Obama's church supports Farakhan

In fact they gave Ferricon(varmit) a life-time achievement award. Obama's wife said she hasn't ever been proud of the US in the past. Was she unproud when we saved Kuwait from Iraq? How about when we sent millions of dollars and help to the sunami relief program.....was she unsad when the President met with hundreds of survivors and family members of the 911 attacks.....go Mrs. Obama, you are just what we need, someone to derail Obama and youre his wife! LOL
Post edited by Unknown User on
Hail, Hail!!!
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I think we should all blame Barock HUSSIEN Obama for his fucking middle name too.. he is the anti-christ I presume. :cool:
We're all going to die if we don't elect a republican!
yes planned for a long long time...
It readily available information if you turn off the TV and read, or watch video with viable content instead.
Watch some John Pilger documentaries sometime. Specifically:
The New rulers of the world
Nicaragua - A nation's right to survive
however you'd be well off to seek out all his works online and digest them.
and also The Panama deception is highly recommended viewing. This is all repressed information that few in the mainstream know about.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
shut up.
This is exactly the example for people to see that a Democrat being elected to the Whitehouse is definitely no done deal. Laura Bush killed a man Spinnyboy.
and Dubya friends supports terrorist states, next
Stop by:
your the same guy that spelled it "ferricon" for 3 days on the porch...
classic... at least you learned how to spell his name after catching shit for 3 days...
Actually, that's not what she said.
he could be the Anti Christ.......
scary shit, huh?
PEARL JAM~San Antonio, TX. 4~5~03
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Well, someone's been watching Fox News and listening to Neocon radio.
"Obama's wife said she hasn't ever been proud of the US in the past. Was she unproud when we saved Kuwait from Iraq? How about when we sent millions of dollars and help to the sunami relief program....."
Flipping around the dials, I heard someone say this exact quote, word for word. I believe it was hannity. Come up with your own thought, don't parrot what some douche on the radio or TV tells you to think.
You know what's really funny. The GOP spends millions of dollars (As does the DNC) doing opposition research. So far all they've been able to come up with is that his parents gave him the middle name Hussein, (as if he had some say over what his middle name would be) and the fact that not he, but his church supports an Anti-semite. They got nothing. Hell, I grew up Catholic. That church supports pedophiles. Does that mean no Catholics should be president? I guess we should vote for Mormon Mitt, whose church has supported polygamy and racism historically, and believes in magic underwear.
It's not absurd. Its actually somewhat factual. It's just not articulated well. Obama's "church" did in fact have ties with Farrakhan and it's leader, Jeremiah Wright, travelled to Libya to meet with Qaddafi and Farrakhan. Jeremiah Wright is Obama's self professed spiritual leader and he is a vehement anti - semite. All this is out there. Just wait. The Republican machine is just holding this card for the general election. Another swell choice from the Democrats....