Gender Myths

1. Girls are more "social" than boys.
The two sexes are equally interested in social stimuli, equally responsive to social reinforcement, and equally proficient at learning from social models.
At certain ages, boys actually spend more time than girls with playmates.
2. Girls are more "suggestible" than boys.
Most studies of children's conformity find no sex differences. However, sometimes boys are more likely than girls to accept peer-group values that conflict with their own.
3. Girls have lower self-esteem than boys
The sexes are highly similar in the overall self-satiffaction and self-confidence throughout childhood and adolescence. More boys than girls show gains in self-esteem over the course of adolescence, possibly reflecting the greater freedom and encouragement that males receive to pursue instrumental rols (Block & Robbins, 1993).
4. Girls are better at simple repetitive tasks, whereas boys excel at tasks that require higher-level cognitive processing.
The evidence does not support these assertions. Neither sex is superior at rote learning, probability learning or concept formation.
5. Boys are more "analytic" than girls.
With the exception of the small sex differences [spatial/visual] in cognitive abilities that we have already discussed, boys and girls do not differ on tests of analytical or logical reasoning.
6. Girls lack achievement motivation.
No such differences exist! Perhaps the myth of lesser achievement motivation for females has persisted because males and females have generally directed their achievement strivings toward different goals.
Maccoby and Jacklin (1974)
a... likely explanation for the perpetuation of "myths" is the fact that stereotypes are such powerful things. An ancient truth is worth restating here: if a generalization about a group of people is believed, whenever a member of the group behaves in expected way the observer notes it and his belief is confirmed and strengthened; when a member of the group behaves in a way that is not consistent with the observer's expectations, the instance is likely to pass unnoticed, and the observer's generalized belief is protected from disconfirmation.... [This] well-documented [selective attention] ... process ... results in the perpetuation of myths that would otherwise die out under the impact of negative evidence. (P. 355)
The differences mentioned earlier in the chapter are averaged out over large sample groups. The average differences typically amount to about 5%. The large differences we typically experience in our cultures are the results of cultural gender-typing and not biological propensities.
Adapted from Fifth Edition Developmental Pscyhology: Childhood and Adolescence by David R. Schaffer
The two sexes are equally interested in social stimuli, equally responsive to social reinforcement, and equally proficient at learning from social models.
At certain ages, boys actually spend more time than girls with playmates.
2. Girls are more "suggestible" than boys.
Most studies of children's conformity find no sex differences. However, sometimes boys are more likely than girls to accept peer-group values that conflict with their own.
3. Girls have lower self-esteem than boys
The sexes are highly similar in the overall self-satiffaction and self-confidence throughout childhood and adolescence. More boys than girls show gains in self-esteem over the course of adolescence, possibly reflecting the greater freedom and encouragement that males receive to pursue instrumental rols (Block & Robbins, 1993).
4. Girls are better at simple repetitive tasks, whereas boys excel at tasks that require higher-level cognitive processing.
The evidence does not support these assertions. Neither sex is superior at rote learning, probability learning or concept formation.
5. Boys are more "analytic" than girls.
With the exception of the small sex differences [spatial/visual] in cognitive abilities that we have already discussed, boys and girls do not differ on tests of analytical or logical reasoning.
6. Girls lack achievement motivation.
No such differences exist! Perhaps the myth of lesser achievement motivation for females has persisted because males and females have generally directed their achievement strivings toward different goals.
Maccoby and Jacklin (1974)
a... likely explanation for the perpetuation of "myths" is the fact that stereotypes are such powerful things. An ancient truth is worth restating here: if a generalization about a group of people is believed, whenever a member of the group behaves in expected way the observer notes it and his belief is confirmed and strengthened; when a member of the group behaves in a way that is not consistent with the observer's expectations, the instance is likely to pass unnoticed, and the observer's generalized belief is protected from disconfirmation.... [This] well-documented [selective attention] ... process ... results in the perpetuation of myths that would otherwise die out under the impact of negative evidence. (P. 355)
The differences mentioned earlier in the chapter are averaged out over large sample groups. The average differences typically amount to about 5%. The large differences we typically experience in our cultures are the results of cultural gender-typing and not biological propensities.
Adapted from Fifth Edition Developmental Pscyhology: Childhood and Adolescence by David R. Schaffer
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Post edited by Unknown User on
Are there gender non-myths (true differences) you've come across? I know males are considered to have a higher aptitude for spacial problems. I know in my experiences I've seen this to be the case. But I don't know if it is actually the case.
The real differences are the typical ones, male mathematical ability, female emotions and male spatial/visual abilities, girls are typically more compliant and boys are more susceptible to prenatal and perinatal development disorders, males are more overtly aggressive, girls are more covert in their aggression, males are more active and larger risk takers and girls greater verbal ability. However, these differences are minor, only about 5% averaged out over large sample groups. These differences seem to be increased by cultural gender-typing. Unfortunately it is difficult to counteract cultural influences.
Fifth Edition Developmental Psychology: Childhood and Adolescence pg. 479
This is not true across all cultures, but most western industrialized nations share these stereotypes. It could be why I see more asian men wearing pink shirts than any other men.
Well, you could disagree with it, but I'd expect some kind of citations to reasearch
I know I started a similar thread about a year ago. But I'm afraid it didn't have the impact I was looking for. Gender stereotypes are rampant.
your thread is in my favour, so i wouldn't dare to comment otherwise. but i would like to ask you why you think boys do better at maths? becuase i assumed both sexes did equally well. and when you answer please show me some sort of evidence.
There is only a minor difference, presumably a result of boys spatial/visual reasoning. However, girls actually exceed boys in computational skills. The main causes of end differences are the ways parents and teachers respond to successes and failures. They tend to reward boys for their abilities, and reward girls for their efforts. Among high math acheivers more males than females excel at math (Stumpf & Stanley, 1996).
As I said though, the real gender differences are so small they can actually be ignored all together.
ok, thank you for clearing that out.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
watching my gf try to read a map, i can pretty comfortably say that's true
as to the OP, where did those myths come from? i think i have title to resident sexist bastard on here but i'd never have given credit to any of that nonsense, aside maybe from number 1.
just like guys NEVER ask for directions cause it somehow diminishes their manliness. :rolleyes:
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Hail, Hail!!!
i ask for directions all the time, just never from women. watching them try to apply the picture on the map to the reality around them is like watching president bush try to discuss the middle east without mentioning 9/11 and freedom.
You'll be right. You wouldn't be driving if you were in my car anyway, in which case directions are irrelevent. You'd be just sitting there, shutting the f**k up and watching the world pass you by.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I don't ask directions because it is more likely than not... the fool you ask hasn't a fucking clue where he is.
Case in point...
I was at a 7-11 that was near where 3 freeways intersected. I asked the guy behind the counter and 2 people inside, which freeway was right outside the front door. None of them knew.
Hail, Hail!!!
did they not know or did they just not understand a question asked in english?
exactly. key difference. i can sit passenger and let the driver do their thing. i've yet to meet a woman who can sit quietly for a 5 minute ride without offering some sort of nagging critique of how i should be doing something differently
Well as long as I wasn't in fear of my life from your aggressive and stupid driving techniques you'd never hear a sound out of me.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
well sorry to pop your bubble conor but i have an excellent sense of direction and have never gotten lost in my life. i can read a map and am also quite adept at orienteering.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
congratulations. i'd give you a gold star if i hadn't just given my last one to my gf for managing to parallel park all by her lonesome
your head on a platter will be sufficient.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I am like Cpt Parmenter from F Troop when it comes to maps. I do not back up well.
Gender is not sex.
I was a tomboy until the boys didn't want to play with me anymore cos they were interested in the girls who wore dresses. I used to beat up my male cousin constantly.
Never trust yahoo directions.
I can sit for hours and never critique my husband on his driving. I do critque him for not stopping to take pictures of churches, funny signs, and Amish girls on bicycles, though.
Viva la difference. I don't want to be married to myself; I'd drive myself crazy with my absentmindedness and my usual thinking of 20 things at once habit. Plus I never close drawers, which drives my husband crazy and I'm always misplacing garden implements. But I can do percentages better than my husband.
I think we all have masculine and feminine qualities, altho it was easier in the 50's when the roles were clearly deliniated. I wish I had time to iron sheets, for example. Well, actually, I do have the time but use it for other things, like cleaning the cat box.
Jeanie, i bet Soulsinging meets his women in the mental institution
yo, bro and this is what one of your bitches wrote to me about you
Last year, valentines day, you would spoil me, say
Babe, I love you, love you and I swear
Held you when you were sick heavin
The whole time I think to myself, this isnt fair
What is this I see (no)
You dont come home to me (oh, no)
When you dont come home to me (man)
Cant deal, cant bear
You keep tellin me lies
But to your surprise
Look, I found her red coat
And youre (b****) caught out there
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now
So sick of your games, Ill set your truck to flames
And watch it blow up, blow up, tell me (how you gonna see it now)
So far Im sincere {i love you}, fabrications in my ear
Drive me so far up the wall, I come slidin down
What is this I see (I dont believe this)
You dont come home to me
When you dont come home to me
I cant deal, cant bear (I wont)
You keep tellin me lies
But to your surprise
Look, I hope youre happy
Since youre caught out there
Yeah, youve been caught
Yo, come on
Come on
I hate you so much right now
I hate you so much right now