles and made a series of safety recommendations, largely ignored by ministers.
  • Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.


    ( o.O)
  • AhnimusAhnimus Posts: 10,560
    Yea, I only have it because it's on contract, 02/08 I'm getting rid of it.
    I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,598
    i can't since i don't own one .........
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • darkcrowdarkcrow Posts: 1,102
    throw away?! surley you mean recycle ;)
  • shadowcastshadowcast Posts: 2,304
    Ahnimus wrote:
    Yea, I only have it because it's on contract, 02/08 I'm getting rid of it.

    What pisses me off is that I try to bring up different news items to my staff. I have a younger staff (early 20's). I try to get them to watch the news maybe read some articles and every Monday we will discuss something. Reason being is that we are in sales and the news is important to talk about with clients, it builds rapport. Also, it doesn't hurt to have an idea what is going on in the world. I chose this for today. It amazes me that they actually had to think about it. I mean think about the price we would pay at the supermarket and also the price of us and the planet. And with the bee population has already taken this big of a hit do you really think we have enough time to save them, I don't think so. After the Cell Phones companies take 20 years to have their scientists do the research it will be to late. I really fear for our youth. They are so into status and how they look and do I have nice things that it really annoys the shit out of me.
  • I actually cringe a little when my cell rings during the week. About a 2 years ago, I used to work across three times zones. LA, Toronto, and Manchester England. Needless to say I got a lot of phone call at odd hours that made me borderline neurotic.

    I would gladly toss my celly where it's smelly. Honey is much sweeter.
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.


    ( o.O)
  • AhnimusAhnimus Posts: 10,560
    What pisses me off is that I try to bring up different news items to my staff. I have a younger staff (early 20's). I try to get them to watch the news maybe read some articles and every Monday we will discuss something. Reason being is that we are in sales and the news is important to talk about with clients, it builds rapport. Also, it doesn't hurt to have an idea what is going on in the world. I chose this for today. It amazes me that they actually had to think about it. I mean think about the price we would pay at the supermarket and also the price of us and the planet. And with the bee population has already taken this big of a hit do you really think we have enough time to save them, I don't think so. After the Cell Phones companies take 20 years to have their scientists do the research it will be to late. I really fear for our youth. They are so into status and how they look and do I have nice things that it really annoys the shit out of me.

    I don't know if that's anything new though. Back in the 70's it was all about being cool too. But now we have all of this stuff emitting electromagnetism that interferes with the normal brain waves of animals and human beings. I don't think it'll end with cell-phones unfortunately. An unforeseen consequence of convenience.
    I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
  • NMyTreeNMyTree Posts: 2,374
    I currently don't have a cell phone and never have had one.

    I find them annoying and distruptive.

    Quite frankily, I don't believe there's any choice here. Throw those fuckin' things in the garbage and take down the towers!

    I'd rather hang out with a couple of bees, than with some idiots who spend 80% of their time yapping and babbling on their stupid cellphones.

    I'll certainly feel a whole better driving on the roads and highways without all those moronic air-heads, who have a cellphone glued to their ear and barely pay attention to the road and motorists, pedestrians and cyclists.

    I choose the Bees!
  • blackredyellowblackredyellow Posts: 5,889
    I would if I had to... We don't have a home phone, so my wife's and my cell phones are the only phones we have, so we'd have to go back to a home phone.

    I don't have a problem letting it go... most of the time i don't answer it anyway.
    My whole life
    was like a picture
    of a sunny day
    “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
    ― Abraham Lincoln
  • JaneNYJaneNY Posts: 4,438
    How could it only be cell phones though? Aren't there waves being projected from every wireless device out there? I wonder if that was taken into account.
    R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
    R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
    R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
  • shadowcastshadowcast Posts: 2,304
    JaneNY wrote:
    How could it only be cell phones though? Aren't there waves being projected from every wireless device out there? I wonder if that was taken into account.

    They do say other devices pose a threat but with so many people having cell phones they are linking them to be the main the main reason.
  • Uncle LeoUncle Leo Posts: 1,059
    I would not throw it out. But I would use it less often. There are about three instances where the cell phone was very important in emergency situations. So my wife and I both have one and will keep them. But we are not the types that always have to be on it. In a typical day, I do not use mine.
    I cannot come up with a new sig till I get this egg off my face.
  • even flow?even flow? Posts: 8,066
    I am hoping for the cancer from the cell phones to show up in humans a little quicker. Then the population can straighten itself out and we won't have such a shortage of food to feed the depleting population of the world. I don't know what I would do without my cell phone. :rolleyes:

    As if the big companies are going to put reports out on how cell phones of which almost everybody has one, are harmful. With all the "waves" out there searching for the hookup and passing through us humans. The more we put out there the better chance of something bad happening to more then just bees. And sonar dosen't affect marine animals. ha ha ha
    You've changed your place in this world!
  • mammasanmammasan Posts: 5,656
    I would love to get rid of the damn thing, but unfortunetly I need it for work. My clients love the ability to contact me at a moments notice and I need to keep them happy in order to pay the bills. Sometimes I feel like the damn thing owns me.
    "When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
  • halvhalv Posts: 703
    I haven't had a cell phone in over 5 years and loving it. There's been a few times I wish I had one, but otherwise I like not being able to be contacted for a few hours of the day.
  • JaneNYJaneNY Posts: 4,438
    I try not to use mine too much - I wouldn't throw it away though - but I go days without it being used - I don't text or do all those extras, and I don't have a silly ringtone - its mainly for backup, and so my kids can reach me. My kids have pay-as-you-go phones, funded by us, but they're not allowed to text or have long conversations with friends - again, its so if they need to reach US. However here's a story: last night I'm in my bedroom, and want to talk to my kid, but 1) I did not want to get up and go to her room, and 2) I did not want to yell across the house, so, I called her on her cell, right in the same house. How lame is that? Couldn't believe I did it. But it was convenient hehe.
    R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
    R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
    R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
  • MrBrianMrBrian Posts: 2,672
    I like having a cell phone, I don't use it much but I like the feeling of being able to contact people and people being able to contact me quickly.

    But whats annoying are the people who use those ear piece bluetooth things, they speak extra loud when on that. waking around supermarkets loud loud loud!
  • bookmusebookmuse Posts: 277
    I have a pay as you go type and it is rarley used. I have it for emergencies only. I get so annoyed with people talking on them at the store or at dinner or driving their vehicles. I find it extremely rude and besides I like down time for myself and do not wnat to be tied to a phone.

    Had no idea they'd have this kind of impact. I'll take the Bees!
    "Speak your mind even if your voice shakes" ~ M Kuhn
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    i dont actually have a cell phone to throw away. ive never had one.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • CollinCollin Posts: 4,931
    I have one, it was an unwanted gift so I can't really throw it away. I guess I'll have to wait until it dies. In the meantime, just throwing with it might help speed up the process. :D I hate the thing, it's expensive and annoying.

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  • Dustin51Dustin51 Posts: 222
    I'd be for anything that forces us to get rid of cell phones.
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