Bob Bowman on Hannity and Colmes
See this is how people are, truely sickening.
See this is how people are, truely sickening.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
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It works for me :(
Or use this link
Kind of stupid really, not allowed to have an opinion and be a teacher.
When to smile and just what to say
They say have your own fun...
Need vinyl, doggs.
When to smile and just what to say
They say have your own fun...
Need vinyl, doggs.
nothing on that site works for me at all, no matter what category or story I try to click on nothing's totally fucking creepy!
It should be
This is the same as if I were a Astrophysics Professor and I was teaching that the moon landing never happened. I simply would not be qualified to teach at ANY level.
I got it to work.
The guy should not be teaching that level of corruption to any audience of that age.
That's insane to way....It would be like attending the mind warp cult trip class from hell!
BOWMAN: Well, absolutely. There is 20 people involved, right? That makes it a conspiracy. It was a crime. More than one person plans a crime. That's a conspiracy.
COLMES: But if you're right, you would have to have so many people involved somebody would have had to leak it. This would have come out. This couldn't have been carried out the way you're suggesting without it coming out somehow and this being leaked.
BOWMAN: Wait a minute. I haven't suggested how it's been done. Did I suggest any theory?
HANNITY: You know what, Mr. Bowman? I'm glad you're a Democrat. You belong in the party of Howard Dean.
Haha, nice try. You didn't think that would hold water did you?
Listen, This isn't a course on Astrophysics. The course is on Islam, being that 9/11 is connected to Islam, it makes sense to cover it. As with all historical educational material tends to cover a variety of perspectives. In this particular case there are a lot of academics that are still investigating it. Anyway, here is some hardcore fact for you.
After conducting a 10-day review of Barrett's past teaching and plans for the class, UW-Madison Provost Patrick Farrell determined that Barrett was fit to teach. Barrett told the Provost that course will spend one week examining current issues, such as viewpoints on the war on terror which will be based on the discussion on readings representing a variety of viewpoints [3]. While Barrett has been criticized for teaching a course on "9/11 conspiracy theories," he argues that less than 10% of the course deals with the "War on Terror" and that even less than that is about 9/11 itself.
Barrett received a Fulbright Fellowship in 1999 to study in Morocco. He received a PhD in African languages, literature and folklore University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2004, focusing his dissertation on the compelling and useful topic of Moroccan legend. He also wrote Dr. Weirde's Guide to Mysterious San Francisco under the pseudonym Dr. Weirde. He converted to Islam in 1992 [4].
And here is the evidence to back up that wikipedia article, since people don't check that out at the bottom to verify it's claims.
Wikipedia: Kevin Barrett
Provost's Statement Regarding Lecturer Kevin Barrett
Provost review clears Barrett to teach class on Islam
More Wikipedia External Links
I can see you don't understand analogy.
This is the same as if I were a Astrophysics Professor and I was teaching that the moon landing never happened. I simply would not be qualified to teach at ANY level.
Didn't you say that once already? Do I hear an echo?
There is nothing wrong with teaching an alternative viewpoint. I think the first time I heard about that theory was in school. It's feasable, though not many people beleive it. See at the time it was a big race to land on the moon. The US was highly developed in it's cinematics capability, above the rest. It's not such a far stretch from the official truth. It personally doesn't matter to me. Interesting thought though.
No, it's not feasable.
It's not even feasable to fake it today.
We went to the Moon.
End of story.
Ok, Mr. Astrophysicist, let's hear the facts, with linked articles. I want credible articles too, not just some dude in his parents cellar thinking up ways to make fun of people. I want to see what kind of critical thinking and science you have to support this "non-feasability" claim.
The best Hollywood could do and it looked fake. You know why? Because it WAS.
Humorous, typical, but humorous.
I don't believe in the fake moon landing theory myself. I see how it's possible. But it's just too far fetched. The main argument for the "conspiracy" is that the flag is waving in the wind. Apparently the astronauts thought ahead of time that there is no wind on the moon. They wanted to have the flag sticking out and make it look good. So they rigged a crossbar onto the flag pole. If you look at this photo, you can kind of see it. That doesn't mean that the moon landing is fake. But it does take away any sign of it being fake. Now there is no evidence to support the theory. See, because in critical thinking, you have to look at evidence and try to explain it. With no evidence, there is nothing to explain. here is another photo, again you can see the crossbar. In every photo, it's there. No stars though, I just noticed that, wouldn't you think there would be stars?
Here is a picture of an astronaut in space, and there are no stars. Different mission, and I don't think anyone is disputing space travel. It has to do with photography in space, the camera setting when taking photographs of bright objects in space.
It goes on and on. I mean there is no end to it. Other theories are different, you have evidence, things that support the theory. It makes it more feasable. History has shown that lies and deception happen. We can't totally rule out a fake moon landing. You can never say 100% what happened, we aren't omniscient beings, and to think that we are, is ignorant.
Yeah, you can.
Three people rent a room, they initially pay $10 each for the room, totalling $30. The clerk realizes there is a special which he had forgotten about, the room is on for $25. So he gives the bellboy 5 $1 coins to split between the three men. There is no way to split the coins evenly and the men decide to tip the bellboy. The bellboy gives them each back $1 and keeps $2 for himself.
So each of the 3 men has paid $10 minus the $1 they got back. That's $9 each, for a total of $27. The bellboy has $2, so that's $29 total. Where is the other dollar?
so yeah...booyakasha!