a brief report from Haifa, Israel

Woke up this morning at 06:00 because of the alarm. It was a false one, yet I couldn't go back to sleep. Nasralla started his day by shooting missiles towards arab villages in northern Israel, the city of Tzfat & the city of Carmiel. Afterwards there were some quite hours, but than it all changed within seconds - Enormous explosions had striked out of no where, there wasn't even an alarm. 7 missiles, 3 of them went very close to my house, 2 of them went extremely next to it. I am shocked. About an hour later and. alarms. This time I get to hear and view one of the missiles hitting somewhere next to the place where 8 people died the other day - Sky news was on and catched it live right before I ran to our shelter. One missile hit directly on a building in Tzfat. Not too long after that we heared the alarms again. This time the sounds of explosions appeared to be far away from where I live. 20 minuts later, we heared an Enormous explosion. Again. Most of the missiles went towards our surroundings. One of them hit a civilian building through the roof, collapsing its 2 last floors. I recognized the exact location of the building immediately, not too far from where I'm located. Another alarm, but this time it was a false one again.
In between all of this, Sky News repoted Israel had sended divisions by foot to Lebanon. God knows from where they got that Idea. After that, foreign TV stations reported of an Israeli plane who was knocked down. The IDF immediately cleared up the situation, saying all Israeli planes & pilots are ok. Networks continued to claim that it was an Israeli plane, don't know why. It turns out now it was a 'ZILZAL' missile, a rocket made in Iran that can hit a very long distance target, Tel Aviv for example. It was fired from Lebanon towards Haifa, but was dismissed during its launching. Thank God.
And thanks to president Bush who made us laugh with his indifferent remarks when eating yet another appetizer. I wonder what Prime minister of Britain was thinking in that moment - the man looked a bit shocked. God knows the Israelis civilians never really respected Bush, now we got another reason to feel like that.
I'm tired.
In between all of this, Sky News repoted Israel had sended divisions by foot to Lebanon. God knows from where they got that Idea. After that, foreign TV stations reported of an Israeli plane who was knocked down. The IDF immediately cleared up the situation, saying all Israeli planes & pilots are ok. Networks continued to claim that it was an Israeli plane, don't know why. It turns out now it was a 'ZILZAL' missile, a rocket made in Iran that can hit a very long distance target, Tel Aviv for example. It was fired from Lebanon towards Haifa, but was dismissed during its launching. Thank God.
And thanks to president Bush who made us laugh with his indifferent remarks when eating yet another appetizer. I wonder what Prime minister of Britain was thinking in that moment - the man looked a bit shocked. God knows the Israelis civilians never really respected Bush, now we got another reason to feel like that.
I'm tired.
Post edited by Unknown User on
It's quite unfortunate that people on both sides of your border must live with this so often. I can't even imagine what you're going through.
I'm curious...what is the media there reporting regarding the status of the detained soldiers? I've seen little on that here. It absolutely shocks me that these men have not been released. All history and emotion aside, I cannot believe that the men holding these soldiers refuse to release them. When all that stands between the current state of affairs and the cessation of violence is the release of 3 men, I cannot believe that they would continue holding these men if the truly had an interest in peace. Has your government not said that the release would mean and end to their incursions?
Are you suggesting that the American people have an inherent obligation to your nation? Certainly many of the American people are behind you in this conflict, and we've granted or loaned your governments $100 billion dollars over the last 60 years. That activity has continued under the Bush administration. What additional actions would you like to see America take?
It's good to know that you are still OK. Again hope that you and your loved ones come through this safe and unharmed.
Hang in there, and hopefully you get a little support here amongst the ugliness.
With all due respect, don't you find your second statement ironic in light of your first?
lol when have they ever been driven out...more liek they left because of international pressure. Israel could take the whole middle east over in a matter of days, just look at the devastation already in lebanon...this is just a short glimspe of their beautiful military.
If you don't think that is an oxymoron, you have a major mental instability.
it is a great military..from years to come people will be talking how great of a military it is
The dead can't speak.
Oh ok, I see what you are saying. Then in that regard. It is nowhere near as "beautiful" as the Nazi army was.
wow I have read it all....
It is so hard for me to read your posts knowing how many here think exactly like you. Do you have any value for human life alone or only the ones you think hold should value? I've been sick on my stomach for days and you call this beautiful military action. Do you cringe when you see the bodies of the innocent? Does it ever make you second guess your stance if only for a second?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Yeah, all this conflict needs is Iranian missiles thrown into the mix. Not that they appear to be that effective, fortunately.
Hang in there, man ... You are in my (non-denominational) prayers.
Too bad they weren't labelled Made in North Korea....
LOL ... Good point.
You aren't the only one Abook. I had a hard time doing anything this weekend. I went bowling with my cousin and brother, but I really didn't feel like it. I mean I know someone in Lebanon and besides that, they are people and I get easily upset over war.
I know, this feeling of dispair is getting to be quite overwhelming. The end has no end. The conflict will never end because in conflict there is power and profit to be gained.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
You sound sensible, unlike all the fanatics here who support Israel, but who would never themselves put their lives at risk for Israel.
It is undeniable to me that it was the racism and fanaticism of men like Winston Churchill and David Ben-Gurion that got you where you are, and either that mentality has to die, or we will all have to keep worrying if we will die because of it.
There is no 'chosen people'. There is no 'God' to choose people or promise land to. There is no Allah and Arabic is not the language of 'God'. We are all children of an African tribe, a few notches in the evolutionary scale above the chimpanzee. Some of us seem to be only 1 notch up the scale and where ideally there would be intellect and compassion, we find hard-headedness and fanaticism.
So despite millenia of proof to substantiate my opinions, I may be wrong. But in case I am right... there's no hope for the current situation, and I feel sorry for you.
Thanks for letting me in on this little bit of knowledge - I didn't know this had been confirmed. Thanks for letting us know...
Seriously though - be safe Shiraz - there are many people here hoping for a peaceful resolution (however unlikely) and have you in our thoughts...
Last night was a quiet one in Haifa, but very intense in other places. Finaly I managged to get the sirens out of my head and catch some good sleep. Right now missiles are being shot towards northern Galil areas.
Just wanted to clarify something: My comment about Bush was related to the man himself, not to America - I (and most of us in Israel) really don't think he is a good representative of the American people. It made me laugh to hear him talking about what's going on here as if it was an easy case to solve, while sitting there eating something and talking to the prime minister of Britain with his mouth full. Blair looked so serious, Bush looked like a child in elementary school having his lunch without a napkin. Gotta laugh about it.
Kenny Olav: Zionism & old biblical ideas like 'we are the chosen people' are somthing that only a very small minority pay attention to in Israel. If you ask the average Israeli person about it he'll probably laugh at you. In fact, some of them won't even know what Zionism really stands for. Anyway it has nothing to do with the corrent events in the northern front, just with the Palestinian conflict, and even then: Most of Isreali citizens believe in the Idea of two countries for two nations, and most important - the Israeli gov believes in this idea as well.
But, I noticed it is the only US place you mentioned. It really isn't that bad. I lived in downtown SF for a year back in '72 and it was worse. I lived at Fillmore and California...for anyone who wonders where in that city I lived and it was way bad. It scared even this Detroiter!!!
As for this conflict in the middle east, I am like Abook...just sick over it. I don't think I will ever understand war...and I hope I never get used to it. I guess it is good to be sick over it.
Shit, you know... I don't even know why that was the one place in the U.S. I picked out... I think it came up in conversation recently, but I'm sure there are a lot worse places... LOL
Thanks for that perspective. Coming from America, people are more religious when they talk of Israel, and its easy to assume most Israelis have that same zeal, but I do know that it a much more secular country, and people just want a place to live and maintain Hebrew culture.
I was raised in an evangelical Christian church, and early on I was told that all Jews are the chosen people. And that's why you didn't have to believe in Jesus!! It's pretty funny, isn't it?!
When I say Zionism I mean the basic movement that brought about the state of Israel. Nowadays, I guess it may mean what exactly the borders of Israel will be.
I will admit this, there are areas in Detroit that look as if they are war torn. That is my biggest beef with the mayor and council...clean the place up!! They did do a good start at cleaning it up when the Super Bowl was here.
I want to say something to shiraz here though...I am not a Bush supporter at all. I think the man is a moron and warmonger, but I just did not hear anything wrong in anything he said to Blair at that luncheon. I don't think he was minmizing anything, nor indifferent. To me, he sounded frustrated and at least it was on his mind. It was probably one of the only times I thought the guy at least sounded sane.
He sounded upset that Hezbollah did what they did to start this mess.
From what I have heard on my own..Israel was flying planes and attacking in Lebabon before Hezbollah captured those soldiers, so Bush was really being overly fair to Israel in those comments. Israel does not have clean hands in this mess, and I think Bush knows that.
I am probably one of the first to bash Bush when I can...but this time, I think blaming him is off the mark.
It is your country who is attacking a weaker one and killing innocent people. Blame your prime minister, not ours!!!
*rant over*
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
my hometown has being targeted 4 times since morning. The alarm didn't work at the second time, and the area next to where I'm living got bombed. We were surprised and shocked. This time, the missiles were fired at an arab population street. One of the missiles went directly into a house, but thank god that was THE ONLY house which has no people inside it in that specific street.
About 2 hours ago two missiles were fired at Nazareth - an arab city in northern Isreal. This time the results were tragic: two kids (at the age 3 & 9) were killed, 12 were injured.
Previously to that, 3 missiles just missed one of my best freind's house in a small town near by. Right now there are several shooting towards Haifa, local media reports of no injured people in that event.
Can I ask you a question cause your in the reigon...do you believe that these missles are justified considering ferocity of the Israel attack and the already killing of 240 + Lebonese civilians...
Other than that please take care of yourself....we all hope things get better over there trust me on that....