Implicit Association Test

This is wicked!
It is well known that people don't always 'speak their minds', and it is suspected that people don't always 'know their minds'. Understanding such divergences is important to scientific psychology.
This web site presents a method that demonstrates the conscious-unconscious divergences much more convincingly than has been possible with previous methods. This new method is called the Implicit Association Test, or IAT for short.
In addition, this site contains various related information. The value of this information may be greatest if you try at least one test first...
It is well known that people don't always 'speak their minds', and it is suspected that people don't always 'know their minds'. Understanding such divergences is important to scientific psychology.
This web site presents a method that demonstrates the conscious-unconscious divergences much more convincingly than has been possible with previous methods. This new method is called the Implicit Association Test, or IAT for short.
In addition, this site contains various related information. The value of this information may be greatest if you try at least one test first...
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
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Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for Canada compared to the United States.
Your data suggest little to no automatic preference between Old and Young.
Your data suggest little or no association between Female and Male with Science and Liberal Arts.
Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for White People compared to Black People.
I honestly didn't think I'd be very biased towards White people over Blacks. But I guess I don't get a lot of exposure to blacks.
Last night I was out at a bar that was full of black people and it didn't bother me one bit. One of the girls I was with expressed her discomfort though.
You might find his work interesting. "Blink" actually talks about how we make unconscious decisions all the time, without realizing it. He's considered one of the most influential people of our time. Anyway, he is half black on his mother's side, and he talks about taking this IAT test in the book "Blink", where he also comes up as naturally biased against blacks, which if memory serves me, he attributes to the cultural values we internalize growing up. i.e. Blacks being portrayed poorly all around, on TV, etc.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
One of the scientists Mahzarin Banaji stated that it works that way aswell. Black people may be implicitly bias towards blacks as well. Implicitly meaning that it occurs on a subconcious level. I think it has to do with the association of networks within the brain which are inevitably created by external associations. Banaji says that exposure to these groups can correct some of the biases. For example, if I chilled out with Obama I'd lose some of my automatic response to whites. She stated that if one good thing has come from the Bush Administration, it's the presence of Condoleeza Rice and Collin Powell.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Though Banaji uses an example of looters in the wake of Katrina. She has two news articles from the Associated Press, in one article the "takers" are black, thuggish looking people and are called "looters", while in the second example they are white, well-dressed and carrying a newspaper and they are called "finders". That's just a little bit of bias there.
Bring it on cause I'm no victim
b nice loves pearl jam like ed vedder loves america
Your data suggest a moderate association of Male with Career and Female with Family compared to Female with Career and Male with Family.
Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for Judaism compared to Other Religions.
However, with tests like this I have a few objections. They can get to the forefront more generally taught automatic impulses, true enough. However, the implicit claim is then that the results reflect how we think and act. But how often dont we think things and then correct ourselves mentally, or don't act it or say it? Tests like these are interesting, but of limited use.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Your data suggest a moderate association of Black Americans with Weapons compared to White Americans.
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It is an interesting site, though. Thanks for putting it here.
Similar to my data, actually.
no matter my personal views, i think our social conditioning is quite clearly illustrated in these 'tests' more than anything, like a game of free association...and yea, i enjoyed how they even asked after giving the results, if i felt there was a bias against lefties in the test-taking....:p
*edit - to clarify, left'handers, southpaws....before anyone thinks i mean left-leaning thinkers......;)
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I personally found it more difficult to match USA with positive words. It was quite difficult in fact!
I am going to check out more for sure though so thanks for posting the link.
Why? becuase I can't stand the woman.
S. Hoon
"My body's nobody's body but mine. You run your own body, let me run mine" Chicago '95
Franken '08
This link does look interesting, I'll look at it more when I have more time.
They were talking about this test, and how it indicates what is in our unconscious and what we've seen our whole lives. So black people also watch the same tv shows where the crack dealer is a black man and the judge is a white man. And they therefore have the same unconscious bias. They say that our unconscious associations that we have, and that this test sees show us what we've seen in our life before. For example, Oprah assocates women with entrepreneurship because of her experiences, whereas I would not, due to my experiences.
The point is, and that they talked about, is that we can change this programming, by changing our world. We can direct our attention to having and creating experiences that are empowering to us and to others. We do not need to accept the views and images that we have accepted thus far and without our conscious awareness. From here on in, we can create a new unconscious awareness. For example, we can turn off the media that portrays stereotypes. We can immerse ourselves in healthy situations that create new experiences and a new view. I personally know this works, because I have reprogrammed my unconscious as to what serves me, and makes sense, rather than my old self-defeating unconscious ways.
We can step out of our programming, if we want.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
To a degree. I've been able to defeat most of my bias towards men and young people, as well as thin people and largely black people. There are remnants of bias there. But my bias for Canada over the US isn't going away. Probably due largely to the politics which aren't going away.
I also learned this from NLP. To change the inner images I give myself. The brain considers our visualizations as real as reality, so we can change our inner vision of life and how we perceive things, we therefore change our unconscious so that it supports what we want on the surface. Our unconscious begins to believe it is surrounded by a positive and healthy environment, because we create these images consciously. As long as it's aligned with natural life processes. For example, the body is a naturally healing system. We have to work very hard to create illness in the body, considering it is compelled towards health, healing and rejuvenation. So, to give up the patterns that we keep that create inner tensions and create illness is very much aligned with life. For example, it's been said quitting smoking is like lifting a 300 pound weight off of the body, for how much energy the body has freed up for healthier functions. Even though quitting smoking is a challenge with overcoming the addictive and psychological aspects, it SO aligned with the natural health the body strives for.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!