The question is: Did YOU watch it with an open mind. Those kids could be doing anything but screwing around on the border and fucking with the israelis. Wow. How hard is that to see?
The question is: Did YOU watch it with an open mind. Those kids could be doing anything but screwing around on the border and fucking with the israelis. Wow. How hard is that to see?
Yeah I did. I saw a bunch of civilians trying to live but getting the living shit pestered out of them...
Live how? By standing on the border and throwing rocks at the Israeli military? That kids talks about needing to work to support his family,but it seems he'd rather be protesting. That country is a toilet, and that has nothing to do with israel. People like you make excuses for their pitiful, self-destructive way of life.
And you still seem to not get the fact that the ONLY real job his dad had was in Israel. Does that sink in at all? That kid's gov. lets its own country go to waste by prioritizing hatred over reform. You think that's justifiable?
Live how? By standing on the border and throwing rocks at the Israeli military? That kids talks about needing to work to support his family,but it seems he'd rather be protesting. That country is a toilet, and that has nothing to do with israel. People like you make excuses for their pitiful, self-destructive way of life.
Yeah I guess shooting up schoolyards is really cool. Kids throwing rock v.s. armored machine guns and tanks? That merits punishment? Are you even serious? You would be doing the exact same thing, if you a kid growing up in those condidtion...don't fool yourself.
Watch it for the first time or again and let me know...
Yeah I guess shooting up schoolyards is really cool. Kids throwing rock v.s. armored machine guns and tanks? That merits punishment? Are you even serious? You would be doing the exact same thing, if you a kid growing up in those condidtion...don't fool yourself.
Watch it for the first time or again and let me know...
Yeah, I guess if I was taught to hate a certain group of people from the day I was born, maybe I would do the same thing. It's really unfortunate that no one ever taught that kid to think for just once that his own government is SOLELY responsible for the appauling conditions under which he and his family live.
Suicide bombers hit that border relentlessly. Did you not know this? If we had the same problem in the states, we would smoke anything that moves within reach of the border as well. As I stated those kids could be doing ANYTHING except fucking with the Israelis. They prefer to hate. That's not anyone's problem but their own.
And who puts a schoolyard right on the edge of a violent, militarized border? Answ: Propaganda-seeking anti-semites who are willing to sacrifice their own children for the sake of getting the gullible and one-sided to feel sorry for them.
The Gaza strip is like an Israeli science experiment. A modern day concentration camp. One look on a map and stats on the size of the place will give it away. Yeah it's brutal... those poor terrorized people.
Funny how they hate their lives so much they want to die. They want to leave their lives on earth because Israel has made it a living hell - 10 year old kids are saying this.
The Gaza strip is like an Israeli science experiment. A modern day concentration camp. One look on a map and stats on the size of the place will give it away. Yeah it's brutal... those poor terrorized people.
Now you're just blathering. I guess that's what happens when you really don't know what you're talking about. Go watch some more propaganda.
To follow up on your edit:
Do you honestly think those kids aren't being brainwashed from the day they were born? Are you that oblivious to islamo-extremist way of life? Listen to what those old women are saying around the campfire. They are teaching those children how to hate and fear the Israelis.
Now you're just blathering. I guess that's what happens when you really don't know what you're talking about. Go watch some more propaganda.
To follow up on your edit:
Do you honestly think those kids aren't being brainwashed from the day they were born? Are you that oblivious to islamo-extremist way of life? Listen to what those old women are saying around the campfire. They are teaching those children how to hate and fear the Israelis.
Well, at least I know you haven't watched the documentary. Watch at 54 mins.
It's like a controlled concentration camp you stooge.
I watched the whole thing. You haven't been able to coherently respond to any comments that I've made about it. You just keep spewing a bunch of one-sided propaganda. You say, "It's like a controlled concentration camp," but you haven't been able to say why.
And now you've resorted to name-calling, which is typical of people with the limited intellect that you possess.
I've asked several questions, none of which you were able to answer.
Either cough up some answers, or go run and hide under your blanket of lies.
I watched the whole thing. You haven't been able to coherently respond to any comments that I've made about it. You just keep spewing a bunch of one-sided propaganda. You say, "It's like a controlled concentration camp," but you haven't been able to say why.
And now you've resorted to name-calling, which is typical of people with the limited intellect that you possess.
I've asked several questions, none of which you were able to answer.
Either cough up some answers, or go run and hide under your blanket of lies.
tha'ts some pretty clouded reality goggles you're looking through. Do you not see the children in this video as human beings at all?
tha'ts some pretty clouded reality goggles you're looking through. Do you not see the children in this video as human beings at all?
what do you see? animals?
blah blah blah. That's what I thought. You've got nothing to say except for a bunch of rhetoric. I've already explained those children are being brainwashed and used as propaganda tools by their own governments.
What have you got to say to that?
ans: nothing. I'm here to have a conversation about this subject. You're here to have the last word, even if that means acting like a child. Keep at it.
blah blah blah. That's what I thought. You've got nothing to say except for a bunch of rhetoric. I've already explained those children are being brainwashed and used as propaganda tools by their own governments.
What have you got to say to that?
ans: nothing. I'm here to have a conversation about this subject. You're here to have the last word, even if that means acting like a child. Keep at it.
Oh you've been brought up over there and read those textbooks have you?
Where did you glean this endless research from? please enlighten me I'll give it a boo
And you blame them when the Israeli's bulldoze their houses and agriculture as well?
And your government teaches you to hate as well you fucking hypocritcal one-sided jackass... How's that for name calling?
Do you really believe those arab children aren't being taught anti-semitism in their schools and by their parents? Do you really believe that?
Prove that they aren't.
All you have is video of what happens when you fuck with the israelis. everyone knows that the hezbollah have seats in the lebanese government. Everyone knows that PLO is a terrorist organization. What do you expect Israel to do?
Ans: You expect Israel to pack up and leave. Sorry, you anti-semite, that's not going to happen. And all the children that are being sacrificed and brainwaashed by their own extremist government aren't going to change that. Live with it.
Again, your video disproves nothing that I've said.
Do you really believe those arab children aren't being taught anti-semitism in their schools and by their parents? Do you really believe that?
Prove that they aren't.
All you have is video of what happens when you fuck with the israelis. everyone knows that the hezbollah have seats in the lebanese government. Everyone knows that PLO is a terrorist organization. What do you expect Israel to do?
Ans: You expect Israel to pack up and leave. Sorry, you anti-semite, that's not going to happen. And all the children that are being sacrificed and brainwaashed by their own extremist government aren't going to change that. Live with it.
Again, your video disproves nothing that I've said.
So you saw everyone in that documentary as just fucking with the Israeli's?
Interesting perception indeed. Who is really terrorizing who? Terrorizing or resisting? Do you really see what's going on?
Do you really believe arab children aren't taught anti-semitism in arab schools and by their parents?
Let me get this straight. You're saying all arabs teach their children to hate jews? All, or just specific groups related to specific regions? In some regions man I wouldn't blame them. It's been a nonstop 2 way street.
So all the people in these vids look like radical nuts to you? You think Israel's actions along the border's have nothing to do with the birth or creation of the resistance movements? or "terrorist organizations"?
All, or just specific groups related to specific regions? In some regions man I wouldn't blame them. It's been a nonstop 2 way street.
So you're saying that they do. Thank you. that's all I was looking for. Whether or not you blame them isn't really the issue. It's that these children are being taught an anti-semitic message which prevents them from focusing on their country's real problems, such as their own government's lack of initiative for changing its own economy. Again, don't you think it's suspicious that that kid's dad could find a real job only in Israel? Do you care?
So all the people in these vids look like radical nuts to you? You think Israel's actions along the border's have nothing to do with the birth or creation of the resistance movements? or "terrorist organizations"?
good question...
They look like people who are easily controlled, which, in fact, they are. Arabs have been attacking the jews in that region since the 1920's - hence the birth of the Haganah. Were the jews bulldozing the palestinians back then as well? This is about a long history of anti-semitism. It doesn't take a "radical" to be anti-semitic. It only takes a closed-minded, one-sided point of view. How much of an education do you think those people are really getting? That kid said he stopped going to school in the second grade.....lambs for their own extremist government.
They look like people who are easily controlled, which, in fact, they are. Arabs have been attacking the jews in that region since the 1920's - hence the birth of the Haganah. Were the jews bulldozing the palestinians back then as well? This is about a long history of anti-semitism. It doesn't take a "radical" to be anti-semitic. It only takes a closed-minded, one-sided point of view. How much of an education do you think those people are really getting? That kid said he stopped going to school in the second grade.....lambs for their own extremist government.
Palestinians are Semites too.
And you haven't proven anything either sponger.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
And it is well-documented that schools throughout saudi arabia and Iraq contain textbooks with anti-semitic messages.
Would would palestine and lebanon be different?
So you're saying that they do. Thank you. that's all I was looking for. Whether or not you blame them isn't really the issue. It's that these children are being taught an anti-semitic message which prevents them from focusing on their country's real problems, such as their own government's lack of initiative for changing its own economy. Again, don't you think it's suspicious that that kid's dad could find a real job only in Israel? Do you care?
They look like people who are easily controlled, which, in fact, they are. Arabs have been attacking the jews in that region since the 1920's - hence the birth of the Haganah. Were the jews bulldozing the palestinians back then as well? This is about a long history of anti-semitism. It doesn't take a "radical" to be anti-semitic. It only takes a closed-minded, one-sided point of view. How much of an education do you think those people are really getting? That kid said he stopped going to school in the second grade.....lambs for their own extremist government.
Well no matter what has happened in the past or what you think you can tell me...Gaza is a Hitler-esque style concentration camp perpetrated by the Israeli government. And all those tanks and weapons have corrupted their thought process on what is normal anymore. They consider (and treat) muslims lower than pigs & dogs. Just as Hitler did to them. They are spawning these "terrorists" as you call it. Creating them, then citing them as terrorists as an excuse to further their actions.
So who are the real terrorists here?
Look at what they're doing right there in Gaza....and you wonder why there is anti-semitism? You're actually surprised of that in anyone?
Jesus was also a semite, yet christians have harbored anti-semitic feelings for centuries. The fact that palestinians have a semitic background does not preclude them from hating jews.
Jesus was also a semite, yet christians have harbored anti-semitic feelings for centuries. The fact that palestinians have a semitic background does not preclude them from hating jews.
Curious...ok, if someone proves that Israel was right about Palestinians wanting them to expell them. What then? What would you wish be done? Won't negiotiations be required there as well? Why consciously avoid the obvious if your intentions are pure?
Negiotiation is the only option. Not war. So it has to be done peacefully. So they must both decide to live in peace. If not, it requires genocide. Which is absolutely impossible as muslims live everywhere on the planet in every country.
What would you wish be done? Won't negiotiations be required there as well? Why consciously avoid the obvious if your intentions are pure?
Negiotiation is the only option. Not war. So it has to be done peacefully. So they must both decide to live in peace. If not, it requires genocide. Which is absolutely impossible as muslims live everywhere on the planet in every country.
So....more war and polarized opinions anyone?
Negotiations? Did Israel not pull out of Gaza, Southern Lebanon, and parts of the West Bank? Weren't those three things the main points of controversy between Israel and its neighbors? What more do you want?
You do realize that even after Israel conceded those pieces of land, the suicide bombings did not stop, right? That is something that you are aware of, aren't you?
Israel hasn't stopped. I think that's what all the reports have been saying. Human Rights groups, etc...
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Was Al-Zahar not speaking on behalf of most palestinians when he said, "Palestine from the river to the sea"?
Negotiations? Did Israel not pull out of Gaza, Southern Lebanon, and parts of the West Bank? Weren't those three things the main points of controversy between Israel and its neighbors? What more do you want?
You do realize that even after Israel conceded those pieces of land, the suicide bombings did not stop, right? That is something that you are aware of, aren't you?
How the hell does one pull out of Gaza? step back 100, 500 feet? They still control what goes to and from namely the all streets, shipments etc...
I'm sure they were doing a great job at "maintaining the sentiment".
So as to my question, what would you do to fix the situation other than running around pointing fingers sniffing out any anti-semitic disturbance in the air?
Where do you see it eventually leading? negiotiation, or more war, as the solution? Why delay the inevitable course of negiotation?
How fdo you feel about the inevitability that you have to wrap you arms around the nearest palestinian, pant a big sloppy kiss on him and her, again and again every day and call them brother and sister?
did you watch some of the documentary at all?
Yeah I did. I saw a bunch of civilians trying to live but getting the living shit pestered out of them...
How well would you cope living like that dude?
And you still seem to not get the fact that the ONLY real job his dad had was in Israel. Does that sink in at all? That kid's gov. lets its own country go to waste by prioritizing hatred over reform. You think that's justifiable?
Yeah I guess shooting up schoolyards is really cool. Kids throwing rock v.s. armored machine guns and tanks? That merits punishment? Are you even serious? You would be doing the exact same thing, if you a kid growing up in those condidtion...don't fool yourself.
Watch it for the first time or again and let me know...
Yeah, I guess if I was taught to hate a certain group of people from the day I was born, maybe I would do the same thing. It's really unfortunate that no one ever taught that kid to think for just once that his own government is SOLELY responsible for the appauling conditions under which he and his family live.
Suicide bombers hit that border relentlessly. Did you not know this? If we had the same problem in the states, we would smoke anything that moves within reach of the border as well. As I stated those kids could be doing ANYTHING except fucking with the Israelis. They prefer to hate. That's not anyone's problem but their own.
And who puts a schoolyard right on the edge of a violent, militarized border? Answ: Propaganda-seeking anti-semites who are willing to sacrifice their own children for the sake of getting the gullible and one-sided to feel sorry for them.
Funny how they hate their lives so much they want to die. They want to leave their lives on earth because Israel has made it a living hell - 10 year old kids are saying this.
Now you're just blathering. I guess that's what happens when you really don't know what you're talking about. Go watch some more propaganda.
To follow up on your edit:
Do you honestly think those kids aren't being brainwashed from the day they were born? Are you that oblivious to islamo-extremist way of life? Listen to what those old women are saying around the campfire. They are teaching those children how to hate and fear the Israelis.
Well, at least I know you haven't watched the documentary. Watch at 54 mins.
It's like a controlled concentration camp you stooge.
I watched the whole thing. You haven't been able to coherently respond to any comments that I've made about it. You just keep spewing a bunch of one-sided propaganda. You say, "It's like a controlled concentration camp," but you haven't been able to say why.
And now you've resorted to name-calling, which is typical of people with the limited intellect that you possess.
I've asked several questions, none of which you were able to answer.
Either cough up some answers, or go run and hide under your blanket of lies.
tha'ts some pretty clouded reality goggles you're looking through. Do you not see the children in this video as human beings at all?
what do you see? animals?
blah blah blah. That's what I thought. You've got nothing to say except for a bunch of rhetoric. I've already explained those children are being brainwashed and used as propaganda tools by their own governments.
What have you got to say to that?
ans: nothing. I'm here to have a conversation about this subject. You're here to have the last word, even if that means acting like a child. Keep at it.
Oh you've been brought up over there and read those textbooks have you?
Where did you glean this endless research from? please enlighten me I'll give it a boo
And you blame them when the Israeli's bulldoze their houses and agriculture as well?
And your government teaches you to hate as well you fucking hypocritcal one-sided jackass...
I rather liked it...
Prove that they aren't.
All you have is video of what happens when you fuck with the israelis. everyone knows that the hezbollah have seats in the lebanese government. Everyone knows that PLO is a terrorist organization. What do you expect Israel to do?
Ans: You expect Israel to pack up and leave. Sorry, you anti-semite, that's not going to happen. And all the children that are being sacrificed and brainwaashed by their own extremist government aren't going to change that. Live with it.
Again, your video disproves nothing that I've said.
So you saw everyone in that documentary as just fucking with the Israeli's?
Interesting perception indeed. Who is really terrorizing who? Terrorizing or resisting? Do you really see what's going on?
Do you really believe arab children aren't taught anti-semitism in arab schools and by their parents?
Let me get this straight. You're saying all arabs teach their children to hate jews? All, or just specific groups related to specific regions? In some regions man I wouldn't blame them. It's been a nonstop 2 way street.
The first few mins of this vid are interesting
So all the people in these vids look like radical nuts to you? You think Israel's actions along the border's have nothing to do with the birth or creation of the resistance movements? or "terrorist organizations"?
good question...
It seems to be a problem with Islamic schools in the states.
And it is well-documented that schools throughout saudi arabia and Iraq contain textbooks with anti-semitic messages.
Would would palestine and lebanon be different?
So you're saying that they do. Thank you. that's all I was looking for. Whether or not you blame them isn't really the issue. It's that these children are being taught an anti-semitic message which prevents them from focusing on their country's real problems, such as their own government's lack of initiative for changing its own economy. Again, don't you think it's suspicious that that kid's dad could find a real job only in Israel? Do you care?
They look like people who are easily controlled, which, in fact, they are. Arabs have been attacking the jews in that region since the 1920's - hence the birth of the Haganah. Were the jews bulldozing the palestinians back then as well? This is about a long history of anti-semitism. It doesn't take a "radical" to be anti-semitic. It only takes a closed-minded, one-sided point of view. How much of an education do you think those people are really getting? That kid said he stopped going to school in the second grade.....lambs for their own extremist government.
Palestinians are Semites too.
And you haven't proven anything either sponger.
Well no matter what has happened in the past or what you think you can tell me...Gaza is a Hitler-esque style concentration camp perpetrated by the Israeli government. And all those tanks and weapons have corrupted their thought process on what is normal anymore. They consider (and treat) muslims lower than pigs & dogs. Just as Hitler did to them. They are spawning these "terrorists" as you call it. Creating them, then citing them as terrorists as an excuse to further their actions.
So who are the real terrorists here?
Look at what they're doing right there in Gaza....and you wonder why there is anti-semitism? You're actually surprised of that in anyone?
Jesus was also a semite, yet christians have harbored anti-semitic feelings for centuries. The fact that palestinians have a semitic background does not preclude them from hating jews.
Curious...ok, if someone proves that Israel was right about Palestinians wanting them to expell them. What then? What would you wish be done? Won't negiotiations be required there as well? Why consciously avoid the obvious if your intentions are pure?
Negiotiation is the only option. Not war. So it has to be done peacefully. So they must both decide to live in peace. If not, it requires genocide. Which is absolutely impossible as muslims live everywhere on the planet in every country.
So....more war and polarized opinions anyone?
What do you mean "if someone proves..."?
Was Al-Zahar not speaking on behalf of most palestinians when he said, "Palestine from the river to the sea"?
Negotiations? Did Israel not pull out of Gaza, Southern Lebanon, and parts of the West Bank? Weren't those three things the main points of controversy between Israel and its neighbors? What more do you want?
You do realize that even after Israel conceded those pieces of land, the suicide bombings did not stop, right? That is something that you are aware of, aren't you?
How the hell does one pull out of Gaza? step back 100, 500 feet? They still control what goes to and from namely the all streets, shipments etc...
I'm sure they were doing a great job at "maintaining the sentiment".
So as to my question, what would you do to fix the situation other than running around pointing fingers sniffing out any anti-semitic disturbance in the air?
Where do you see it eventually leading? negiotiation, or more war, as the solution? Why delay the inevitable course of negiotation?
How fdo you feel about the inevitability that you have to wrap you arms around the nearest palestinian, pant a big sloppy kiss on him and her, again and again every day and call them brother and sister?
How's that make you feel inside?