Patricia Churchland wtf pwns
Neuroscientist Patricia Churchland explores how the human mind functions in guiding one's decisions.
Neuroscientist Patricia Churchland explores how the human mind functions in guiding one's decisions.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
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*~You're IT Bert!~*
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lol, Understandable. I really don't expect anyone to watch it. Unfortunately. But at least, I can say I shared. Its a very good talk at UC San Diego.
Yeah, it looks good. And I'm very interested. But I got the flu, so I'll be napping for the rest of the day I think.
But now I'll get a reminder email, so I might get a chance to look at it later.
After the nap!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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How do you get a reminder email?
It's on that subscribe to the thread bizo.
It just happens now, well unless you've been banned in which case you have to resubscribe to the thead. But when I signed up I asked for it and so now I get an email from the pit to say that someone has responded to a thread that I have subscribed to.
It's good too because you get the text of the post so you can see what people initially said before they edited!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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Nice, so as long as people keep posting on this thread, then you will get a reminder?
Now that I have posted, and you have since, I have got an email reminder or what is called a notification.
If I get banned the reminders for this thread will stop. But I can resubscribe.
It's in your profile under the bit about "the cloak of invisibility"
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I chose Instant email notification.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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No! Guilty! Sorry!
I'll start it now. Might have to do a little stop start to get me through it!
I'll be back!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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Hey, I'm not trying to twist your arm. I was just asking
Well I know that silly! :rolleyes:
I'm watching it now so ssssh!!! Well unless you're gonna pass the popcorn!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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She is a very engaging speaker. Certainly held my interest.
I'll have to watch it again I'm thinking just to get all that info in and understood!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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I'm glad you enjoyed it. I know its not exactly along your line of thinking.
I don't understand what you mean? What is my line of thinking exactly?
It made a lot of sense to me and I didn't disagree with it.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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Well I mean she's really determinist.
Yeah, I saw that. But I still didn't have problem with what she had to say.
I thought you and I had already discussed the fact that I am a fence sitter?
Anyway, I'm flying out the door for those Canadian Pancake things again, so I'll have to come back to this.
But do come back to it Ryan please, because it's interesting.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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The currents will shift
Though, I do disagree with her on how this knowledge should impact morality and responsibility and she briefly mentions that antecedent variables cause choices which are caused by other antecedent variables. Where I differ, and perhaps she was reluctant to mention, is that these 2nd generation antecedent variables need to be taken seriously and investigated in order to prevent them. To me, it's not good enough to simply hold someone with a healthy brain responsible, that goes without saying almost, but we need to identify and circumvent the causes. I like to make the distinction by suggesting that the antecedent variables are morally responsible, however the brain is accountable. Its rather unfortunate, knowing that the brain is causal, that antecedent (prior) causes ultimately cause the behavior and to still hold the individual accountable. But what can we do? We need to protect ourselves from psychopaths, even if they didn't choose to be psychopaths from free-will.
She mentions people with frontal damage at birth and how they will likely never be able to fit into society because they will never understand morality the way most people do. For these people, one can only have compassion, unless they are a victim of the individuals behavior. Then its all too easy to blame the person's free-will and seek revenge through capital punishment. Perhaps, to some extent, the only thing we can do, at this stage, with current knowledge, is to terminate their existence. But I'd much rather we studied them to help future generations.