Spin's answer to the problem! FEAR

Ok, remember when the US base got bombed back in the 80's. Might have been in Beirut. Reagon was president. He found out it was Libya (Khadafi was leader I think) He said, ok, you bomb us, we bomb you. He bombed the hell out of the Libyan coast. They even dropped flyers that said they knew where Khadafi was staying and that they could have killed him that night if they wanted too. You never heard another peep out of Libya after that. Khadafi was scared out of his mind( because they were right about where he was) and he behaved after that. I say if a country takes responsibility for blowing up our buildings(twin towers) ships, planes etc. then no problem....your country loses a city, and we're not telling you which one. Worked with Libya.
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Why were US troops in Beirut attacked in the first place? Why were US troops there at all?
Plus the fact that Reagan pulled all the troops out within weeks. That's a sign of strength.
Just saying the original comments that the US needs to put fear into it's "enemies" is a joke, as was Reagan, nothing else. Not arguing policy here.
We were on a peacekeeping mission.
If we were not attacking first why did we have troops on their soil?
The bombing of Libya in 1986 was in response to several smaller terrorist attacks, such as a West Berlin nightclub and I believe the Rome airport.
And even after that, Gaddafi continued to funnel weapons and money to terrorist organizations, and was responsible for the bombing of the 1988 Pan-Am flight over Scotland.
Guess what... Khadafi won. Have you noticed who ISN'T on the international terror list anymore. Yep. Libya's now our friend. And do you know why??? It sure ain't because they've renounced their ways. No, buddy, Libya happens to be sitting on a pretty significant untapped oil deposit. But until they were removed from international sanctions, there wasn't any way for America to get access to that oil. The Libyans were too stupid to pump the crude out without continually blowing themselves up.
—Dorothy Parker
There is actually more evidence that the FBI bombed that plane than Gadafi. Not sayingn the FBI did it, but as far as the evidence goes it looks like they might have.
1) Instead of dropping letters to Gadaffi, they should have dropped bombs on him, if they really knew where he was.
2) Instead of dropping bombs randomly, where innocent people would get killed, they should have dropped letters, saying, "We killed Gadaffi. Shape up."
That's also what the fuck we should have done in Iraq.
You open your mouth a lot, but you say very little, amigo.
Thats mighty tough talk you are jabberin, but it means nothing.
Who is it exactly that has claimed responsibility for any of these acts of agression on America lately?
In other words, what is the point of this thread?
Far as i can tell America is just making up enemies left and right.
Best i can remember 13 of the 19 hijackers on 9\11 were from SAUDI ARABIA ... but nevertheless, Afghanistan and Iraq took it up the ass.
Seems to me, best i can remember Al Qeida and the Saddam regime were bitter enemies ... Saddam wouldn't let them anywhere near his country ... he was a secular dictator, they were fundamentalist radicals. And yet, by invading, toppling and destabilizing Iraq we DELIBERATELY created a breeding ground for our new found Enemy-Du-Jur.
So i guess, without getting too far sidetracked with all these political issues of who the real enemy is and who made it so ... what i'd really like to know is, just what exactly it is you are insinuating in this thread.
Because you are talking a long head of steam about going bezerker on "someone" ... like you desperately want to deal a world of hurting to "someone" in response to their attacks on us ... and yet, best i can recollect, we don't even have known enemy.
We are illegaly in a country that we illegaly invaded, rewriting laws and history after we illegaly "tried" and murdered their leader, and illegaly conducting a "war" on whomever it is that picks up arms and attempts to resist OUR imposed tyranny.
So what gives?
Who you wanna do in?
I'm game.
Lets go ape shit on the world.
We can take 'em all, goddamnit!
We are the goddamn motherfucking US of A, motherfuckers!
If I opened it now would you not understand?