The Canadian Accent

Hello, I am from Canadia.
I watched the South Park movie again last night and it struck me as odd. The way Canadians are in the film, saying "aboot". I've lived in Canada my whole life and I've been to many parts of it. I've never heard anyone talk like that in my life. The closest I've ever heard is SCTV, but those guys are comedians.
Additionally, I used to work for Nextel and many Americans thought I was from Florida. Do Floridans talk like Canadians?
Many people asked where I live and I said "Ontario" they replied "California?" the idea I might be Canadian never crossed their minds. One man even said "Oh great, an American, I'm sick of talking to Canadians" when I took his call.
And "about" isn't exactly an easy word to avoid.
I watched the South Park movie again last night and it struck me as odd. The way Canadians are in the film, saying "aboot". I've lived in Canada my whole life and I've been to many parts of it. I've never heard anyone talk like that in my life. The closest I've ever heard is SCTV, but those guys are comedians.
Additionally, I used to work for Nextel and many Americans thought I was from Florida. Do Floridans talk like Canadians?
Many people asked where I live and I said "Ontario" they replied "California?" the idea I might be Canadian never crossed their minds. One man even said "Oh great, an American, I'm sick of talking to Canadians" when I took his call.
And "about" isn't exactly an easy word to avoid.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
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Got the same idea last night, watched it, and I noticed the "aboot" joke
Still I have nothing to say about it, cause I'm not canadian, don't know any, never was there.
So it make my post pretty useless
doesn't feel that way right now. That's the hopeful
idea . . . Hope didn't get much applause . . .
Hope! Hope is the underdog!"
-- EV, Live at the Showbox
Are you seriously? I've been to Manitoba and I don't remember that.
I got the one road joke in the movie. Saying Canada only has one road. In other words, the transcanada highway.
I didn't get the part about Saddam taking control of Canada though.
Anyway, most Canadians I think are pretty articulate with language when they want to be. The rest of the time we jus' talk slang like everyone else.
Eh is cool though, it's a reaffirmation like saying "right" except it's shorter and smoother. "What's going on eh?" it's sweet!
doesn't feel that way right now. That's the hopeful
idea . . . Hope didn't get much applause . . .
Hope! Hope is the underdog!"
-- EV, Live at the Showbox
Anyway, I think some American should spend a day using those words. Make sure to say "aboot" and "eh" a lot and let me know what happens.
But what I don't get is I talk like the majority of people you see in movies or on T.V. and the majority of those people are Americans. But not the ones that have a southern accent or a brooklyn accent.
So maybe the "Canadian Accent" is really just certain areas like the Maritimes.
I think when you have an accent, you can't really pick up on it like others can. Or maybe I'm just applying my experience to everything and saying it's true.
cross the river to the eastside
"Hey, if God didn’t want me to wear it so much, he wouldn’t have made them rock so hard."
It seems all words with the "ou" in them Cnadoans say with that accent. Sometimes that is the only way I know they are Canadian.
but I too haven't met a canadian or minnesotan or person from the U.P who doesn't have that accent.
I have yet to meet a Canadian who says "aboot".....and I have lived here damn near 25 years now.....but the "eh" is definetly said.....
"To is a preposition.
Come is a verb"
What exactly does "Yes By" mean? I've never heard that.
It's one of those sayings that can mean a hundred different things. When you're suprised, instead of saying, "Really?!" ...or when you don't really believe someone, instead of saying, "Yeah, right."
Heh...i don't know. It's just something i've always said.
"To is a preposition.
Come is a verb"
Interesting, very interesting
On a side note, I live right on the Minnesota/Ontario border and if I drive a half an hour south, everyone from the border to Minneapolis starts talking like the cast of Fargo. Anybody notice that in Minny before?
it didn't make sense, and i laughed a lot. that show was a blast. those dudes i met were really cool.
~Ron Burgundy
and sure, apparently, i am not allowed to use 'eh' eiyther...since it's a canadian thing.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I didn't think we did, but now I can hear it.
a - as in 'ha'
o - as in 'boat'
u - as in 'boot'
Americans tend to say a-ba-o-t, and they drag the o a bit
Canadians (in Vancouver, and many other places) tend to say a-ba-u-t, and shorten the u a bit