Henry Rollins needs to interview Ed.

I think Ed would do it if invited and I think the two would hit it off w/ a great discussion.
Love that show...
Although I wish he would have cranked on Gene Simmons a number of episoded ago...what a douche
Love that show...
Although I wish he would have cranked on Gene Simmons a number of episoded ago...what a douche
Post edited by Unknown User on
You think the Slayer tour is out, or what?
"Finally! I get to save the earth with deadly lasers instead of deadly slide shows." -- Al Gore.
*She is now, but, not legal.
I love watching his interviews...some people seem to squirm onto the couch and look across at him either nervously or like "whats this big ass mean lookin dude going to ask me?"...and then he always seems to totally put them at ease, asks great questions, shows his intellect, brings out interesting stuff from everyone he interviews..
Hopin this show is around for some time to come and even gets more public (if Rollins wants it...or if his cool rants allow it)
and still jonesing for another show....
"the waiting drove me mad..."
Usually I like Rollins, sometimes I don't, but you're right, an Eddie interview would be great
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
I saw Henry Rollins this past year on his spoken word tour. He was a lot more humorous than I had thought he would be. Even when he was being direct and kind of fired up, he had a tinge of humor in there.
Besides, I think Hank could pump EV up and I would like to see that in an interview. Eddie is always so introverted during his "questioning" . He looks like he wants to run away all the time. Henry would do him justice.
I thought i heard something like that also, maybe im wrong. They are both very involved with the WM3 though. Im surprised Ed didnt help out on the Black Flag WM3 album.
Both Ed and Rollins were involved with the concert for one of the Ramones (Johnny?)....maybe they hit it off there like the now "grown" dudes they are..no more stupid like spats (if they did have one)
Hopeful thinking anyway..."Hank" and Ed would make great buds...their different levels of intensity are directed in largely the same direction it seems.
I e-mailed Henry about EV once. A while back when I was reading 5 against 1. There is a mention of Henry in there somewhere. I don't remember the context, but Henry replied (as he always does to his fan e-mails, try it) and he said that he didn't know Ed well, but he thought he was a cool guy from what he could tell. This was years ago so there may have been more interaction between them since. With WM3 and Johnny I can't see how paths haven't crossed more.
If ever a threesome would come my way...Well, a girl can dream right?