Anyone have to have a pet euthanized recently?

Dam...this is hitting me so hard and it almost seems silly, but I had this great cat for 17 hit with cancer.
I haven't experienced this since I was a kid...I didn't recall how hard it was. I thought being there with her today would make it easier, but as she went limp I broke down and had to leave. Kind of shocked by my reaction.
Not looking for remorse...just wondering if anyone else has been hit with this unexpectedly. I knew I'd be sad, but man I'm a wreck.
The girlfriend is supportive, but this cat was not a part of her life as long as she was in mine.
Its amazing me what this animal meant...I guess its hitting me now. Thanks for letting me vent
I haven't experienced this since I was a kid...I didn't recall how hard it was. I thought being there with her today would make it easier, but as she went limp I broke down and had to leave. Kind of shocked by my reaction.
Not looking for remorse...just wondering if anyone else has been hit with this unexpectedly. I knew I'd be sad, but man I'm a wreck.
The girlfriend is supportive, but this cat was not a part of her life as long as she was in mine.
Its amazing me what this animal meant...I guess its hitting me now. Thanks for letting me vent
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This thread might help you:
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Thanks so much...I'll get over this with time. Wow...great, supportive thread. Thanks again for that link.
Finally got that "One for the Thumb"!!! Got the "Six Pack". Now we're on a "Stairway to Seven"
Some words when spoken...can't be taken back.
"Seeing a brick wall straight ahead and stepping on the gas." Eddie...Pittsburgh 6/23/06
was such a hard decision but it's truly the most selfless act there is, because you put their comfort and well being ahead of your own pain. in time you will be able to take some solace in that.
again i'm sorry, take care
I feel your pain, it will get better with time and you will feel fortunate that your cat was a part of your life.
good luck and hang in there! true. I've had to put three pets down, two cats and a dog. They were all a part of our family and I grieved them all. Nothing sad or silly about. They are a part of your life. I'm sorry.
And if you need to talk, pm me.
Regal Theater, 1994--most amazing night ever.
Very sorry for your loss. :(
**HUGS** (I need one, too)
I understand, I put down two dogs in 2007. It is very tough. Was with them both times, one was 17 and it was merciful, the other was only 5 years old but had a biting/territorial issue that was getting dangerous. Both were great family dogs and I love my dogs. And I broke down like a little kid when it was done.
All I can say is that sounds like your situation was basically merciful and you just have to appreciate all those great years and memories. You will still be thinking about them a year from now I am sure, but I guess we just have to know that pets don't outlive people so you are guaranteed the pain of losing them. Not exactly uplifting I know.
I have a theory that the more you care about your pets the better person you are and it is addition, not subtraction to have them. People who don't care for animals may not always care for people so you are a good person to be having the pain. Says good things about YOU.
Sorry to hear about it, makes me think about my own pets. Take care.
My dog's name was Sasha too, and had to put her down last year. She was 17 and had her since college. Sorry to hear about your loss, especially since it was yesterday.
I love our cats with all my heart.
I'm so sorry for your loss, and i understand it. Keep your head up.
Male, 34
I'm on Facebook -
1998 Brisbane 2
2003 Brisbane 1
2006 LA 1 & 2
2008 LA 2, San Diego 1 (EV)
2009 LA 1, 2, 3 & 4, San Diego
2011 St. Louis (EV)
2012 Tulsa 1 & 2 (EV)
2013 Chicago, Dallas & OKC
Losing that dog was the hardest thing yet. Losing grandparents has been way easier:-)
I smothered my fridge with her photos last night from happy, healthier days and it made me smile when I looked at them this AM.
I know I did the right thing, but it still brings about funny feelings about if I did it too soon, strange philosophical meanderings about my control and others over the lives of domestic animals. Ahh well...heads still spinning.
Thanks again...your all wonderful.
Picked up Duke, mix from the Austin pound in 18 years ago....he was the man......traveled with me, made me smile every day...was just the greatest........I put him to rest last valentines day...and still shed a tear for him at least once a its hard......have him on my screen saver on Cell phone...along with short will get better...but you'll always keep her in your thoughts. I held Duke as he took his last gotta go now...
my doggie is 12 - my buddy and constant companion.
she follows me from room to room and amuses us daily with her silliness.
can't imagine her not being around.
i feel your pain (and everyone else's as well)
your sadness is totally understandable.
lots of hugs to you!
07 8/5 Lolla 8/2 VIC
06 7/22,23 Gorge 7/20 Ptl
04 10/8 VFC Kissimmee
03 4/11 WPB, 4/12 HOB Orlando, 7/8,9 MSG
00 8/24 Jones Bch 8/9,10 WPB
1998 9/22,23 WPB 1996 10/7 Ft Laud 1994 3/28 Miami
I started thinking the same things...
Regal Theater, 1994--most amazing night ever.
Washington, D.C. - 2008
Philadelphia, PA I - 2009
Bristow, VA - 2010
Baltimore, MD - 2013
Milwaukee, WI - 2014
Hampton, VA - 2016
So sorry for your loss. I've been through the same thing too many times. I'm older than most of you on the board so have had several pets pass on in my life time. Unfortunately, it does not get easier. In fact, I think it gets more difficult. Like you said, I think about the life/death decision that I had to make, and wonder if it is fair that it is left up to me. If there was only some way they could make the decision. It is easier in some ways when a human dies because in most cases we don't feel a since of guilt or confusion over whether we made the right decision or not. In most cases, human deaths are out of our hands.
All I can say is think about the good times. That is how your beloved cat would want to be remembered.
The days after were the worst, its the silence that gets you. It takes time like everything but it does get better. Whenever I read a thread about somebody looseing a pet. I always pet and hug my dog Gizmo just a little bit more.
Yaaa...I dread the next days, weeks.. going home and not having her "whine" (she was great at that) for attention the minute I got in the door....she did this until her last day with me.
And it was attention she always got through her final day, so I can feel good about that. But I will miss that cry for my affection...she purred like a locomotive. Friends always got a kick when I'd be on the phone and she'd be crawling all over me...they could hear that purr if she would be withn one foot of the phone. Geez...better move on to other things...this is breaking me up and I need to face customers.
Thanks again everyone.
I have to say that I never had to make this decision yet. The first dog I got is 13 and very healthy. But I lost a 6-year-old lab a couple of years ago. It was so shocking and unexpected, she got so sick so fast and ended up dying the night after being admitted to the vet hospital. Looking back, if I knew her condition was so serious, I would have let them put her out of her misery, or at least bring her back to die at home. To this day it still breaks my heart the fact that she died alone on that hospital :(
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
I lost my favourite cat 2 years ago yesterday. It was a week before my birthday and I found her in my spare room collapsed. Took her to the vets and discovered she had kidney failure. She stayed in for a few days and improved a little so was allowed home. She sat on the sofa and hardly moved, didn't eat - it was heart breaking. Anyway, she had a totter to the litter tray and gave up, she collapsed. She'd had enough. She was carried back to the sofa and we made the decision to have her euthanized the next morning, my 22nd birthday.
We took her to the vets in the morning and she passed peacefully, purring and being fussed by the people who loved her most.
The grief for losing her was unbelievable. I remember just going to my room and sitting on the bed sobbing uncontrollably and wishing I could take it all back, I missed her so much. I mourned her for such a long time, she was my first pet that I'd taken in my own place after moving out of my parents and the first creature that depended on me and followed me around like my shadow. Whats more, 3 months later I had to have my pet rat euthanized.
I still have a photo of her on my bookshelf to this day
Losing a pet is losing a family member and it's perfectly normal to feel how you do.
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
You think you need
And when you think more than you want
Your thoughts begin to bleed."
E.V. Society
"And by the way, their real and their spectacular!"
My cat is 17 years old and has recently not been doing so great. Has a thyroid condition and lost sight in one eye. A friend of mine lost a pet turkey and chicken in the same week. She's been devastated by this. I look at pets more as companions...other living beings your sharing your life with. It's obvious you gave your cat a great life.
Only time will heal your pain and sorrow. Then, when it feels right, bring another dog or cat home. You aren't replacing the friend you lost, but you have all this love to give so why not give it to a new friend. Your new pet will fill the gaping void in your heart and help you heal. Of course, you'll never forget the friend you lost. Ever.
Hang in there, dude.
( guess who had to do that)
She was an amazing cat.
However she got weaker and weaker- although she still had good days- I was trying to keep her going, until my daughter who was away at college, could come home to be with us when we had her put to sleep.
BUt then after we did that , we couldn't deal with putting her in the ground right away, so I put her in the freezer- until we could prepare a really nice place for her
It sounds funny- but it helped to know she was still with us
( the 2nd cat- died on her own- it was really sad- about a year & a half later, my younger daughter thought she heard her meowing, but we couldn't tell where it was coming from- she had seemed healthy- considering she was also about 19, but we found her in the garden the next morning- we put her in the freezer too, since my oldest daughter was still away at college & she was her cat)
Now we just have the 13 year old lab- she is doing pretty good- but I don't have a freezer big enough for her :(
Rainbow Bridge