Is the U.S. Economy Teetering On the Brink of Collapse?

The U.S. dollar has fallen in value more than 40% during the past few years relative to the Eurodollar. The decline continues and international investors who hold $4.6 trillion in U.S. treasury bills, corporate bonds and stocks are starting to panic. The massive U.S. Federal deficit and the equally massive U.S. trade deficit both conspire toward even lower value for the U.S. dollar.
The time may soon come when personal and corporate bankruptcy may be a crime. If you borrow money and do not repay it, you may be given the opportunity to repay your debt by means of forced labour in a prison camp.
This return to forced (slave) labour in the American economy will be a direct consequence of the coming shortage of energy from oil.
The time may soon come when personal and corporate bankruptcy may be a crime. If you borrow money and do not repay it, you may be given the opportunity to repay your debt by means of forced labour in a prison camp.
This return to forced (slave) labour in the American economy will be a direct consequence of the coming shortage of energy from oil.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I could be wrong, but something like this:
and perhaps this?
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
No. But the performance of my mutual funds, the multiple interest rate raises by the Fed, the unemployment and new job numbers, etc. say that it is.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
What kind of jobs are being created? skilled or unskilled? high paying or low paying?
ask average joe how the economy is doing , he will wipe his ass with your mutual fund
stagnant wages and rising cost of living are the real economic indicators for main street USA, not Wall Streets bottom line
i am not buying this one
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
seen the price of an education today? i am thinking about going back, but the $ is a big negative for me?
i think college is a only pay for the piece of paper... i could learn most of the stuff on my own, for free?
and lets face it, not everyone is going to go to college, i am sure you did and thats great, but it is not for everyone, and it shouldnt be the only way to make a decent livable wage in the free world? IMO
shit, my country was built by, and runs on today, blue collar workers
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
If you borrow money and do not repay it, you may be given the opportunity to repay your debt by means of forced labour in a prison camp.
What's up with all the concentration camps being built in the US? last I heard about 800 of them?! correct me if I'm wrong on this 1.
I'm not sure I would rule 100% that out very easily
Yeah and the average German pays about 55% income tax, so before you think they have it so great, think about that for a moment. Over half your paycheck going to the state. Now granted they get free health care and 8 weeks of vacation. Not a bad trade off. There's no perfect system I suppose.
the other foot in the gutter
sweet smell that they adore
I think I'd rather smother
-The Replacements-
Is school still free in Germany i.e. university?
the other foot in the gutter
sweet smell that they adore
I think I'd rather smother
-The Replacements-
Not too many dummies in Germany from what I can see, but if I'm wrong, just move on over to the US of A and you'll fit right in.
very true.
i know many a 'blue collar' worker who's salary would be the envy of many a 'white-collar' worker. a skill is a skill, whether that skill be a computer programmer or a master craftsman.
also the small hurdle of learning to speak german.
if you add up the cost of 8 weeks vacation, a lifetime of government-funded healthcare and a university education, that 55% doesn't sound nearly as bad...but yes, more than half? yikes. i wonder if we americans added up our costs, what kind of percentage it would end up being? hmmm......
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
There's your homework project. Get back to me on those figures ASAP
the other foot in the gutter
sweet smell that they adore
I think I'd rather smother
-The Replacements-
that's what the majority do here, just gloom and doom 24 hours a day. No wonder they're always in a bad/pissed off mood.
I am average Joe and I was contributing money to mutual funds through my 401K even when I was less-than-average Joe...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Changing the income tax to the fair tax (consumption tax + prebate) would broaden the tax base considerably and would be at least revenue neutral. It's really the only good answer to Social Security and Medicare costs, even though they both need to be reformed anyhow.
Oops I forgot the world is humming along quite nicely these days... which rock do you perhaps live under again?