Kucinich Scores 77% in Independent Poll


Independent vote a key factor in NH, 28 other states
Democratic Presidential Candidate Dennis Kucinich, who has been the runaway winner in polls of the Party’s progressive, grassroots base in recent weeks, scored a landslide win yesterday by capturing almost 77% of the vote in a nationwide poll sponsored by a coalition of Independent voting groups across the country.
Of the more than 80,000 votes cast for Democratic candidates at http://www.independentprimary.com by self-described independent voters, the Ohio Congressman received 61,477 – more than three times the combined total of all the other candidates. Former Senator John Edwards came in second with only 7,614 votes, or 9.5 percent. Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were third and fourth respectively.
‘Long shot’ Kucinich scores 77% in independent voter poll
Independent vote a key factor in NH, 28 other states
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Democratic Presidential Candidate Dennis Kucinich, who has been the runaway winner in polls of the Party’s progressive, grassroots base in recent weeks, scored a landslide win yesterday by capturing almost 77% of the vote in a nationwide poll sponsored by a coalition of Independent voting groups across the country.
Of the more than 80,000 votes cast for Democratic candidates at
http://www.independentprimary.com by self-described independent voters, the Ohio Congressman received 61,477 – more than three times the combined total of all the other candidates. Former Senator John Edwards came in second with only 7,614 votes, or 9.5 percent. Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were third and fourth respectively.
Nationally, more than 40 percent of voters are not aligned with any political party, and, in 29 states, including New Hampshire, “Independents” have the option to select either the Republican or the Democratic ballot in a Presidential primary. In Iowa, only Democrats can vote in the Jan. 3 Democratic caucuses, and the total turnout there is expected to be less than 10% of the eligible voters statewide (Washington Post).
This is the latest in a string of exceptionally strong finishes by Kucinich in national on-line polls. Last month, he topped all other candidates in 47 of 50 states in a poll sponsored by Democracy for America (DFA), in which he received almost 32% of the 150,000-plus votes cast -- more than Edwards and Senator Barack Obama combined. In that poll, Kucinich won both Iowa and New Hampshire. In a survey by the 90,000-member Progressive Democrats of America, Kucinich took 41% of the vote nationwide. And, in a poll conducted by the progressive The Nation magazine, he won with 35% of the vote. Obama came in second with 24%, and Edwards was third with 13%.
The creators of IndependentPrimary.com said their poll was designed to measure the impact of independent-minded voters on the Presidential election and was “part of a movement bringing together ordinary Americans who think that the good of the country is more important than the good of the political parties.”
In many national polls, Kucinich is running ahead of senators Joe Biden and Chris Dodd, and is in a statistical tie with New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson. And, his poll numbers in New Hampshire are strong and growing.
In Iowa, however, Kucinich has been purposefully excluded from several Presidential debates and Party-sponsored events, leading political observers to wonder whether the “game” in Iowa is rigged against him.
7/16/06 7/18/06