I am not necessarily for abortion, I would definetly suggest that a woman look into other options other than abortion, but I am pro-choice. I also support stem cell research as well.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
I personally wouldn't want my fiance or daughter of the future to get an abortion. That doesn't mean I don't think others who don't feel the same way I do, should be denied the right to have one. Stem Cells can only do good. There was a time when test tube babies was "playing God", and think of all the good that has done in the world
The reason I wanted to know was, how could you be for both???? One has to do with killing life and the other has to do with saving life, so how could someone be for both?
The reason I wanted to know was, how could you be for both???? One has to do with killing life and the other has to do with saving life, so how could someone be for both?
One has to do with a woman controlling her own reproductive life.
The other has to do with scientists trying to cure disease.
I see no reason why either should be illegal.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
The reason I wanted to know was, how could you be for both???? One has to do with killing life and the other has to do with saving life, so how could someone be for both?
I don't think anyone is 'for' abortion. It's a private medical procedure that should be available for all women if they feel the need.
The reason I wanted to know was, how could you be for both???? One has to do with killing life and the other has to do with saving life, so how could someone be for both?
To me abortion is not killing a life. That is how I can be for both. I mean how can people be pro-death penalty and pro-life at the same time. They simply are and shouldn't have to justify their beliefs.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Much like marijuana, abortion is a medical procedure intended to improve the quality of a patient's life. For a government to impose their own biased morality against those who are suffering (emotionally or physically) is flat out wrong. I tend to think less of people who have abortions, and have actually found myself even more disgusted by the procedure as I have had kids of my own. I still think that it's none of the government's business to intervene in someone's medical life.
Stem cell research is the biggest breakthrough in medical science since the vaccination. The prospects for treatments of SO many diseases are SO promising and yet again our government stands in the way. The really sad thing to me is that 50% of these individuals who have the power to stop stem cell funding claim much stronger religious beliefs than I believe they really hold in their hearts. If you're a well educated Senator from Nebraska or Arkansas, were elected to office because of strict social conservatism rooted in your "faith", even though you may completely understand the need for/science behind stem cell research, you're forced to vote against it because of your wanting to stay in office. Public funding of stem cell research would obviously result in a great medical revolution in this country. These are the positive revolutions that the world expects a nation like America to export to its shores and borders. This is the technology and knowledge that America can share with the rest of the world to restore the association of dignity and promise with the American flag that has simply vanished in the past 5-10 years.
"Worse than traitors in arms are the men who pretend loyalty to the flag, feast and fatten on the misfortunes of the nation while patriotic blood is crimsoning the plains." -- Abraham Lincoln
To me abortion is not killing a life. That is how I can be for both. I mean how can people be pro-death penalty and pro-life at the same time. They simply are and shouldn't have to justify their beliefs.
Abortion is killing a life no matter what you want to believe. Its a fact, Its reality. You abort a baby, you killed the baby. Abortion in my opinon should not be a right for people. There is such thing as too many rights in life and killing a baby is abortion.
Abortion is killing a life no matter what you want to believe. Its a fact, Its reality. You abort a baby, you killed the baby. Abortion in my opinon should not be a right for people. There is such thing as too many rights in life and killing a baby is abortion.
Babies don't spring into being all of a sudden. Pregnancy is a process. Abortion halts that process before it produces a baby.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
Abortion is killing a life no matter what you want to believe. Its a fact, Its reality. You abort a baby, you killed the baby. Abortion in my opinon should not be a right for people. There is such thing as too many rights in life and killing a baby is abortion.
I personally agree with you, but only because I believe it is a life. However, its not nearly fact the way you state it. Many people don't think that an unborn baby (at least for much of the pregnancy) is a "life". That's why I can understand their position. If I didn't believe it was a "life" I would be pro-choice. However, after taking quite a few biology courses, it seems clear to me that it is a "life". That's the only reason why I'm against abortion.
I think instead of abortion being relied on, there should be other better options.
I don't know if I'm for or against stem cell research, I don't know enough about it, but I think that I am for it.
For the record, I'm against the death penalty.
you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane.
I personally agree with you, but only because I believe it is a life. However, its not nearly fact the way you state it. Many people don't think that an unborn baby (at least for much of the pregnancy) is a "life". That's why I can understand their position. If I didn't believe it was a "life" I would be pro-choice. However, after taking quite a few biology courses, it seems clear to me that it is a "life". That's the only reason why I'm against abortion.
I think instead of abortion being relied on, there should be other better options.
I don't know if I'm for or against stem cell research, I don't know enough about it, but I think that I am for it.
For the record, I'm against the death penalty.
I respect your opinion. I am 50/50 on the death penalty. Because, people have a choice to do good or bad things in life and when you decide you want to kill someone, then you should be ready for what ever happens. A baby does not have a choice, a baby has done nothing wrong in the world and a mother can just kill it if she wants.......
I respect your opinion. I am 50/50 on the death penalty. Because, people have a choice to do good or bad things in life and when you decide you want to kill someone, then you should be ready for what ever happens. A baby does not have a choice, a baby has done nothing wrong in the world and a mother can just kill it if she wants.......
A man convicted of a crime and gets the death penalty, when in fact he is innocent, isn't given much of a chance either.
Abortion is killing a life no matter what you want to believe. Its a fact, Its reality. You abort a baby, you killed the baby. Abortion in my opinon should not be a right for people. There is such thing as too many rights in life and killing a baby is abortion.
It is embryos and fetus' that are being aborted, not babies.
Telling a woman that she can't have an abortion because you don't think its right, is like me telling you that (for example, if you had cancer) you can't get the cancerous cells because I don't agree with it. You wouldn't like me telling you what to do with your body, would you?
This is the problem with this debate. This thread has quickly turned into an abortion debate while the bigger issue at hand is the government's reluctance to fund stem cell research. While abortion's effect on the population is debateable, depending on when you believe life truly begins, the underfunding of stem cell research is directly contributing to the suffering and deaths of millions around the globe. These millions are truly alive, there is no debate about it. Yet in today's political climate the argument always turns back to abortion. It's like trying to figure out whether to cook your eggs sunnyside up or scrambled while the bacon on the other burner is starting a grease fire.
"Worse than traitors in arms are the men who pretend loyalty to the flag, feast and fatten on the misfortunes of the nation while patriotic blood is crimsoning the plains." -- Abraham Lincoln
The government does not need to fund stem cell research. The government should not fund stem cell research. Stem cell research should be an irrelevancy to government.
The government does not need to fund stem cell research. The government should not fund stem cell research. Stem cell research should be an irrelevancy to government.
So I assume you feel the same concerning vaccinations.
"Worse than traitors in arms are the men who pretend loyalty to the flag, feast and fatten on the misfortunes of the nation while patriotic blood is crimsoning the plains." -- Abraham Lincoln
So when the bird flu pandemic hits America and there are no vaccinations available, who are you going to blame? Do you really believe that any corporate entity would gamble billions on creating enough of this vaccine to sell to the entire population? Is a vaccination against a pandemic which makes its way upon our shores not in all actuality a form of defense? I know from reading on here for awhile that you definitely one all about some defense. Seems hypocritical.
Stem cell research is much the same, it's providing a defense against diseases that ordinary Americans cannot defend themselves against.
"Worse than traitors in arms are the men who pretend loyalty to the flag, feast and fatten on the misfortunes of the nation while patriotic blood is crimsoning the plains." -- Abraham Lincoln
I am for abortion but only under two circumstances.....If the mother was raped or if the mother's life is at stake if she gives birth. I am for stem cell research
Noblesville 6/22/2003 St. Louis 5/4/2010 East Troy 9/4/2011
Cleveland 5/20/2006 Columbus 5/6/2010 Chicago 7/19/2013
Cincinnatti 6/24/2006 Noblesville 5/7/2010. Buffalo 10/12/2013
Lollapalooza 8/5/2007 Mountain View 10/23/2010 Cincinnatti 10/1/2014
Washington D.C. 6/22/2008 Mountain View 10/24/2010 St. Louis 10/3/2014
Chicago 8/22/2008(EV Solo) St. Louis 7/1/2011 (EV Solo) St. Paul 10/19/2014
Kansas City 5/3/2010 East Troy 9/3/2011 Milwaukee 10/20/2014
Hampton 4/18/2016 Columbia 4/21/2016 Lexington 4/26/2016
NYC 5/2/2016
So when the bird flu pandemic hits America and there are no vaccinations available, who are you going to blame?
I'm not going to "blame" anyone. No one has an obligation to produce vaccinations against the "bird flu pandemic". However, if the bird flu ever hit America I'd be quite thankful for companies like Chiron who produce such vaccines.
Do you really believe that any corporate entity would gamble billions on creating enough of this vaccine to sell to the entire population?
Umm...a couple already have.
Is a vaccination against a pandemic which makes its way upon our shores not in all actuality a form of defense?
I know from reading on here for awhile that you definitely one all about some defense. Seems hypocritical.
Not sure where you got that idea.
Stem cell research is much the same, it's providing a defense against diseases that ordinary Americans cannot defend themselves against.
By "ordinary Americans" I'm assuming you mean the 12% in poverty. I'll happily buy 10 vaccinations for the poor when I buy one for myself. However, I'm not really interested in forcing you or anyone else here to do the same, particularly if you have a moral objection. Same goes for stem cells.
I'm not going to "blame" anyone. No one has an obligation to produce vaccinations against the "bird flu pandemic". However, if the bird flu ever hit America I'd be quite thankful for companies like Chiron who produce such vaccines.
Umm...a couple already have.
Not sure where you got that idea.
By "ordinary Americans" I'm assuming you mean the 12% in poverty. I'll happily buy 10 vaccinations for the poor when I buy one for myself. However, I'm not really interested in forcing you or anyone else here to do the same, particularly if you have a moral objection. Same goes for stem cells.
There haven't been enough batches of the vaccine produced to cover even you, Mr. Middleclass.
There are no corporations interested in spending the money necessary to properly research stem cell treatment. As it stands now, there is no profit to be made from research findings...not to mention, the majority of research is occurring in the laboratories of academia, aka non-profits. A much larger investment in this research by the government would save them money in the long run. The enormous costs billed to government for treatments on diseases which could be cured by stemcell treatment could be wiped clean. Once the treatment is understood and manipulated to a commercial form, it will present a huge boon to the economy. Also, as I mentioned before, this is the kind of thing that will help other nations to once again look favorable upon the US.
I'm not as fiscally conservative as you, but I am a conservative. You live in much the same utopic mindset as those on the far left that you lambaste day in and day out.
"Worse than traitors in arms are the men who pretend loyalty to the flag, feast and fatten on the misfortunes of the nation while patriotic blood is crimsoning the plains." -- Abraham Lincoln
why is stem cell wrong?
Stem cell is not wrong. Destroying an embryo is. Just my opinion.
If you want to extract stem cells from your embryos, knock yourself out. Just don't ask me to pay for it or to sanction it.
But I am also pro-stem cell research.
The other has to do with scientists trying to cure disease.
I see no reason why either should be illegal.
To me abortion is not killing a life. That is how I can be for both. I mean how can people be pro-death penalty and pro-life at the same time. They simply are and shouldn't have to justify their beliefs.
Stem cell research is the biggest breakthrough in medical science since the vaccination. The prospects for treatments of SO many diseases are SO promising and yet again our government stands in the way. The really sad thing to me is that 50% of these individuals who have the power to stop stem cell funding claim much stronger religious beliefs than I believe they really hold in their hearts. If you're a well educated Senator from Nebraska or Arkansas, were elected to office because of strict social conservatism rooted in your "faith", even though you may completely understand the need for/science behind stem cell research, you're forced to vote against it because of your wanting to stay in office. Public funding of stem cell research would obviously result in a great medical revolution in this country. These are the positive revolutions that the world expects a nation like America to export to its shores and borders. This is the technology and knowledge that America can share with the rest of the world to restore the association of dignity and promise with the American flag that has simply vanished in the past 5-10 years.
Abortion is killing a life no matter what you want to believe. Its a fact, Its reality. You abort a baby, you killed the baby. Abortion in my opinon should not be a right for people. There is such thing as too many rights in life and killing a baby is abortion.
I personally agree with you, but only because I believe it is a life. However, its not nearly fact the way you state it. Many people don't think that an unborn baby (at least for much of the pregnancy) is a "life". That's why I can understand their position. If I didn't believe it was a "life" I would be pro-choice. However, after taking quite a few biology courses, it seems clear to me that it is a "life". That's the only reason why I'm against abortion.
I think instead of abortion being relied on, there should be other better options.
I don't know if I'm for or against stem cell research, I don't know enough about it, but I think that I am for it.
For the record, I'm against the death penalty.
I respect your opinion. I am 50/50 on the death penalty. Because, people have a choice to do good or bad things in life and when you decide you want to kill someone, then you should be ready for what ever happens. A baby does not have a choice, a baby has done nothing wrong in the world and a mother can just kill it if she wants.......
A man convicted of a crime and gets the death penalty, when in fact he is innocent, isn't given much of a chance either.
I know thats why im 50/50 on the death penalty. Its not the death penalty that messed up its the system.
A little off topic, but did anyone see the Life of David Gale? Its exactly about what ledvedderman just said. Awesome movie.
It is embryos and fetus' that are being aborted, not babies.
Telling a woman that she can't have an abortion because you don't think its right, is like me telling you that (for example, if you had cancer) you can't get the cancerous cells because I don't agree with it. You wouldn't like me telling you what to do with your body, would you?
So I assume you feel the same concerning vaccinations.
Very much so, yes.
So when the bird flu pandemic hits America and there are no vaccinations available, who are you going to blame? Do you really believe that any corporate entity would gamble billions on creating enough of this vaccine to sell to the entire population? Is a vaccination against a pandemic which makes its way upon our shores not in all actuality a form of defense? I know from reading on here for awhile that you definitely one all about some defense. Seems hypocritical.
Stem cell research is much the same, it's providing a defense against diseases that ordinary Americans cannot defend themselves against.
Cleveland 5/20/2006 Columbus 5/6/2010 Chicago 7/19/2013
Cincinnatti 6/24/2006 Noblesville 5/7/2010. Buffalo 10/12/2013
Lollapalooza 8/5/2007 Mountain View 10/23/2010 Cincinnatti 10/1/2014
Washington D.C. 6/22/2008 Mountain View 10/24/2010 St. Louis 10/3/2014
Chicago 8/22/2008(EV Solo) St. Louis 7/1/2011 (EV Solo) St. Paul 10/19/2014
Kansas City 5/3/2010 East Troy 9/3/2011 Milwaukee 10/20/2014
Hampton 4/18/2016 Columbia 4/21/2016 Lexington 4/26/2016
NYC 5/2/2016
I'm not going to "blame" anyone. No one has an obligation to produce vaccinations against the "bird flu pandemic". However, if the bird flu ever hit America I'd be quite thankful for companies like Chiron who produce such vaccines.
Umm...a couple already have.
Not sure where you got that idea.
By "ordinary Americans" I'm assuming you mean the 12% in poverty. I'll happily buy 10 vaccinations for the poor when I buy one for myself. However, I'm not really interested in forcing you or anyone else here to do the same, particularly if you have a moral objection. Same goes for stem cells.
There haven't been enough batches of the vaccine produced to cover even you, Mr. Middleclass.
There are no corporations interested in spending the money necessary to properly research stem cell treatment. As it stands now, there is no profit to be made from research findings...not to mention, the majority of research is occurring in the laboratories of academia, aka non-profits. A much larger investment in this research by the government would save them money in the long run. The enormous costs billed to government for treatments on diseases which could be cured by stemcell treatment could be wiped clean. Once the treatment is understood and manipulated to a commercial form, it will present a huge boon to the economy. Also, as I mentioned before, this is the kind of thing that will help other nations to once again look favorable upon the US.
I'm not as fiscally conservative as you, but I am a conservative. You live in much the same utopic mindset as those on the far left that you lambaste day in and day out.