Analyze This!

Turn on the news, read a book and you run into these people that have very strong convictions in drastic contrast to logical thought. Yet they stand by them in the face of total exposure. Their behavior is often reminiscent of some of the members of this board. I am speaking in reference to Ann Coulter and Tucker Carlson's rants about Liberalism and Canada. Or even Limbaugh's attack on Michael J Fox's clinical condition.
Is this not a mental condition? Should this not be considered a serious problem?
Ann Coulter
Rush Limbaugh on Michael J Fox
I really don't understand why these people are so popular. Is it just entertainment? Is television exploiting their sickness?
Is this not a mental condition? Should this not be considered a serious problem?
Ann Coulter
Rush Limbaugh on Michael J Fox
I really don't understand why these people are so popular. Is it just entertainment? Is television exploiting their sickness?
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Post edited by Unknown User on
I have to admit, as a Canadian, I thought the "dog-sledding" bit was funny! Just imagining that anyone seriously thinks that we Canadians generally dog-sled still has me laughing! I'll get to the other clips in a bit.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Yeah the dog sled part was funny too...then we take coffee breaks in our igloos...LOL
She needs food. A nice piece of cheesecake or a banana split with all the toppings.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Well, let's see, they are stuck on a path, won't listen to anyone else, they don't even have anything supporting their opinion, even their own parties disown them. I mean there ideas are just so fucking wack that they must either be insane or on drugs. I think their behavior is quite evident.
and extra extra cream of
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
That Laura Schwartz woman is a different story. I'd do her. lol
How do you interpret it?
"Godless: The Church of Liberalism"
That's so fucking ignorant and hateful towards atheists. If I could force myself to fuck Coulter, I'd do so and leave her in the dirt, that's the best solution I've heard yet.
Here is a woman that literally wants democrats dead.
If you so dislike hate and sensationalism in others, why would you give yourself permission to say: "If I could force myself to fuck Coulter, I'd do so and leave her in the dirt, that's the best solution I've heard yet".
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I think this is the misinterpretation with illness. We are all ill, what we identify as "illness" is just extreme cases of the human condition. Coulter definitely fits into that category.
Because of the psychological implications of doing so. I wouldn't do it out of animosity, I'd do it for the psychological effects. If there was an alternative short of lobotomization, I'd advocate it.
You don't seem to realize that your own hostility and hatred rival the hatred in what you hate.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I'm not saying she is ill because her opinions are different than mine. I'm saying she is ill because she is blatantly wrong and when told so she ignores it or acknowledges it, then promptly forgets. She reminds me of my ex who had OCD.
Are you Ann's sister?
Are you going to address the point? It seemed as though you are calling these people sick for their ugliness. And then you go on to talk about how you'd like to do something ugly. That looks like a contradiction or hypocrisy to me. I'd love it if you could clear that up so I can understand.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Chances are you aren't going to understand. Judging by how this conversation has unfolded this far, we aren't going to agree. We don't normally anyway. Anyhoo, Ann Coulter is mentally ill.
She reminds me of you.
Some people on this board actually think that about Ahnimus. It's really one of the strangest occurrences I have ever seen take place on the internet.
It's interesting to note that I'm a fairly left-leaning person, too. There is a reason lay-persons are unequipped to diagnose illness or mental health issues.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I've never advocated the death of anyone. And I certainly don't consider Godless to be a bad thing.
If you ever had a face to face conversation with me, you'd so how not excited I actually get about politics and shit. I wouldn't have a chance to talk up on one of these shows man, they'd trample me with their yelling and rambling.
Don't give me this layperson shit. I bet I know more about the brain and mind than you do. Your theories are as bad as Coulter's.
And, no, I'd just prefer to converse with someone where the conversation actually unfolds, not this wheel spinning crap. We can't make any compromises because you think there is a big line between mental health and illness and I think that line is very grey.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Suit yourself. I merely need to call out contradiction or fallacy when I see it. How you respond is up to you.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
The only thing stranger would be people thinking that about you or Angelica.
Hmm, let's see, you think guys should be assholes so they can get laid. I take that as a big indication, amongst others, that you are a rather self-servant individual. Anytime you reach out to actually help someone, it's for your own gain.
Angelica thinks the universe is motivated by a super-intelligence that interferes with our normal brain process, especially with our frontal insular cortex. Meanwhile she doesn't even know what that is.
Neither of you has a fucking clue, you just talk shit to push your opinions which are baseless.
Sorry if that's blunt, but it's the same crap with you two over and over again.
The behavior of Coulter is far beyond normal behavior. Normally people do not advocate the death of others, Michelle Malkin and her have things in common. They both advocate physical attacks on their opposition. They list addresses and phone numbers on their websites so their "followers" can carry out their dirty work, as if they are prophets acting under God.
Of course, I would also argue that anyone who believes in God has a poisoned brain anyway. So...
This is a key reality that someone with a high IQ will never understand. It is always astonishing to me how someone can be textbook smart, but be unable to understand the application of that knowledge to reality.
Common sense is a twisted percept, it's common prejudice. Not sense. And everyone's idea of what is common sense is different, so therefor common sense doesn't actually exist. I thought you'd know that. But your just chucking out punchlines to try to discredit me.
But, this is what the two of you have in common:
Regardless of whatever views you may have, your personality is what is at issue. And in that sense, she and you have much in common.
Exactly. What is the possession of all this knowledge really worth when you can't apply it to life? It's like collections...sometimes a nice collection can be cool to have but most of the time it ends up being clutter that gets in the way.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Ok, well, I guess first you need to understand my concept of brain/mind.
I guess that's the problem with this thread. Probably everyone in her has listened to Angelica's newage bullshit for too long. Or they are coming from the ole' religious perspective of soul and choice.
I hope someday people will get wit' the times.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!